Thursday, March 17, 2022

The Life of RV’ing - St. Patrick's Day

Park Place RV Resort

On Thursday, Mar. 17th I’m surprised that I was still sleepy at 6:30 when Bill and Gibbs got up the first time. I went to bed last night at 9! I told you that a real margarita does me in. Once awake at midnight and then right back to sleep. Having my little window open was great, with a nice breeze coming in on my face.

Coming back from our walk,
Gibbs and I stopped over to check on Lori and Roland

Gibbs and I got up and went for our walk around the mid-block. On the way back, we stopped in to see how Lori and Roland were doing and it wasn’t good. It isn’t my story to tell but they are having some unfortunate issues with their electrical system and help in the area, at this time of year is hard to come by. I offered what we can but it sure isn’t very helpful so we’ll keep in touch.

Things were not good with the fiver 😟

Back home, Bill went with Nancy to take her rig in for solar installation. Yay! She has been waiting to do this since January. Again, not my story, you can read about it in her blog. The fun thing about it all, is that I get to bird sit with Johnathan, her parrot. 😊 We set him up on the hutch/entertainment centre and I watched the show Gibbs put on. What the heck is that, Mom? Quite the performance, let me tell you!

We had company today for a while

Gibbs, with his rum bottle in his mouth, sat 
looking at our company for a very long time
This is a bit beyond the point where I take
the bottles away

And even Cooper and his Mom came inside
Cooper wasn't sure what the heck was going on but
he was so good

Still watching the parrot

When Nancy, Cooper and Bill returned, we sat inside and then outside until 12:30. I was getting hungry and suggested we go ‘fast-fooding’ for lunch. I had eggs in the fridge but honestly didn’t feel like cooking, nor did eggs sound good to me. So, we left Gibbs at home to keep an eye on Johnathon and drove to Carl’s Jr. Cooper is the best little guy so was allowed to come along for the ride. 😊

Here is a cute picture of the little Coop

Nancy had her hands full 💖

Our last experience at Carl’s in Yuma wasn’t one to write home about but I have to admit that I fully enjoyed their Bacon Beast Burger combo very much. Won’t need much for supper tonight! 

Bacon beast burger

Nancy hadn't been to Celia's Rainbow garden so we drove
over there to show her parts of it
On a cooler day, next January, she'll explore further

I walked over to the puzzle and worked on it for an hour or so when Bill and Nancy went back to get her RV from Discount Solar. I made some pretty good progress but also chatted a fair bit with Heather. 

It's a cute little village

Back at home later, with Johnathan gone back home to his Mama () Bill dozed, Gibbs dozed and I just sat quiet for a bit. When things go wrong in your own RV, you can’t relax. But guess what? When things go wrong in the RV’s of our friends, and you can’t help, you can’t relax properly either. Things happen every so often to each of us and we deal with it. I just pray for a reasonable outcome for Lori and Roland.

A favourite picture of the day

For supper, it wasn’t a big deal. Bill was happy with mac & cheese and I fried the last 4 pieces of Silly Al’s pizza for me. I didn’t eat the edge crusts, but the rest was very filling and tasted almost as good as last nights. I even ate Bill’s leftover Hawaiian slice as I knew he wouldn’t. Bill loaded the dishwasher and we watched Swamp People while I worked on my blog.

The sky was quite pretty tonight and it moved quickly so I’m glad I slipped out during the cooking to get what I could in a picture. Beautiful! 

Getting ready for a pretty sky

This was a different kind of day and I enjoyed having a parrot for company for a while. He’s a sweet bird as long as you don’t try to touch him! 

This was a lovely sunset tonight

                                                       Good night!

Thank you for your visit.


  1. Beautiful skies!! What a fun day bird sitting! I can honestly say that is something I haven't done (yet).


  2. Sorry to read that Lori and Roland are having issues. Fingers crossed it is taken care of soon. It was nice meeting them last night. It was a very pretty sunset this evening. Cute picture of Nancy and Cooper. Gibbs certainly looked interested in your guest.

    1. We do feel bad about our friends' troubles, not much we can do but be there for them. :(

  3. Best friends forever ... thank you so much for bird watching!! How fun to watch Gibbs reaction!! Next time I'll just stay hooked up and not knock on your door!! I'm sending lots of good thoughts to your friends.

    1. Absolutely, best friends forever! This has been a great winter for getting to know you, even through your troubles. I loved bird watching!!
      You better knock on our door if you need help!

  4. I am sure that was an interesting experience for Gibbs to have a bird and another dog visiting. Those pizzas sure look tasty and I wouldn't mind having one of those for dinner here in our area. Guess we have to come all the way to Quartzite to get it :-)

    1. It was fun watching Johnathan and fun watching Gibbs' reaction. ♥
      The pizzas are the best in our opinion. You do need to come here to get one!!

  5. I'm back in Q. Are you interested in making videos?

    1. Hey Bob. I think I'll pass on making videos. I've got enough going on, thanks.
      BUT, Nancy is here and would love it if you dropped around before Monday. Just let us know!

  6. one way or another things will work out for us all. We appreciate your kind gestures and friendship we have made. Thank you

    1. Yes, it's true that things will work out. Praying for it sooner than later for you. ♥
      We are grateful for our friendship with you two as well. :)

  7. Forgot to thank you for the beautiful photos and good read.

  8. OH I want PIZZA!! I'm 139 miles from Silly Al's. Won't last that long!
    I'll go to Oregano's - about 5 minutes from my house! THANKS!!
    Love your blog and Nancy's too!

    1. Ha ha, woops! Glad you have Oreganos nice and close to home for you. :)
      Thank you for reading!

  9. Lol. Me too. I had to get me some pizza yesterday. I tried a new place and really enjoyed it. Gibbs...those pictures are so cute. Sometimes I wish dogs could talk. Best wishes to everyone! Elva

    1. I'm thinking we'll be back once more to Silly Al's - at least I hope so!
      I sure do wish Gibbs could talk!!

  10. That burger looks delicious, as does the pizza. It's nearly supper time here and I really don't feel like cooking. Hmmm..

    1. Thank you, they were both delicious. I wonder what you ended up eating? :)

  11. Love the pic of Nancy and Cooper :) Boy it sure seems the year for RV issues! Haven't had Carl's Jr in years but it sure looks yummy! Beautiful sunset pictures! :)

    1. It sure is a sweet picture of those two. ♥
      Too many things going wrong with rvs this year, I agree. Carl's Jr. was quite good.

  12. Look at those pretty, puffy clouds.

    I see that poor Gibbs did not know what to make of your babysitting....

    God bless.
