Sunday, March 6, 2022

The Winds Abated, An Easy Peasy Day

Park Place RV Resort

On Sunday, Mar. 6th Gibbs and I slipped out of bed at 7:20 and out the door for our walk at 7:30. It was cool enough for me to wear my heavier coat (or so I thought) but not for Gibbs to need his sweater. I figure anything under 40F/5C, he needs something. 😊 Especially after his last cut!

No hesitation in our walk this morning!

Let's go, Mom!

It was a nice walk and that sun is so warm, even at that time of the morning. I had my coat undone half way home. We had our breakfast with Bill, I added fresh pineapple to my bowl of ‘oatmeal’. That was very filling. I walked over to the clubhouse and finished the puzzle by 10:30. It is another nice one, fairly easy going but fun. I bought it in London or Owen Sound’s Value Village so will take it home for Donna and Gerry as well.

We walked by the Police Station
It was pretty quiet

Heading back home

I sat outside with Gibbs for a while in the sun and started my next book. It is a John Grisham tale called Camino Island. Getting a taste of a mystery again as I go through our stack of books in the cupboard. Bill has dropped out of the race, not that it was one, for reading right now. With the flying, he just can’t get into a book in the afternoons.

A pretty picture

I was going to make pancakes and sausage for lunch, because we totally missed Pancake/Shrove Tuesday. We’d had our breakfast though and Bill suggested having a light lunch and the former meal for supper. Sold! He had a toasted tomato sandwich and I had a salmon and lettuce wrap with an avocado slices. Yum, it was good and quite enough.

Bill had a few things outside to tend to and I read for a while before cleaning the bathroom sink. Using my Norwex utility brush, cleaning around the taps and toilet bolts was fairly easy. I’ve been thinking about doing that for a while and then came downstairs to do the kitchen taps. This is a handy little tool; I should order a second one when I get home.

A tasty filling lunch wrap

I started my post and then hopped in the truck to take Gibbs for another park play date. 😊 There were a couple of dogs playing inside and Gibbs ran around a bit with one of them but then came back to me as if he wanted to go. He was interested but ‘not quite’ having fun. I’m a social person, at least I think I am, but when a young person (14 or so?) is in my face as soon as I walk in with ‘what’s your name? I’m David!’ and then doesn’t stop the whole time – I’m like Gibbs. Not quite having fun.

I didn't take my phone in to the park so no pictures
but I did get a picture of the next puzzle
This one 550

We were both ready to leave 20 minutes later and did but we’ll go back another day. Bless the ‘kid’s’ heart for being friendly but …….. well, I hope you get it. It tired Gibbs out and he settled down back at the Suite. I sat in my chair with Gibbs until it was time to start supper. Well, Gibbs sat on my chair with me. On the back at the window, with his head on my head, on my lap and down beside me. I don’t care, he’s just a little love bum. ♥

Debbie and I worked away at the puzzle today
and made progress

As mentioned above, we decided to have our pancakes and sausage today but at supper, rather than lunch. Supper, therefore, was easy. I fried the sausage patties and made a full batch of ultimate pancakes. My homemade ones aren’t anything to write home about so Bisquick to the rescue! We have leftover batter for at least a few more tomorrow. We loaded the dishwasher and sat and enjoyed American Idol together.

A bit late but pancakes for supper

Someone was tuckered out tonight and slept with his

This was a nice day; I finished a puzzle and started a new one. I even had a friend work on it with me today so that was good too! We had a calmer day but the winds were still gusting off and on enough for Bill to stay home this morning. We reached 64F/18C with clear sunny skies. 😊

Donna went to the Ridge today
and took this picture
Still a lot of snow but hey! we see some
gravel showing in today's melting
They had a nice warm day!

Good night!

Thank you for stopping in.


  1. Wow, the puzzle you finished looked like a hard one! I like the new one you guys started!! Sometimes when the family comes over for dinner, we'll make breakfast for dinner with scrambled eggs, hash browns and biscuits. Its a nice different treat. It was a bit cool here today; I'm looking forward to the warmer weather promised for next weekend :)


    1. That puzzle was not too difficult and quite small. 13 x 19".
      We've had eggs for dinner as well. It's good to be flexible.
      Looking forward to the warm weather to stay as well!

  2. I'm laughing about the kid at the park. He probably doesn't have anyone who will talk to him. Cooper becomes a little anti-social after about 15 minutes. Show us a picture of your brush ... I could use help in the cleaning department. And it amazes me that you can finish those puzzles so fast!!

    1. I know, I thought that about the kid and felt bad for my feelings. But.........LOL enough already!
      I should have read this before I posted Monday's post. I'll post a picture of the brush. :)

  3. We almost always have breakfast for dinner one day a week. It's easy and always so good. I have a never fail recipe in the old Canadian cookbook that my parents gave me for my graduation gift (it's what I asked for). It makes a reasonably small batch with just a couple of pancakes left over for the two of us. I've actually never used pancake mix - I just never think to buy it. :)

    I suspect Nancy is correct, the kid has no one to talk to and was excited to have someone to interact with. Perhaps, if you run into him again, just let him know that you'd like some time to yourself.

    1. I think it's a good plan to have eggs for supper, so yes, I agree. This batch was just like that. Lucky you, your pancakes must be better than mine.
      I was pleasant to the boy at the park, I wouldn't be rude and I would be afraid to hurt his feelings. Strange situations, eh?

  4. Gibbs is a trooper having to entertain you two all day 😀 Nice way to spend Sunday.

  5. Having our pancakes tonight cause I was too tired from our trip last week to make them on Shrove Tuesday.

    One day I will let you know why I never use pancake mix.

    God bless.

    1. I'm almost afraid to hear about the pancake mix. :) The only homemade ones I'd make now are keto and Bill doesn't like them. These always turn out! haha

  6. There's a fresh 4" of white stuff over that gravel today!

  7. Your pancakes and sausage look yummy! Ken's not big on "breakfast for dinner" but I could be LOL. That's great you and Debbie worked on the puzzle. Always nice to get to know someone :)

    1. Thanks Shirley. My Dad would never go for breakfast for dinner either. Things change. :)
      It was nice to have help at the puzzle just for the comradery.
