Thursday, March 17, 2022

A Pleasant Ripple in Our Day!

Park Place RV Resort

On Wednesday, Mar. 16th we were all up shortly after 7. It was already warm and with no breeze this morning, almost hot. The outdoor thermometer read 64F/18C and I should have left my windbreaker at home and I should have put my shorts on. Yup, that nice out there. Bill has been getting a jump start on his flying these mornings, as the winds do seem to pick up after 10.

Gibbs upset the neighbourhood this morning along
the other rv park.
4 large dogs seemingly pensive, like this guy, but when
we got closer, they scared him into a fast retreat
Just protecting their property like you do, I told Gibbs

I had the clothes already sorted so walked over and put 2 loads in the washers. I only had enough change for those and 1 dryer and the office isn’t open until closer to 9. My own fault for doing laundry so early! Bill had left by the time I returned and sat with Gibbs to finish my tea. He found another little rum bottle this morning so I let him chew on that for a while. Once he gets to the point of chewing pieces off, I take it away.


Yesterday afternoon, Gibbs finally spit up some white liquid stuff and eventually has been eating his food. Bit by bit. He hadn’t emptied his dish yet no matter what encouragement we give him (hand feeding, floor feeding) but this morning he cleaned it all up throughout this babying process. That’s okay, it indicates to us that whatever that rawhide was doing to his tummy, it is gone now. 😊 We hope he'll soon  be back to normal.

all is well ♥

I finished the laundry and after putting my clothes away, Bill drove in. Good timing. It was only 10:30 but way too windy to fly. He got one flight in early though so that’s good. While he was gone, I got a text from our friends in a Yuma park that there is another change in protocol/requirements for us returning to Canada. We no longer need the Covid-19 testing as of the end of March. So, a happy dance was taking place. 💃💃💃


I had my shower before lunch, which turned out to be just cheese, crackers, avocado slices and tangerine. We are going out for supper and I want to be hungry for it!  While working on the puzzle after lunch, Nancy arrived with her Reflection and got situated in the park for a few nights. 😊 She is getting work done tomorrow. Also, Roland and Lori pulled into the truck stop around the corner for a couple of nights for a similar reason. Whatever the reasons, we are just very happy to see our friends once more before the season is over. 💕

OH my goodness!! Digging in!!

Nancy popped over for a visit around 3 and we chatted for a while before we got ready for our dinner out. She spoiled both of us by bringing us each a gift for the help we've given her over the winter. I haven't done anything, really, but I sure am thankful that she appreciates us. At 4:15 we picked Nancy up and drove across the road to pick up Roland and Lori at their location. Silly Al’s was our destination and we met Tom and Deb there. It was not disappointing, all 7 of us together, making new friends. 

Roland and Lori - Ontario

Tom and Deb - Upper Michigan

Nancy - Arizona & California

It doesn't matter where we're from, we bond
and that's the wonderful thing about this lifestyle 💗💗💗💗

The pizza was great, as usual, and there were 4 take out boxes. Yum. My lime margarita was delicious too and tonight I’m feeling it. I think it will be a delayed post! I'm a cheap date! 

Thank you to the stranger at the next table
for taking our picture

Gibbs was happy to see us and a walk outside showed me a beautiful sky as the sun dropped behind the mountain. It’s a lovely evening and this was a great day.

I just about missed it!
Sorry it's not too clear, there was wind and dust as well


And the moon to the east
Good night!

Thank you for stopping by. Your comments are always appreciated.


  1. That's a great group picture and pizza looks delicious. Elva

  2. FYI - Please be careful in giving Gibbs rawhides to chew on. Problems have been reported from some made in China. We never gave them to our Labradors.

    1. Thank you for the info. I will no longer be giving Gibbs rawhide bones/treats. These were not made in China BUT they still upset his tummy.

  3. You'll be glad to know we had a glorious warm day here today!

    1. I heard about your warm day, yay!! I am very glad for that. :)

  4. I had to quit the rawhide with my dogs also. Just didn't agree with them. I sure enjoy your blog site. Great photos and stories. Thanks so much!!
    Don in Okla.

    1. Thank you so much Don. Yes, I won't give Gibbs anymore. Even though he didn't act sick, his not eating was worrisome.
      thank you for the kind words. :)

  5. Glad Gibbs is doing better and you won't be giving him any more rawhides :) Sounded like a delightful time with your friends and the food looks delicious!


  6. Silly Als is always fun ... even better with the pizza!! Doesn't matter when you go, they are always packed!! I love that Gibbs is your security guard. He does such a good job!!!!!
