Monday, September 12, 2022

Son’s Birthday, Heading Home, Laundry and Training

The Ridge

On Sunday, Sept.11th, it was almost a repeat of Saturday morning. Since I was in bed early and Bill wasn’t, Gibbs and I got up first around 7. As soon as we stepped outside, Daisy, the friendly Bouvier came running over. That was enough to startle Gibbs and he barked his dislike and tried to shoo her away. I came back inside and got his leash and did my best to keep the peace. She was fine, Gibbs was hyper, but then they parted and we carried on for his morning constitution.

A lovely morning sunrise

By the time we returned inside, Bill was up, getting dressed and we made the bed together. Peter and Linda weren’t up yet, after only retiring a few hours sooner. Party Animals! 😊 We had some cereal and our morning drink before I called my son. Patrick was celebrating a birthday and it’s hard to believe my youngest is 43! We had a nice little chat and I was happy to hear that he was camping with the family in their tent trailer.

I've mentioned the Bouvier pups but
haven't had a photo yet
Here they are, Dolly on the right, Daisy on the left
Matt and Jessie also in the picture

I left Gibbs inside after I finished yesterday’s blog, another whole raft of pictures, and walked up to the house to join Bill and everyone else. The coffee smelled good but we had a 3 ½ hour drive ahead of us with no real easy places to stop for a break so we just breathed in the aroma. Better just take some water along. 😊 We hooked up, said our goodbyes and retraced our map steps. Or tried to. It was helpful that the ‘cookies’ on Black Beauty’s GPS were still there but when they disappeared, we used my phone.

These couldn't have been better
💓 True to life, not just cousins but great friends 💓

Gibbs rode really well right from the get-go. Maybe he was anxious to get away from those big doggies. It was a different trip home, we decided not to go back through Orillia this time. It just meant a new set of collages with new town names in my post today. 😊 We enjoyed the drive and returned home to the Ridge at 2:30.

Settling into his bed right away

Bill backed us in with 99% perfection, snuggled up beside our wooden steps. The last 1% was because I gave him a bit of bad instruction. No harm no foul, we moved the step a couple of inches and all was well. Once we were set up, we had a sandwich since we were driving over lunch and forgot to bring our snack bars. Our traveling skills do get better for the ‘big haul!’

Bill unlocked the sheds and installed his weather station. It was a lovely day with just enough of a breeze for comfy outside sitting. Which Gibbs and I did after I was done indoors. Things were pretty much all set up so Bill went into town to fill B.B. up. She was down to about 8 gallons, I think he said, and trust me, we’d been watching her gauges all the way home knowing how many km’s to empty. 😊 Again, we usually carry an extra container of fuel on our travels.

My potted flowers were looking thirsty so I turned on the pump and watered them. “Thank you”, they said. I sorted clothes and at 6:30 drove into Durham to clean and do laundry. I was meeting Sage, Kaitlyn’s 13-year-old neighbour, to train her in cleaning the Mat. She will be replacing me for some or all of the winter while we’re away. She is a pleasant young gal and seemed to accept the jobs I gave her with determination.

If I'd been on the ball, the last sign would be
of the Ridge 

More long and winding roads
I love them!

Flags at half mast for the Queen 💗
Lovely fall display at Shelbourne corners

Of course, she had a phone nearby, I guess without it she wouldn’t be a normal teenager now, would she? It didn’t get in the way of her work and that is what’s important. Now, maybe that will change but I hope not. After her Dad arrived an hour later, she left me alone. A very unnerving feeling, being in there after 8 at this time of year. It is getting dark very quickly and I run all kinds of scenarios through my head. 😊 Luckily, it was a one time occasion.

The way the sky was divided here was interesting
A white blanket over the white fluffies below

I thought I had included the name of this building
It is The Guild of Automotive Restorers
Apparently, Bill has watched this often.
Located in Bradford, Ontario
I just took the picture because I love the Holland atmosphere
We are near the hamlet of Holland Centre

Anyway, it was fine, I was fine, and finished our laundry before I scooted home. Bill had the scare lights on the Suite and he and Gibbs came out to greet me and help with the basket. 

Gibbs, in the left pix - quite comfy on the ride
in the right photo - knows we are almost home

He was right, this is North Line
On the left, Bill's first attempt at backing the Suite beside
our stoop

I had a snack while working on this blog but my eyes were too heavy to finish it tonight. This has been a great day, after a wonderful weekend. I hope yours was just as good or better.

Sage tidies up the floors
The sky when I pulled out.

Happy Birthday, Patrick! 
Good night!

Thank you for your visit today.


  1. Happy Birthday to Patrick!
    Isn't it amazing how quickly the days have gotten shorter? I was surprised to realize that sunset occurred at 7:32 p.m. the other evening. I had thought I might take a drive to the west side of the city to see the sunset....but it was already 7:30 p.m. :)
    Have a great week.

    1. Thank you Maebeme.
      The days are really much shorter and it seems all of a sudden. We know what is around the corner.

  2. You have a handsome son. Happy Birthday, Patrick. Glad you had a great weekend and you're home safely. Bet Gibbs is glad to be home.

    1. Thank you Doug. I agree about my son! :)
      It is always good to return home, isn't it?
