Monday, March 28, 2022

The Wind Helps, Beauty of a Day, Supper with Family

Park Place RV

On Sunday, Mar. 27th our walk in the morning was another heated one. 😊 I’m enjoying the fact that I can just slip the shorts on that I had on yesterday and head out the door. It was just a couple of weeks or a week (?) ago that I needed longer pants. The heat has hit Arizona! This is our 4th day in a row of temperatures in the 90’s. That’s low to mid 30’s in Celcius.

A few clouds to start the day

Bill and I had our morning brew and he had his cereal. There wasn’t much going on first thing, just hanging close to home. Bill did go to get our two 5-gallon water bottles filled and I went over to work on the puzzle for about an hour. I’m trying not to go as often or for as long because once it is done, I’m not starting a new one. It’s getting close, although still a good enough challenge for me.

Look up, look way up
Someone on an early flight around the area

Back home, I decided to sit upstairs and watch some of my vet shows. I get a kick out of the pets that people have from goats to turtles, cockatiels to lizards, rabbits to ferrets and that doesn’t even touch on the dogs and cats. 😊 It’s a great bit of entertainment although it can be sad sometimes, rarely, when the pets don’t make it through a surgery.

This morning we met Frank through the fence

We were going to meet Gayle and John at Roadrunner blm for one last Happy Hour at Tom and Debs’ but with a strong wind and the heat of the day, Deb suggested either dinner out or a meetup tomorrow instead. We agreed that tomorrow morning for breakfast was a great idea! I skipped my afternoon tea today as we were heading over to Gayle’s for supper anyway, at La Posa South and we'd have a drink later. 😊

A 3 month old pug, just as adorable as ever
Chewing sticks like someone else I know!

We hung about inside for the remainder of the day, feeding Gibbs early. Bill took him out for a walk while I packed our small cooler bag with our drinks. He can’t be fooled though as he followed us everywhere while we changed into clean clothes! He isn’t keen on accepting his ‘look after the house’ treat these days and won’t take it. I leave it on the chair or floor beside him and he eats it after we’ve gone.

All's well at the west side, Mom

Tonight, with a meal involved at someone else’s place, he’ll stay home where it will be much cooler for him. We will convince him that he’ll be happier. 😊 It was around 5:45 when we loaded the chairs and headed out to the desert. Even though it is sometimes a nuisance when the wind is too strong for the awnings to be out, we are thankful for it when it is 90F/32C. I wouldn’t trade this weather for what they are getting back home today, brrr, so we’ll very much enjoy our heat. ♥

All's well to the north also
Can you think of anyone better to look after
the house when we're gone? 💓

There was a nice breeze at La Posa South which died down within a half hour of our arrival. Gayle and John had a long table set up on their sheltered patio but it was quite comfortable without it by that time. John grilled cheeseburgers and Gayle had made devilled eggs, a Caesar salad, potato salad and lemon meringue pie for dessert! Holy wow!! It was all delicious and very much appreciated. Their good friends (and now ours), Judy and Gary joined them at La Posa this afternoon so all 6 of us enjoyed a great evening together.

I missed seeing the sun dip behind the mountain
but this is still a pretty after glow from their site

When it came to leaving, at 9, boy was it dark. Black Beauty drops ‘cookies’ on his gps so we thought we’d have no problem. Let me tell you, even with that knowledge and those droppings, everything looks the same. You can’t see roads until you are right upon them so we did a couple of circles trying to get back onto the main road. Bill got us out of there by taking us through a wash/road that I’ve walked many times. We were happy to get back on the highway. 😊

Good supper with a glass of smooth red wine

Topped off with a homemade lemon meringue pie 😋

I watched my vet programs upstairs until 10, with Gibbs, when I couldn’t keep my eyes open. I knew my blog wouldn’t get finished until this morning. That was a wonderful day, ending with a fun evening.

My poor attempt at a group shot, without getting up
Everyone has a sense of humour and I love it!
John, Gayle, Judy, Gary, Bill
Good night!

Thank you for stopping in.


  1. It’s raining here. At least it’s not hot or cold! Frank is a cutie!!! Dinner sounds wonderful, worth getting lost for!! Lol. Hugs for the watch pup!!

    1. More rain this evening, Monday, amazing how it cools down with it and the desert smells so different!
      Hugs received! Such an easy request!

  2. Wow, that meal looks delicious. Though I'll admit I would have had a hard time sticking to the small portion you had. And that pie! Yum.

    It's warming up slightly here...above freezing this afternoon. Hooray!

    1. It was a great supper, she went to a lot of 'trouble' and we all appreciated every morsel! The pie was wonderful too!
      Glad to hear your temps are warming up, means they'll go to Ontario. :)

  3. Oh yeah that dinner looks amazing! The pie!! She is quite the cook! I love the last picture, good times! Breakfast with Tom and Deb that's great too! Glad you guys are having a great time there! :)

    1. Gayle outdid herself and while boondocking. :) She's a good sis as well as a good cook!

  4. What a great day with family, friends and delicious food. That pie!!! Elva

  5. Glad to read you are still comfortable with the warmer temperatures.
    Nice getting together with Friends.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. The warm temps are temporary for us, at least, and we get a few hot days and then a reprieve. Just had rain here now, Monday night, and the air temp has dropped 10 degrees but it is refreshing and remember that desert smell? :)
