Sunday, September 4, 2022

Chilly Day out of Nowhere, Taste of Autumn

The Ridge

On Sunday, Sept. 4th I realized when I woke up that it was a restless sleep. At least between 10:30 and midnight. I should have folded the duvet down before I crawled in beneath the sheet but I didn’t. That was the problem. I think I was hot and couldn’t get comfortable. The windows were open but it didn’t seem to help. Bill and Gibbs were both sleeping soundly and all I could do was the alligator roll. Over and over.

this morning gibbs is saying
"an inside day, Mom?"

We were all up around 7:30 and Bill hopped in the shower. I should have done the same but felt too chilly right from the moment I was up. It was quite a change in weather, having the warnings that it would happen today didn’t help me. Part of me thought ‘no way can the high temp drop 30 degrees, but it did. It was 10C/50F and only rose to 14C/57F all day. The funny thing is that for the next week, we are back up into summer temps. I know it’s coming but that doesn’t mean I’m prepared. Besides, it’s still summer for 15 more days and 😊

A nice lunch with garden tomatoes

Needless to say, for me, the day was pretty much a write-off. I lounged around for 90% of it and spent it indoors with Gibbs. Bill had a project to do, (a brilliant idea I might add!) so he was out in the shed for a lot of the morning. Our large, bulky HP printer is up in a cupboard over the tv, beside the stereo equipment. It has to be tipped sideways and pulled out each time a cartridge needs replacing. Oh, and it is heavy when standing on a step stool.

Bill was hard at it in the work shed

Today, that is no longer an issue for Bill. Even I will be able to change them as he built a perfect shelf for it, in the hall closet. Yay! 😊 He does great work, sometimes the motivation is all he needs to put his creative genes in motion. He’s wanted to do this for a while and this type of day was ‘it’. One day, maybe we’ll paint it but for now, it is sanded down and looks great in there, serving its purpose.

Sooooo much easier to access
(no stool required) 
and out of sight

We had to move things around, it is our ‘pantry’, persay, but everything went back in. Now he has an empty space to fill in an upper cupboard. Maybe I’ll pick up another one of those metal extend-a-shelves so he has two levels. There will be a bit of rearranging before we leave in the fall. I sat with Gibbs and read my book.

A closer look

I also updated my Book List and finally managed to get it transferred from Word to One Note on my laptop and eventually onto my Samsung. There are still issues with that program because Windows 10 does not offer ‘edits’ but, for now, I’m happy and the list is up-to-date and on my phone. That is helpful if I’m looking at second hand books to buy or borrow.

Gibbs and I were in the same frame of mind today

Other than that, Gibbs and I went out a couple of times, briefly, and I dragged him back indoors because either he or I was shivering. 😊 So spoiled! Now you understand even better why my countdown to head south. The discussion is slowly taking place about our journey between here and Quartzsite, which direction and whether we’ll stop at any key places. No decisions yet, it is in the early stages for us.

A new author for me
and I'm enjoying his characters

For supper, Bill suggested French fries in our Fry Daddy and the last large cob of N.B. corn. It didn’t seem right not having meat, so I pulled out the last pack of small sausages from the freezer and they got cleaned up. The last two pieces of cheesecake topped the meal off nicely. With the dishwasher turned on, Bill went to the Hangar this time, his work was done for the day. I worked on my blog and then sat with my book. See? Now I can’t put it down! A lazy day but a very nice one.

A simple easy meal
Good  night!

Thank you for popping in!


  1. Try using Google drive with either Google Docs or Google Sheets. I have a lot of information stored on my phone via both of them. You can also make the file available off line. It is a great way to view any information you wish to store on the phone. George told me about Google Drive a few years ago and now I have a lot of files on the phone.

    1. Thank you Suzie, I'll try that. I want to be able to edit it on my phone too.

  2. Our "cool" day this week wasn't as cool as yours, and the heat is on here now. Funny how 14C felt lovely in the spring, but now it's downright chilly.
    Happy planning!

    1. You're absolutely right about how we live 14C in April and May. 🤣

  3. Turned a lot colder here suddenly too, but you're a fair bit cooler.

  4. It is hot, hot, hot here. I am almost wishing fall would arrive quickly, but then that means winter is not far behind.

    Love the table/shelf that Bill made for the printer. Looks fabulous.

    God bless.
