Thursday, January 26, 2023

It’s Been a Good Day

Park Place RV Park

Thursday, Jan. 26th brought fairly strong winds again so Bill didn’t go flying. Probably none of his members did either. There were gusts between 18 and 27 mph throughout the morning. Gibbs and I walked first thing but I quickly decided that I wasn’t going to brave the cold winds any longer than I had to. Instead, I stayed inside, rather than walking on my own, and had my tea.

There is that morning boost
regardless of the temperature and the wind

Shortly after 9, I went to the clubhouse to work on this ridiculously hard puzzle. Not too often do I voice my frustration with a puzzle but this one is making me wish it was done. 😊 We're blaming Susan for choosing it. Ha ha. I worked on it for 20 minutes until the girls arrived for Poker Pool. Barb, Adele, Susan and I were the only players today as Patti was busy in the office. Thursday is her day to work and it is very busy – still.

I had to share this picture from last evening
Gibbs was in his playful mood, as I described yesterday,
and slipped behind Bill's chair and laid down
waiting for us to say something

I didn’t win again, however, I made some really good shots and it was a hoot, as usual. Home at noon, I was hungry so I warmed up a bowl of my steel cut oatmeal. Don’t laugh, I didn’t eat anything for breakfast before I left and with blueberries, it qualified as a tasty lunch for me. Bill made a sandwich for himself and he and Gibbs had their nap beside me.

for once, I'm grateful for the shine down
the centre of the picture
Don't look too close, more than a few pieces
are incorrect but they all fit!

 I didn’t rush anywhere after we ate, instead I delved into my Michael Connelly book. I’m usually too tired at night to read so I managed a few chapters of The Law of Innocence. At the clubhouse around 2, I finished the puzzle. I have to admit that it isn’t 100% accurate though. Between the browns, greens and blues, I couldn’t figure ‘heads or tails’ so just did the best I could. The girls had given up so I wasn’t feeling guilty at all.

The next puzzle should be easier
all interlocking and all different shapes

I walked away from the new puzzle
leaving it like this

I moved it to the other table after taking a picture and began a new one. An easy 1000 piece that shouldn’t take too long and would give our brains a bit of a break. 😊 Back home at 3:30, I took Gibbs for a walk in the wind. We stopped and watched Kobus and Carol Ann ‘play’ with their rock-climbing remote-controlled cars. Fun!

Kobus had never met Gibbs so quickly put
his remote down to give him lots of lovin' 
They don't have pets, after losing cats
but who knows how long that will last 😂
they each have a remote car so I watched
for a while as they climbed this rock

We’ve popped our tent roof own again and the wind, from the north, has blown a side in as well. This is making us wonder about how it will fare on The Ridge. Hmm. For supper, I fried Swai fish, the leftover potatoes and cooked corn for our vegetable. I added cottage cheese to my plate and it was all quite delicious.

After clean up, I watched the last of Celebrity Jeopardy while working on my blog. Bill went upstairs to find something more interesting. 😊 This has been a cool day for sure adding to the number of unusual weather days we’ve already had this winter.

Supper was quite good!
Good night

The wind should stop this evening and hopefully stay away for a while.

Thank you for popping in.


  1. Please just throw that puzzle away. Good grief ... it's AWFUL!!! The next one looks MUCH better!!! That Gibbs ... he's so funny. Did he finish his YAK cheese???

    1. Haha, we should!!
      Gibbs hasn't finished his cheese but i think I'll buy him more tomorrow.

  2. The wind makes life tough on gazebos, good luck!


  3. Wow, that puzzle was very difficult if you were having issues with it.
    Gibbs is such a cutie - it's no wonder everyone loves on him.

  4. Hopefully, today, Friday will be sunny with just a breeze. Bill will be happy and so will Gibbs. He is just a 💓. You two are lucky. Enjoy your day and hopefully your puzzle is easy.

  5. I'm surprised to hear the world's greatest puzzler say a puzzle was hard! As for a 1000 piece puzzle being 'easy', I just don't believe it.
