Saturday, September 28, 2024

Can You Say Clothing Exchange?

The Ridge

On Saturday, Sept. 28th Gibbs and I remained in bed until 7:15. He’d been out once already and came back to enjoy the leisurely Saturday morning with Mom. Bill was downstairs but in no rush to head to the field as the winds were gusting between 10 and 17 mph and the sky was heavy with clouds. No threat of rain though, unless minimal, so it should be a good day otherwise. There would be no flying, likely but the club meeting is at 11.

Good morning!
Heavy clouds starting out our day.

Depending on which way you look,
the blue patches of sky appeared.

I was excited for this day for my own reasons. My niece is hosting the fall Clothing Exchange this afternoon and she says the bags of clothes are piling up. Good thing she has a large lower level in their home. Hopefully, she gets a good turn out. This exchange thing started (maybe I’ve relayed this before?) in London when my girlfriend, Laurie, invited me to her friend’s place for a clothing exchange. Of course, free?, I jumped at the chance and had a blast.

Ho hum, clothing exchanges don't excite me, Mom.

From then on, we took turns hosting and I brought the ‘tradition’, shall we say?, to this area after retirement. It took off like a rocket. Mind you, my family of sisters, nieces etc. have always had our own private exchange at family gatherings for years. Mind you, not of quite the proportions of these today, although Audrey made a good show at LadyFest! 😊 We love our clothes and the price tag makes it even more thrilling.

As you come downstairs to their lower level
there are already many items to choose from.
We haven't emptied ours yet.

A glance into the main room, our bags around couch
to be emptied.

This is half way through.
We are all considerate and fold items we put back.
We also walk around many times, to find those items we might
have missed the first time!

So, I left at 12 or so, no need to eat, Joanne will have snacks. I had a stop at the LCBO first and then picked my Buddy up in town. I was happy that Pat was going with me today, we always really enjoy the time with other ladies. There were 12 of us and when we walked in, each one of us said ‘this is like a second-hand store!’ There was so much to choose from in all shapes and sizes, colours and styles so each of us left with something to take home. 😊 Joanne will donate what is left to a suitable charity.

Pat sits in the corner with her snack but I found her!

It was around 5 when we left for home. I dropped Donna at her home, Pat at hers and reached my own at 5:45. I had a large butt pork chop out for supper so Bill grilled it to share and I made mac and cheese with a vegetable inside. It was an easy meal but a good one. 

It was a tasty non-keto meal. πŸ˜€

After clean up, Bill went to the Hangar and I finished my blog post. This has been a nice day, turning out quite pleasant, 22C/75F and a lot of sunshine. I hope yours was nice too.

The sky is ever-changing tonight so there could be
more pictures in tomorrow's blog. Quite a show out there!

This is a beautiful start.
Good night!

Thank you for popping around!

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