Monday, September 16, 2024

Confused Pup, Changes to my Day, Cha-Ching

The Ridge

On Monday, Sept. 16th I woke at 5:30 when I heard Bill’s alarm going off. Back to work for one of my boys. Of course, we knew this would happen but there was a bit of a fuss at 6:30 when it was time for Bill to leave. Gibbs was at the door and wanted to go with Daddy. Bless his little heart, but he got in my dining chair with me at the window to watch the truck pull out in the dark. He was fine after that.

Good morning!
I was up before the sun this morning.
Not sure why.

After Bill left, we watched it pop from
my recliner chair.

We sat together, while I had my tea and when I got the vacuum out, he moved from room to room to avoid it. 😊 Goofy pants, he is. Has that bad old vac ever sucked up a dog? Maybe he knows more than I do! We went outside and he spent a lot of time at the Bunky, running from corner to corner. I’m sure he saw Chippy go under there yesterday and/or this morning.

He knows he is under there somewhere so maybe
if he just sits and waits, he'll come out. 

I needed to pick M up at 10 so didn’t do anything else until it was time to leave. On our jaunt into Durham, Robin called to ask if I could clean Williamsford bnb for her today. It was short notice and she would have accepted ‘no’ for an answer but I haven’t been needed much at all lately so jumped at the chance and the extra cash. 😊 I had planned on taking Gibbs to the Conservation area for a swim but tomorrow will also be a hot day so I said ‘yes’.

This is the second last dahlia to bloom
and it looks like I almost missed them.
They are on the back corner of the Bunky.

We have been blessed with this lovely weather.
We don't even notice the humidity but we still have
had the a/c on for a few days.

After dropping M off at home, I had a quick lunch at home using my sour dough bread and Bridgette and Chris’ wedding favour – Peach Rhubarb jam. Yum! It is delicious. She was a busy beaver the week before the wedding and had multiple flavours available for guests to take home. I decided to take Gibbs along with me so gave him a Gravol 30 minutes before it was time to leave.

Delicious rhubarb peach jam made by my
daughter's own hands. ♥
Of course, I'm bragging! She did it on the week before
her big day!

The little bum was pretty quiet for most of the way, I can definitely see an improvement in his behaviour on the road so that is good. He still doesn’t lay down to sleep but with an increase in the dosage of the pill, he might. We’ll play that by ear when the time comes. He wasn’t sure what to think so explored the house while I set about cleaning.

A month ago, I had a broken dahlia stem down at the
gate garden so I put it in this rain water pail.
The flowers died off and now the last 3 buds are blooming!
They are sure hardy this year!

He took the slippery, open, wooden stairs 2 feet at a time (which was adorable) but no way, no how was he going down them! At that point, getting him to come near me at the top step so I could carry him was a major endeavour! We managed. I won’t take him again; he is more comfortable at home. 😊

Still panting, but much better
in the car. 
Momma's helper today.

I left there at 2 and drove a little further to pick up a package for Gayle, that was delivered to their old address and then I headed home. I made a phone call to a park in Arizona and then got caught up in watching an interview between Dr. Phil and Trump – from a few months ago. I’m not political in any sense (and will not discuss it in person) but thought it wouldn’t hurt to see a bit of what’s happening in a country we frequent. It was interesting.

Bill was home later, around 5:30 so supper was late. I had a pork shoulder blade out for supper so Bill barbecued it with a few red potatoes on the side. Coleslaw was our vegetable tonight. It was all very good and a lot so I shared my portion of the chop with Bill. We cleaned up dishes, he made his lunch and we settled in for the evening.

Supper was good!

With the shorter days, the sunset is no longer in my view from the Suite window so I’m not able to capture it on camera……..without going outside. I’m hoping tomorrow turns out as nice as is forecasted so Gibbs and I can check out the ‘beach’ in town. 😊 With a high of 28C/82F again today, this has been a nice day. Earning a bit more cash than I expected to was a surprise. That’s always a bonus!

This memory is from 2017, on this day.
We are at Laurie Abel's clothing exchange
outside of London. What's interesting
is that the Arizona leggings Gayle is wearing, are hanging
on my hook now. 😂
Memories are fun!
Good night!

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. Nice day. Extra cash is always good!! Cooper doesn't do stairs at all ... I know very well the CARRY.

    1. It was and it is! I was surprised Gibbs came up the stairs at all!

  2. Poor Gibbs, I do hope he learns to relax on the drive. Is this new, or has he always disliked long rides?
    We're having similar weather here with temps 26-28C for the highs. It hasn't cooled off as much over night lately either.

    1. Gibbs was not like this for our first year of travel and he was just a baby. Starting the second year, he would get into the panting and whining. The Gravol seems to be helping.
      I'm loving the temperatures, as I don't feel the humidity.

  3. I like the leggings, and I'm sure you have some great tops for pairing with it. Countdown clock's ticking down! Maybe if Gibbs is a problem while on the road you can start out with the collar on to encourage him to lie down/be quiet to get him settled into the rhythm, IDK, it's a thought.

    1. Thanks, I like the leggings too! That was years ago and they are old but still comfy! :)
      Yes, thank you, we have tried with the collar and it helps him with barking but not with the panting.

  4. I have recommended this many times and am surprised that Bill has not tried it.
    I was a stubborn skeptic myself and it wasn't until I had no choice but to try it, that I found it works.
    Static Straps can be purchased or created by many different means. A simple piece of wire that hits the ground every minute or more, gets rid of the Static Electricity in the vehicle. Static Electricity causes, Car Sickness, falling asleep at the wheel, being overly tired after a drive and getting shocked when touching the doors.
    Kathy was a non-believer but can now tell me when they need adjusting. They work for animals as well as humans and no drugs are needed.
    Be Safe and Enjoy this beautiful weather.

    It's about time.

    1. I know you've recommended it and each time, Bill says that he should do that. However, he hasn't done it yet. Thanks Rick. I'll give him a nudge. I guess he is stubborn too!
