Saturday, September 28, 2024

Clean Up and an Evening Out

The Ridge

On Friday, Sept. 27th, even though I had to clean the Mat, I didn’t get up until 6:45. Bill came up to say goodbye and I did some stretches before I rose. I wasn’t much worse for wear after yesterday’s brush crawling (that’s what it felt like, landing on my butt a few times!), so I was pleased about that. I made my tea, played my games and left the Ridge around 7:15.

Good morning!
Friday night's sunset turned out beautiful!
Looking like a pleasant morning here on the Ridge.

There were 3 customers in while I was there and I tossed our ‘Nancy’ chair quilts into the washer. 😊 I had a nice long chat with my favourite lady after she told me she lost her husband in April. Quite the story but it makes me all the happier for MAID and glad it is now an option to assist those who wish it in their ailing years. He was 89 and is now at peace – and so is she. She accepted my hug and wished us well on our winter journey.

My helper? Well, more like
my supervisor.

I came straight home after that and because the morning dew left everything quite wet, I sat inside with Gibbs and my book. I’m down to the last few chapters and it has been quite the eye-opener about Huntington’s Disease. I hope I never need to experience what I learned, in any way. I had enough batter leftover the other night from my keto pancakes that I had them for lunch today. They are so good.

What is it with fungi on wood?
A picture needed to be taken.

After clean up, we went down the lane with the wagon and Gibbs supervised while I gathered all the cut brush/branches from yesterday. Looking up, I see a big improvement and I have to say that Bill was quite overwhelmed when I told him what I’d done. 😊 With his arm/shoulder issue, he can’t reach overhead very far so this was a big help. He can use the chain saw on the couple that are left and we will have no more worries about those.

We sat together and enjoyed some quiet time.
He's under my chair but trying to get his butt tanned. 

Gibbs and I walked for the mail after 1:30 but either she hadn’t come yet or we had nothing. Hard to tell, she is seldom late. I thought he might have got another greeting card in the mail today. Gibbs slept on the stoop while I stretched out in my gravity chair with my book. I finished it by 3 and we came in for my shower and afternoon cuppa.

No mail today.

For those interested, Gibbs’ scratching has pretty much stopped. Thank goodness. I think I saw him once so far today and it was brief. We planned a quick, easy supper, toasted tomato and cheese sandwiches, as we bought tickets to see an Elvis/Roy Orbison/Johnny Cash impersonator at the Durham Community Centre tonight!  I’m very excited.

Today's meals

We’ve seen Roy LeBlanc before, years ago at a school board/work function and loved his entertainment. An evening of good music is always a treat, especially when you know all the songs! 😊 Bill was home by 5 and after a quick nap, and our meal, we got ready for our evening out. 

I knew it would be a beautiful.sunset tonight
but other than a peek out the doors at a gorgeous red sky,
no pictures unfortunately.

Well, we arrived at 6:20, doors opened at 6:30 and we found good seats facing the stage. The whole evening was a lot of fun. Roy did not disappoint, nor did Joe Passion who portrayed Jerry Lee Lewis exceptionally well. We had a great time!

A drink and a snack.
The food was a nice surprise.

The West Grey Lion’s Club offered a cash bar and a free lunch of chili, buns, beef, ham, cheese and pickles at 9 for hungry guests. We danced a bit but tapped our toes and clapped our hands a lot. What a great birthday present for both of us. We were home just before 10:30 and I went straight to bed.

Our evening entertainment.
Good night!

This was another really good day. Thank you for popping by.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun night ... I love those impersonators. We have an Elvis in this part of the country ... you cannot tell it's not the real one!!
