Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Rain Still Threatens but Falls Short of a Heavy Dose

The Ridge

On Tuesday, Sept. 24th, the forecast was pretty much calling for a wash out of a day. Because Bill is working outside on that big deck, he didn’t expect to be going in to work today. It didn’t rain overnight, to my knowledge, and this morning it was just cloudy and dull when we got up. I got up to kiss Bill goodbye at 6:15 and crawled back under the covers with Gibbs until 7ish. Bill said “I’ll probably only get a half day in before it rains”. I hopped in the shower before I had my morning tea.

Good morning!
This is the garden I cleaned up yesterday.

I’m starting this post at 1 pm and still dry, still no Bill. 😊 He’ll be happy, he is enjoying the job and the fact that it is full-time work. Don’t get me wrong, he is also counting down the days until he is done this fall/year. I am not having the same feeling as I have in the past, as far as being anxious to leave because of the work here.

But in the back corner, this large
hosta was still too pretty to cut back.

Last summer, I was frustrated with M’s not paying me and just couldn’t wait to get away. It was over the winter that I informed him I would not be doing any more work in his shop. It was a great day here yesterday, lazy, as you could tell from my blog post. We were inside most of the day, out of the dampness.  I watched a movie called October Baby last night and it was interesting. I enjoyed the story, parts of it based on a true scenario.

I didn't get pictures of the cupboard clean up
so here is my lunch.

Today, after my tea, I decided to make the best use of my indoor time. First, I vacuumed the Suite and then cleaned out (purged a bit) and re-organized the upper cupboards over the couch. The memory cupboard holds my homemade books, special things of Clemson’s, my bridal bouquet, some ‘taken-away’ early Gibbs toys, wedding/honeymoon/trip/cruise/Ladyfest albums plus some childhood mementos of Bill’s etc. I’ve labelled the albums so the not-so-obvious ones are now easily recognizable. 😊

Gibbs and I walked to the mail box
before it rained.
My little Punky-doodle is puttering along behind me.

Next to that cupboard is the holiday and games cupboard so I worked on the bottom shelf. Why do we keep empty boxes from things we’ve bought? Especially when it is long past the time we could or would ever return them anyway? Oh well, it freed up some space after removing them and the keeper games/decks of cards are all neatened up. The upper shelf is fine, stuffed with mostly Christmas ornaments.

This is evidence of little rain this summer.
The weeds and brush have taken over much of this
area of the pond on each side of the lane.

I feel that was an accomplishment and moved on to the cupboards over the recliners. This is where our plastic storage containers are kept so I was able to remove a couple of bulky items from there too. Good job, Patsy! We have a cloth bag ‘bag’ (for stuffing grocery bags in) under the sink and I’ve kept a few plastic ones for greasy/messy stuff and filled it with the cloth ones we now get from many stores. I have so many and this just makes sense. It did mean throwing out about 10 of the dreaded plastic ones but moving forward, that won’t be necessary.

I slipped back into the area Bill loves to cut
that takes me to the 'turtle log' area.

I had the last of the chicken chili for lunch with a roll and Gibbs and I walked down to check the mail. It was then that Bill texted me that he was on his way home. I can only assume they got rained out, it was 1:30. It started to spit here on our way back up the lane but I ventured back into the area Bill likes to cut (a cool little spot for tenters, if we knew any!) and although I scared 2 ducks off the pond, one lone turtle was perched on the log for me. 😊

Can you spot the one lone turtle?
He's a nice sized one too.

While at the lane, I deadheaded the
stalks of tiger lilies and hostas.
I'll clean up the leaves when it's dry.

Supper was leftovers and, as usual, they tasted great! There is still meatloaf and cauliflower for one more night but we’ll skip a night in between. M called and asked me over for 6 pm so he could give me some owed cash. I’m in! It will be nice to get that paid off. We cleaned up the pots and thermoses by hand and ran the dishwasher. We have ‘unlimited’ (kind of) water again! This has been another indoor day and I’ve read for most of the afternoon. The book is quite interesting.

Supper was good - again.

It was a cooler day, only 17C/63F at its peak but it was a good day. I had a phone call from Bridgette and Chris. They received the project I've been working on today in the mail. I hope they enjoy it half as much as the fun I had creating it! 

A sneak peak of the book.
Front cover
40 pages of love 💖

Back cover.
Good night!

Thank you for stopping in.

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