Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Dodged a Bullet!

Park Place RV Park

Last night, after supper, as I sat in my chair playing games, I was coughing a bit but didn’t think too much about it. I took an Advil and when I got into bed around 10, my throat was feeling congested with a tickle. I got up and rubbed some Vicks on the bottom of my feet and slipped my ‘sockettes’ on. I’d followed this practice before and it is to prevent coughing through the night. I also rubbed some on my chest and neck. It worked well as I never coughed once.

So, last night when I finished my blog
'Who's in my chair?' He really hated to move.

Good morning!

This morning when Gibbs and Bill got up at 6:30, I took a Tylenol Cold tablet and went back to bed. Where the next hour went, I don’t know, but I woke at 7:30 feeling pretty darn good. I was afraid I was getting a cold. I had my tea, Gibbs and I walked as usual and then I stayed home all day. I would have loved to work on the puzzle but if I was carrying a virus, I didn’t want to spread it over at the clubhouse.

Gibbs and Daddy have a

Gibbs love his new Yak cheese bones.
We do too, they last a really long time!

Bill went flying and got a couple of flights in before stopping once more at Moon Mountain Mail for a parcel. I have high hopes for this item but I’m going to wait and see how it works before posting a photo. Fingers crossed! This morning, to pass the time (I’m avoiding attaching the dog’s head to his body) I made some homemade whipping cream and put together a No-Bake Peanut Butter Pie. It looks good!

Easy pie for desserts

I sat outside in my gravity chair until Bill returned and boy that sun felt good. At least while it was covering our patio.  The sky was a mix of partial sun and partial cloud so once it disappeared, it felt chilly and I came inside. I finished the pizza for lunch and Bill made a ham and cheese sandwich. The rest of the day, we sat inside and read. 4 hours after the first Tylenol Cold tablet, I took another just in case but I felt good all day.

These things look like fun
but boy, are they loud!

We reached a high of 65F/18C. I finished my book, Summer Hours by Amy Mason Doan, finally. It has been ongoing for at least 3 weeks but not because it isn’t any good. Simply because I have been busy with other things and wasn’t into reading. Bill has been reading up a storm, finishing in books in 48 and 24 hours! 💖I had my afternoon tea and Gibbs and I went for our walk around the park’s interior. I hope I am feeling this good in the morning so I can play Poker Pool. If not, I won’t.

Might be a nice sunset tonight
if I don't forget (which I did)

For supper, we had reheated pork loin, fries and coleslaw. I’m almost too full for pie but maybe later we’ll taste it. If it is share-worthy, our friend, Nancy, will be getting some! 😊 The day turned out better than I expected and that’s about all I can say.  No one wants a cold, besides, there is just too much going on down here to miss! Well, I hit a wrong button on this Word document and lost everything below the first 2 paragraphs, so I hope I’ve remembered everything I did! Ha ha.

There's not a lot of room for either of us.
He squeezes in and seems to be very comfy
while I write my blog. 😂

Supper was good

One last thing: We both want to wish our sister, a very happy birthday today! We’ve sent a card and left her a phone message so I hope both have been received. Have an awesome day, Liz! (Ps, the pie is goooood!)

This is one of my favourite pictures of Liz
with her newest grandbaby (2016) Johnny.
Good night

Thank you for the visit.


  1. Gibbs makes you sit up straight!! No slouching.

  2. Those coughs are a pain in more ways than one.
    If you write your Blog on a Document, then paste it on Blogger, this is a quick fix. As long as you don't hit the save button, simply hit the Back Arrow on your Toolbar. It normally allows you to reverse your last Twenty Steps. Then you don't worry about what happen. If you don't use a mouse, you probably rubbed your hand across the control pad.
    Be Safe and Enjoy the warmer temperatures.

    It's about time.

    1. Rick i do write it in Word and that is where it disappeared. It was not retrievable.

  3. Maybe change the title of this post, considering the news today from the Mojave desert.

  4. Oh that pie looks good!!!! It's funny how every time I get up, Cooper gets up, goes over and lays in my spot. Maybe it's warm? Very happy you are feeling better!

  5. Hope you are feeling better today. I've had colds a few times this winter and what a nuisance.
    As someone else said, Gibbs is good for your posture when you share the chair. :)

  6. Gibbs sure can squish in can't he. Great posture there girl.
    I love peanut butter pie, but it is so very rich. Hope you feel good today.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you Jackie. The posture is necessary, as you can tell. haha

  7. Good for you on using Vicks. That's about that all helps me when I have a cough.

  8. Hope you are feeling better and it was just a little one day cold. Mingling with lots of people in the tent might have had something to do with it. Anyway, all the best!

    1. Thank you Marlene, yes, that is what it seems to have been. :)
