Thursday, March 18, 2021

A Peaceful Day and a Stroll along the Lake

Paisley, On

On Thursday, Mar. 18th after saying goodbye to my working man, I slowly eased myself out of bed. Bill asked “what are you up to today?” I really didn’t have anything planned other than a walk and, some puzzle play so he made a suggestion. Last night we’d discussed a gift for a certain someone so it was a good idea to search something out. I added that to my agenda. 😊

The trail wasn't too bad but in spots I had to
move over and walk on the soft grass to get
out of the mud and puddles

The Canada flag is an indication of the strong winds
which got worse as the day elapsed

I had my tea and made a plan for supper before coming back upstairs. I didn’t get my blog finished so that was the first thing and then I bundled for my walk. The temperature was reading 0C/32F but I knew it was windy. No precipitation though and I knew that we ‘could’ see some sunshine later but that would be when the winds were gusting to 40 mph too. It was a good time to get out there. I’m glad I wore my scarf but I left the hat behind.

School would soon be underway and the traffic in and out
was frequent
School buses and parents

All lined up for the bell
I guess they are distanced

Towards the post office first, where I dropped a card in the box and carried on to the end of the main strip. The school crossing guard was there and so we chatted a bit before I crossed the street and caught the first trail to the south. 

The mill off in the distance as I turned for home

The periwinkle is thick in this yard

And now that the snow has melted, of course I had to pick up
this metal square for the Ridge

The one through the back yards still had some snow and I was in my running shoes. The wind was raw so I had my hood up most of the way. When I met the same man with his poodle/yorkie, (Porkie? Yoodle?), I got a doggie fix. What a cutie.

so, I walked as far as the book barn but that's it

I checked the Book Barn and picked out a copy of Oliver Twist, a movie I’ve seen but may or may not have ever read the book. Now, I can and isn’t life all about choices? Back at the house, Wes had left and I chatted a bit with Susan before making my way upstairs. Next time I went down was to make a coffee and I took it out to the garage. No worries about the puzzle now! It will be done the next time I sit back down at it. 😉

A beautiful house

And a lovely sign has been erected

W & S went out when he got home and when my coffee was done, I decided to go then too. It was just after 12 when I left. I drove straight through town to the Independent, it is closer to Port Elgin than it is to Hanover and I was looking for something in particular. Once I easily found it, I left and drove back towards the centre of town where I caught the first street ‘to the Main Beach’. I may not get another chance to drive along the lake and summer is wa-a-a-y too busy.

Arriving in Port Elgin within 15 minutes

Don't you just love the sign?

And ahead, is Lake Huron

I drove first towards the marina and parked there. I’m glad I did because I found the paved trails for walking or biking right along the water. The wind was still cool but I was bundled and it was actually better in amongst the trees. I took some pictures and turned back. It was cute seeing the small railroad track, I’ll bet the little people love that! Before I got off the trail, I heard the whisper ‘hug me’ and realized it could only be that tree – right there! So, I gave it a hug. I’m perfectly sane, by the way. Ha ha

It was a really pretty walk along here

One nice seating area if you like the sun (like I do)

Lastly, after leaving there and driving around the Main Beach without stopping, I stopped at the LCBO instead of going to the one in Paisley. I’m still shopping local. I got what I needed and scooted home. More puzzle time until I forced myself to stop and make a tea. I felt like a rest so started my blog first and then stretched out on the bed with a book.

It's so pretty watching and listening to the waves
rushing over the stones

This tree was grateful for the hug

FYI, that Alice Munro one with 8 short stories? Nope, not for me. I read the first story and it was confusing and didn’t ‘end’. The second one was worse. Within the first chapter, about 6 pages, I was totally lost who she was talking about and it sure wasn’t gripping me. Another choice. Close the book, give it a 1* rating on Goodreads and move on. I pulled out a James Patterson mystery that is bound to capture my attention. I’ll let you know!

If you don't like the sun so much, they've got a spot
just for you with your lunch

Bill texted within 6 minutes, (no kidding!), of me getting on the bed and covering up my legs with a blanket. 😊 I guess I had a couple of short chapters read. Isn’t that always the way? It’s okay, I’m happy when he gets out of work and home by 4:30 ish. I went down and unlocked the door for him before repeating the process. With a big day planned tomorrow (we’re getting the Suite!) he didn’t want to snooze today. Hopefully he will have a better sleep tonight.

I just made a circle in the parking lot and left
Nothing to look at here that appealed to me

Wes and Susan were going out for a short bit after they’d eaten so he called up that the kitchen table was all ours. It was only 5:30 but we were quite happy to start our burgers. Simple meal and we were upstairs with dishes done and a grocery list started for Costco by 6:30. The weather sounds favourable for tomorrow, the weekend and the best part of the week so that is good news.

Just one more sitting and this will be finished
It was fun!!

Easy supper with a tasty juicy burger

We will make a few trips, maybe only two, on Saturday and each time I go that way to work. Once we start, it shouldn’t take long. This was a nice day, with a walk, a lakeside stroll, a drive and some relaxing here at home. Once again, your condolences, words of comfort and prayers for us but especially for Derrick are very much appreciated. Thank you!

Last year, Mar. 18, 2020
We were having one of our last (bittersweet) Happy Hours
with our good friends, Ken and Kim

Thank you for stopping in.


  1. Nice that you both had an easy day and will have a more rewarding one tomorrow.
    Burger looks tasty.
    Safe Travels and Enjoy getting your home.

    It's about time.

  2. I loved your walk along the lake. So many great pictures. Big day tomorrow, good luck and hope you are able to place the Suite where you want it at the Ridge. Wow, lots of flowers and things coming up already. I noticed we have our first jonquil of the season at our lot. Spring is almost here!!!

    1. The walk along the lake was wonderful, I enjoyed it too. Thanks for the luck. :)
      Spring, yay!

  3. Sounds like a lovely day. That metal block is wonderful. Your puzzle is almost finished.

    I bet you will be happy to pick up the suite and get into your home once again.

    God bless.

    1. It was a nice day for sure. I hope I can make the block look decent enough to display at the Ridge. Not sure yet what I'll do with it. :)
      The puzzle will be done on Monday.

  4. That was a pretty walk along the lake! I'll bet it is exciting to start moving back to The Ridge :-)

    1. We're glad for the distraction and excitement of moving after getting some upsetting news. Good to occupy our minds. :)

  5. You're getting the rig!! How exciting!! Beautiful walk along the lake and to find that ceiling panel ... VERY cool. I have a couple in my kitchen. I think you did that puzzle in record time. It looks VERY hard, but you'll have it finished and be looking for another one today I'm sure!!

    1. Couldn't sleep properly so yup, a bit exciting! haha
      I might be looking for suggestions on the ceiling panel when the time comes. :)

  6. I'm excited for you! I can imagine how happy you are to know you'll be back at the ridge soon.

    I like that metal piece you found - the patina is lovely! Take care, stay well.

    1. Thank you, we are both thrilled with the adventure to move again. :)
      Ideas on the piece might be required!

  7. My that is one tough puzzle. Tell you're a puzzle pro😁 You're braver than I to take walks in such cold and windy weather but I'm sure it is invigorating. Counting the days till move day I bet🤗

    1. If there is something worth seeing on a walk, I forget the weather. Just like you and your hikes up on the hill!

  8. Love the tin! What a find! The walk is beautiful, what a difference from a few days ago! I know you're excited to be home! Your puzzles always amaze me! the burger looks yummy!
