Thursday, September 26, 2024

Started out Slow, Caught up in the Bramble, Lovely Day

The Ridge

On Thursday, Sept. 26th I find myself talking to myself. What day is this? Ha ha, they are zipping by and it is hard to keep track. If I didn’t have the odd jobs that I do, I’d never know! I didn’t get out of bed for my kiss this morning, so Bill came up to take care of it. 😊 I had no reason to be up at 6:30 so Gibbs and waved him off and stayed in bed until 7:30. I wasn’t totally lazy, I did my exercises in bed.

Good morning!
It's gearing up for a lovely day!

When I got up, I had my tea and then washed for the day. I picked M up at 10 and took him into town. Back home I decided to dig up a small area to plant my Egyptian Walking Onions. I used the area where my original veggie garden is and put them in the ground. Apparently, they can be planted now and harvested over the winter. We’ll see! I covered them with a light screening to keep the critters from helping themselves.

I may change this covering up a bit
but I hope to come home to some growth
in the spring.

After making a delicious tortilla pizza for lunch, I cleaned up and went out to check out the small trees along the laneway, but mostly the ones on the pond’s edge. 

I'm loving my little pizzas.

The ones we had the quote on. Bill and I think we can take care of them ourselves, since the pond has receded in those areas and we can walk out pretty far. Well, I got curious to see what I could do on my own. It wasn’t easy, let me tell you, but I persisted, talking myself up the whole 2 hours. 😊

It was nice to see a Northern Flicker
this morning

And a robin returns
Sorry, it's blurry in my haste to capture him.
The Blue Jays, Mr. & Mrs. Cardinal, Chickadees
and Mrs. Goldfinch frequented the feeders today.

“You can do this, one more branch here, reach a bit more”. I tripped on the brambles and trees a few times but never ended up in the pond. That was part of my mantra too. Do not fall into the pond! With the exception of one larger tree closest to the road, I have managed to clip the branches that were touching the hydro line with our extended tree trimmer. I got kind of scratched up since I started in shorts and short sleeves. Duh!

Gibbs and I rested before lunch.

Look at our surprise visitor!!
I was so happy to see a baby survived the skunk!
I placed my watch down to show how small she is.
So cute!!
She walked to the driveway edge and slid down into the pond. 💗

I am proud of myself for getting out there and doing the best I can and as I walked into the brush, I tramped it down for Bill to get in with the chain saw. Just saved ourselves $300 and I feel good about that. 😊 I was pretty beat up, physically and mentally, when I quit but there Gibbs was, waiting on the stoop for me. We came in and I made a cup of tea before sitting out in my gravity chair to cool down.

I was in a few tangled messes down there
but had some successes! I topped the brown leafy branches
in the middle picture. When I got a booboo, I changed into
jeans and a longer sleeve shirt.

Bill was later getting home but now has a full tank of fuel again. We had leftover meatloaf and a vegetable with rolls for supper. It has been a great day for the outside work with mostly clear skies and although it started windy, the winds dropped off midafternoon. We’ve reached a high of 21C/71F today but dipping down to 9C/49F overnight.

Pretty colours in the yard today.

Gibbs wanted to run in the long grass of
the front field. Look at him go!
Then he crashes for attention. 💖
He makes my day.

I think I might feel some after effects tomorrow from reaching, stretching and bending my neck back but a few stretches before bed may help prevent some of that. We had showers after dishes were cleaned up and that heated water felt great on these 70-year-old muscles! Ha ha! Last night, we watched Survivor together and half hour of an NCIS rerun and I had to call it a night. 

Good leftover meal. I couldn't
finish all that meat loaf though. Back in the fridge it went.

Tonight, will be early too, I bet. Bill went to cut the front field at 6:30, it got missed last cutting. The sunset was pretty uneventful, although pretty enough, so no picture tonight. 

Another blurry picture but
Chippy gets in on the food train. 
Good night!

It has been a good day. Thank you for the visit!

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