Saturday, March 5, 2022

Digging our Heels In, Meeting a Fellow Blogger

Park Place RV Resort

On Saturday, Mar. 5th we woke up to the increased winds. It was expected so we weren’t surprised. It was nice that the clouds had moved on and we had clear sunny skies. Gibbs got out for our walk at 7:30 leaving sleeping beauty still in bed. It was a restless night for me, going to bed and to sleep at 10, but awake at midnight, not able to get comfortable until 2. I was awake when Bill crawled into bed just after 1. Night hawk! Guess who will sleep well tonight?

Don't ever think it can't get worse
Diesel price up .20¢ overnight

Gibbs felt like walking today so we did the full gamut and returned home to find the bedroom door still closed. This always upsets our baby; he can’t get up there with his Daddy. He whined for a bit after eating his breakfast and then settled on the step to wait. He waited about half hour until the door opened. Yay! Daddy is okay! 😊

These were the only clouds in the sky this morning

Two Old Glorys showing the wind direction

I’d finished my book last night so when I sat in my chair, I read the Author’s Notes at the end. My book, The Alice Network, was excellent and because of the details and the way it was written, I wasn’t surprised it was based on the true historical events around the French secret agent, Louise de Bettignies. She was a spy in WW1 and author Kate Quinn added just the right number of fictional characters to weave her story. I highly recommend it and gee; it seems I’m doing that a lot!

Bill took this picture of our little
Sabre tooth tiger
Nancy, he still has this bone
It was quite the find in La Posa South, eh?

Bill left to fill up a propane tank and water bottle around 10 and I wandered over to work on the puzzle. Fred (2nd co-host) told Sue he was worried that I hadn’t shown up yet. Yeah, I guess I’m getting a name and reputation for myself! 😊 That’s fine, there are worse things to be known for than working on jigsaw puzzles. I made a dent and just before noon, walked home for lunch. I thought I'd be back so didn't take a picture. You'll see it tomorrow.

Gibbs sits like this a lot

I’d heard from a blogger friend, whom we’ve yet to meet in person, that he is in Quartzsite and that he was hoping to look us up today. It’s always nice to connect in person after reading their blog for so long. I was just about to take Gibbs out for his piddle around 2:00 when I saw the ’67 brown van pull up with the green kayak on top. I sure recognized that ride! 😊 We walked around to meet Bob from Bob’s Eyes and get another nice hug. Gosh, I love this life where we meet so many ‘new’ friends!

after Bill saying that he never sleeps on Daddy
this just happened with no encouragement 💓

It was windy but being able to sit in the sunshine for most of the visit, we stayed outside. I guess there was a method to my madness because we could control Gibbs outside better than in. Don’t get me wrong, he’s not a monster, BUT just ask Elva’s Jerry how annoying he was when he visited and we sat indoors. So, it went well out on the patio and when Gibbs started getting restless, chewing on the small stones, I put him back in the Suite, where he settled down.

This little van drew some curious looks
from our hosts 

We had a nice visit with Bob and when he said goodbye around 4:30, he promised to stop back around before he leaves the area. What a positive guy! Inside, Bill admitted to getting chilled out there so I made not only my tea but a cup for him as well. I should have offered Bob a cup earlier but honestly didn’t even think about it until we came inside. Sorry, Bob! Do you drink black tea? 😕

Nice to finally meet you, Bob!

For supper, I have ground beef out of the freezer. When shopping earlier in the week, Bill had asked for some Hamburger Helper and we decided once in a while, it wouldn’t hurt. That’s what we’re having tonight, it has been a long time! This is the Beef Stroganoff variety. I added some mixed vegetables in the cooking process and it tasted quite good for a change.

A paupers meal perhaps but it was tasty
never the less!

We loaded the dishwasher and as I finished my blog, I watched Hot Country videos and Bill watched a movie upstairs. The winds today never let up, at least at 7 o’clock they were still gusting between 14 to 30 mph. We debated putting our chairs away again but didn’t get to it. They should die down by 8 pm. We did reach our high today of 68F/20C and we’re still not complaining. 😊

This was a great day and having a visitor this afternoon added to that. It was great to meet Bob.

I got this in an email and it gave me a chuckle
Good night y'all!

Thank you for stopping around today!


  1. How fun to meet a fellow blogger! Sounds like a very nice visit! So windy here today too. Good day to fly a kite (and we saw one being flown when walking our dog this afternoon :)


  2. Very interesting van Bob has. Looking at it you wouldn't trust it to go 10 feet. Bob must give it life when he drives it. It was the same weather here today. That Gibbs always reminds me of our sweet Fergie. Sure hope that blasted wind dies down soon. :(😖

    1. Bob has sure looked after his wheels. Something new he wouldn't know how to repair, he says, the van is his baby.
      The winds were not fun at all. Glad for the reprieve today.

  3. Yup I love that van!! It's actually made me think about getting one. So fun to meet RV'ers on the road. I'm glad he got his van fixed!!
    That Gibbs ... I'm surprised he still has that bone. It was definitely a good find. Funny how he wants to be sure Bill is okay. You gotta love 'em!!!

    1. I'm glad he got the van fixed too. Maybe his return visit will intercept with your time here.
      That bone was a treasure!

  4. In all the time I've been reading Bob never have seen a picture of him. Glad you got one! Cute, how much Gibbs loves you guys :) We're watching the prices go up here daily...sickening! Your hamburger helper looks good with the added veggies, haven't had it in years but it was a staple when the kids were growing up LOL.

  5. He was quite happy to let me take a picture, plus i didn't really ask!!
    We ate the HH a lot too with the kids. Quick affordable meal.

  6. We topped out at 40mph last night!

  7. Well, if one wants to meet other fellow bloggers, Quartzite is the place, I guess. Great you got so meet up. As to high winds, we have them right now in Florida also. That photo of the signs is too funny!!

    1. You got that right about meeting up. Most of us come here at some point!
      I didn't want anyone to miss the turn. ☺

  8. Sweet Gibbs with his bone and sleeping with daddy. Jerry is back to getting up at 6:30 but for a long time he would sleep until 8 or 9am. Cindy would go in the bedroom and wake him up with her crying. She would let him know enough is enough. We used to eat HH all the time but with the diabetes that had to stop. I used to "doctor" it up too. I'm not familiar with Bob so I will have to look up his blog. Elva

    1. When Gibbs wakes up, 5:30, 6 or 6:30, he laid across Bill's neck as a hint. If it is before 6, Bill tells him to go back to sleep and he usually does for half hour. 💗
      Bob is a very smart guy. Lives on his own on his family property with his chickens. 😁 interesting to talk to.

  9. The news make it sound like gas prices aren't expected to stabilize until the fall. The Ukraine-Russia conflict is affecting prices across the world, but I did hear the OPEC has agreed to release more oil to increase the supply as well. How much of this is simply big oil companies taking advantage, I don't know. I guess we'll see. I filled up last week just before the price jumped another 12 cents a litre.

    The meme is hilarious!

    1. Too bad we need the fuel! Although we don't want electric vehicles. Don't think that is the answer.

  10. So nice you got to meet Bob. And glad he got his van fixed too!

    1. Thank you, it was great to meet him after following his blog for so many years. :)

  11. What a cute email.

    Love seeing Gibbs sound asleep on Bill.

    Gas is getting to be way expensive up here as well. Those prices look practically frugal in comparison.

    God bless.

    1. My friend sends some of the best emails! :)
      Gas is so scary, we're trying to not stress about our trip home.
