Saturday, January 21, 2023

Let’s Go to the Show!

Park Play RV Park

On Saturday, Jan. 21st, we were all up at 6:30 or soon after. Today was the first day of the RVLife RV Show/2023. 😊 Of course, the first day(s) are crazy, packed with other rv’ers, like us, who just like to get in on the early action. Crowds like this don’t bother us, we have easy exits and our feet on the ground.

We were out before the sun popped up
over the mountain range

The day started out cool, around 37F/3C, but with a clear blue sky. Since were up earlier, I caught a different view of the east sky at 7 when I took Gibbs out for our short walk around the park. We dressed for the weather and were in the parking lot at 8:10, nice and close to the entrance.  After walking through a few Grand Design Solitudes, we entered the Big Tent at 9 when the ‘gates’ opened.

Waiting for them to open the entrance

Bill and I found a couple of things and Nancy and I picked up a few of the freebies offered by vendors. The best part was the sampling of the dips at the spice venue. I accepted 2 packets of pretzels in order to finish them all. I didn’t buy any but I sure found some that I really liked. I had to follow Nancy’s lead to take some pictures, I’m usually too busy looking at everything, she was my reminder.

Already busy

Nancy checking out purses

The decision to buy or not?
He did 😃
We left the tent shortly after 11 and headed for home. By now, the temperature had improved considerably. Still not shorts and tanks weather but near the forecasted 55F/13C. 

This was a new and interesting display
We could create our own funeral markers!

Bill and I had lunch, I finished my quesadilla, and I went to the puzzle. Between 1 and 3, Nancy, Adele, Robert, Susan and I had it finished so I walked back for my tea. We read our books until 5:30 when I started preparing supper.

Tickets on sale for these 2 pretty vehicles
We didn't buy

a roll up table for my gazebo
We did buy!

A finished puzzle

Tonight, we had boiled potatoes, asparagus for me and corn for Bill. I had liver and 1 pork chop in the freezer so thawed them both. I fried the liver and air fried the chop for Bill. Supper was good and although it left a lot of pans to hand wash, it was a good meal. Nancy brought us over some Costco ice cream bars this afternoon so that was dessert. Yum, they are good! We watched some tv while I worked on my blog.

Our split supper
The only thing in common tonight was potatoes

Evidence of a tasty dessert
Good night!

Another good day and we were happy to visit the show. I’m sure we’ll go back one more time. 😉 Thank you for popping in.


  1. That was a fun trip to the tent. I might have to go back again! LOL

  2. The table will certainly come in handy in the gazebo. I can see meals taken out there - especially when the weather improves.

    1. The table will come in handy -yes, the weather has to warm up a bit. :)

  3. Glad you all enjoyed the first day at the Big Tent. Nice to have someone to remind you to take pictures I never think of it either like you I am to busy looking at everything. Nice table for you gazebo.

  4. You netted a good purchase at the show with that table! I can see you now in the gazebo doing puzzles and painting rocks.

  5. Nice table, I'm sure you will get a lot of use out of it!

  6. I like the roll up table top. A real space saver. It did turn out to be a beautiful day to enjoy the Big Tent.
