Friday, September 20, 2024

An Improved Day

The Ridge

On Friday, Sept. 20th, as we shimmy through the last days of summer and approach the first of the fall season, I woke to hear Bill getting ready for work. After he left, a bit later today because of his changed destination, I stayed in bed for another half hour. When I did get up around 7:30ish, I had my tea with Gibbs and did one of the blocking exercises.

Good morning!

With my online games played, I started into my next book. This one is from my sister-in-law, Liz, written by an author I’ve read before. Lisa Genova’s book, Inside the O’Briens, looks and sounds to be an emotional read but I like those almost as much as I enjoy a good mystery. 😊 I read a couple of chapters, just to test it and I’m sure it will be an interesting story, enough to keep me turning pages. 

My helper at the puzzle table

Bill called before 9 to let me know that a ‘tree trimmer’ guy that I’d been messaging with, was on his way to see which trees we wanted a free estimate on. Gibbs and I went out to meet Joe. He seemed to be a nice young man with the interest to help. Bush League Tree Services was his company name. We walked around as I showed him which ones we were talking about and he gave me an estimate (being quite decent) and left.

Lunch was an egg, bacon veggie omelette

We did not know what to expect (I think Bill had an idea) and since a month ago when I first messaged this man, our priorities have changed. The price is more than we are willing to put out at this time, but it gives us something to go on and we can look at the ones along the pond in the spring. They are starting to interfere with the hydro lines to the property and something needs to be done soon.

They're back again today.
Blue Jays and the Cardinal

 I left the Suite at 9:50 to take M into town for his errands and we were home, easily, within the hour. I made a stop at the post office again today, this time to mail the picture I got printed yesterday to Marilynne. Back home, I followed through on a plan I have had for the last few weeks. The bathroom is small but the wood cupboards still really show the dirt and dust from our everyday usage. I needed to clean them up.

Except for the floor, the bathroom
is polished

I first removed the t.p. holder from its current location (Bill has never liked it there but choices are limited). In Bayfield, at a thrift shop, I found a suitable replacement that takes up minimal space. I think it improves the look in there too, esthetics, you know? 😊 After wiping down every inch of the woodwork in there with a wood polish, I dusted a bit out in the living room. Where does it all come from? (I don’t really need an answer to that!)

At a yard sale in Bayfield, I bought this saucer hummer feeder
(like my other expensive one but smaller)
and it came with a suction and hook for the window.
I'm just testing it to see if it stays put. 
I'll be able to see them close up
If it works!

The rest of the day was outside until about 4. Well, outside for Gibbs and in the Bunky for me. His scratching has resumed, although we see nothing significant on his belly, so I called the vet to make an appointment next week. Gibbs needs his ‘travel chip’ (for lack of a better word) and she is going to look at another supply of the antihistamine for him. With no infection, we shouldn’t need the antibiotic. We’ll see on Wednesday.

It was a lovely day

I have missed working on the puzzle, it is quite enjoyable and it is pleasant out there with the windows open. I had to defrost the fridge freezer out there, I think I turned it up to high when things were thawing in there. Now that is done, eliminating a job for the next few weeks. 😊 Bit by bit. I cleaned the outhouse yesterday as we don’t seem to be using it much right now for some reason. Once I start with the garden cleanup, it is easy to use the outside facilities instead of indoors.

Bill was home by 5:30, so not early like he’d hoped. Oh well, it’s all $ in the bank. The temperature today was about 5 degrees less than yesterday but no breeze to speak of. It was quite a nice day. There is rain in the forecast, clouds have moved in, and it almost looks like it won’t know when to stop once it starts! Some tomorrow, minimal Sunday and then the gates open for a few days in a row while the temperatures drop. Of course, fall will be upon us!

Supper was good.

For supper, we finished the last two pork riblets with fried potatoes for Bill and a vegetable to share. We finished with apple crisp for dessert. I’ve had a good day. I watched the first episode of Survivor 47 last night and was on the edge of my seat through all of the challenges. If nothing else, it gets my heart pumping! Lorne and Sue, are you watching as well? 😊 

Look at that pretty sky!
Good night y'all!

Thank you all for stopping by. I hope only good things find you in this crazy world.

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