Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Why I Don’t Like Being Late, Reminding me of Home

Paisley, On

On Tuesday, Mar. 9th I was awake with Bill’s alarm, even though it only wants to vibrate in the mornings. It was possible that it was just him grumbling at it that I heard. Not because he didn't want to get up but because through the day it rings with the tone he sets. In the morning, it only vibrates. Crazy thing. For the hour while he got ready, I tossed and turned, not able to drop off again. After he left at 6:20, I dozed from then until 7, looked at the clock and then from 7 to 7:25. LOL This time, I pushed myself to get up. I don’t like wasting the morning.

a nice bright sunny morning to start

It was looking to be a lovely day but I wasn’t ready to walk at that time so went down and brought a tea upstairs. The house was quiet so the landlords were sleeping in the front room. Around 10, I think, I went down and finished the puzzle almost wishing I hadn’t done it so quickly. 

Another one bites the dust

I like to leave them for a day before breaking them up so forced myself to leave it alone. W & S headed out with what they call their ‘Sunday’ car because it was such a nice sunny day.

The sidewalks get wider by the day

and the shadows longer

I decided it was a good time for a walk and to mail a card. After dropping it in the box, I carried on out of town to the south. I didn’t need a hat but I did wear my long, warm coat. By the time I reached the little Day Use Park at the end of Arnaud (?) St. I had my gloves off and the coat almost undone. It was gorgeous!

And the little streams of melting snow are nice to see

It wasn’t the easiest walk across the snow to the picnic table along the cliff bank (where it drops off steeply down to the river), but it wasn’t terrible either. Spring, spring, spring (bounce, bounce) was all I could think of. 😊 I sat at one of the tables even though they were knee high to a grasshopper in the snow, and took the opportunity to set up a selfie with the river behind me. Not sure how well it shows the water.

the park at the end of Arnaud St. 

It doesn't look so steep in the picture but it truly
is too steep to walk without poles
I'd end up in the river!

Back on the main street, I stopped at the post office to check mail. I was very surprised that my parcel from Alberta had arrived 2 days early. We ordered a special outdoor entry mat. Thank you, Marlene for the idea. It is really quite nice. You’ll see it when it is placed out front of the Suite door. Yes, a tease I can be. (I didn’t open it until Bill got home later though so we could see it at the same time.)

I played with my selfies

Or played in the snow 😃

After shedding my coat, making a coffee and retrieving my book from upstairs, I went outside in my sweater and sat on the south facing bench. The sun was just above the motor home and it felt amazing! 

The steep incline to the half frozen river

I chuckled at the little green tree coverings
We have one on the Ridge over my Hibiscus

Heading home, this street ends at Water St. along the 
Saugeen River

Shutting my eyes, I could be in Arizona. There was no wind there at all and I enjoyed sitting reading as the world went on around me. It reminded me of the first days of warmth when we had our house in London. I’d go out on the back deck in my coat with my face exposed to the sun.

Bring it on!

At 1:00, I remembered (and with the help of Bill’s texts) that I still hadn’t finished yesterday’s blog. Darn, I’m so forgetful! I hate being late publishing it as once I get it done, it is time to start on the current day’s post. So, upstairs I finally hit the ‘publish’ button on Blogspot. Bill texted minutes later to tell me he was on his way home. How nice! It was only 2:15. I unlocked the door and went out to the bench to wait. The wind had picked up so it wasn’t as comfortable.

My view across the street

We came upstairs and relaxed for the afternoon. I’d made huge steps this morning with the income tax information for Mom and got the answers I needed. It was a huge relief talking to our accountant’s assistant so I can drop those things off tomorrow while in Durham. Phew! They have also agreed to take Bill and I on as clients and will do our I.T. as well. It will be nice to have everything completed as Executor of Mom’s estate and put it behind me.

Signs of spring

Just after 5:30, we went down and I began making my mess in the kitchen. There is just no mess-free way to fry burgers, especially fat juicy homemade ones, on a stove. Oh, those are the moments I miss the Weber bbq. I’m getting pretty good at knowing when they are done though so I don’t overcook them. They tasted great though and we had some more coleslaw on the side with a cupcake for dessert. I brought them out of the freezer so Bill would have dessert for his lunch.

a simple supper
The hardest part was the clean up around the stove!

The cupcakes are still so fresh

After dishes, I came up while he made that lunch and I tried really hard to get this blog done tonight! 😊 Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn’t. Jeopardy is at 7:30 and NCIS is at 8, with the ‘family’. 

A screen shot of our temperature on my phone
But I like the wallpaper I have on
Mom and I laughing up a storm
It seems fitting after working on her paperwork today

This was a wonderful spring-like day and I enjoyed the fact that I could get my walk in and find a couple of sunny spots to sit in the meantime. Another puzzle is finished too so on Thursday, I can start a new one.

today's memory is from Mar. 9, 2019
at Tres Rios RV Resort, Glen Rose, TX
camped beside our buddies
Good night!
Before I say goodnight, a Happy Birthday wish goes out to our daughter-in-law, Chaela. I hope it was a great day!

Thank you for coming by for a visit. As always, your comments are appreciated very much.


  1. Gosh, I'm really thinking you may be in springtime!! Doesn't the sun feel good? It's been cold here, so you haven't missed a thing. I don't know how you finished that puzzle so fast. It looks pretty daunting to me!!

    1. Check back with us next week, the temps will be dropping to more normal Ontario weather. Cold. Yeuck!

  2. I love that it looks like Spring is coming your way! I did notice a little grass popping up probably turn to weeds LOL. Love the pics of you outside, so cute! It will be nice to have things finished up for your mom. Love the pic of the two of you! The puzzle did really turn out nice. Dinner looks great, love a good burger!

    1. I get a bit overly excited when the days warm up and then get bummed when it turns cold again but it is too soon for the good stuff to stay. I know that. 😎 so I bring it on myself. Ha ha. The puzzle was a really nice one again.

  3. Definitely looking more like spring there. We had 7C the other day too, then yesterday it snowed! We probably got 2 1/2 to 3 inches, yuck.

    Take care, stay well.

    1. Yes, I'm sure we'll see more of that crappy white stuff again but at least some of our piles are melting. :)

  4. Glad to see things are warming up for you.
    Looking forward to seeing your new door mat.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  5. Since I already know what the new door mat looks like, I am looking forward to see it placed in front of your rig up on the Ridge. BTW Spring has arrived in our area and I am urging you to look for it coming to you very, very soon. I have spotted the first Robin in our yard today, the birds are nesting and while raking the (snow free) lawn I discovered the Dandelions coming up with little yellow buds!

    1. Sneak preview soon, I hope, up on the Ridge. ;) We love it, thank you for the tip!
      Thank you for the prelude speech to spring, we are so ready! although, honestly, we aren't counting our chickens just yet, nor robins! My sister 40 minutes east (?) of us saw 2 today in their yard so maybe they are at our homestead too!
      I wondered if you were raking the snow - teehee

  6. Glad it's warming up. You look comfy walking along the river. Great picture of you and Mom laughing up a storm. Great moment. Being an executor is a big responsibility and I'm sure you'll be happy to have it behind you.

  7. A warm spot to sit in the sun means spring is really here!
