Sunday, January 14, 2024

Potluck Soup Day, Warm!! 😊

Park Place RV Park

Sunday, Jan 14th – can you say ‘warm’? I sure can. We woke up to a pleasant morning. Even though the temperature was only reading 42F/5C, it was calm and felt warm. I got up just before 7 and we sorted the laundry. Bill carried the basket over with/for me and we loaded 2 machines. Bill left for the field shortly after I transferred from washer to dryer. I was done folding with clothes put away by 8:30. That’s the way I like it. 😊

As Bill and I walked over to the laundry room
the sky was waking up.

Gibbs and I went for our walk around the park and then back home before 10. Today, at the clubhouse, it was Potluck Soup Day for any who wished to attend. We went last year and I’d signed us up this year too. Yesterday, I had the bread maker knead some dinner rolls to take. (As Rick said, 'it's a real science') 😁 After they'd risen, I baked them last night. The rolls turned out great and before bed, we had to sample one while it was still warm. Yummy!

Oh my, they were good and I'll make them again.
Often. ♥

Thank you to my commenters with their suggestions on how to keep the bread fresher, longer. I’m definitely going to try a few of those ideas with the next loaf. For lunch, we each had a couple of slices of the bread and then Bill sliced up the rest of the loaf to take over with the rolls this afternoon. I had the vegetables cut, spices and other ingredients ready for Instant Pot Hamburger Soup. It didn’t take long and while it was cooking, I sat outside with Bill and Gibbs. What a gorgeous day!

Before the sun rose, such a pretty sky.

Yup, I'm back in shorts! Yay!

We reached 66F/17C today. This is more like what we expect here in Arizona so we’re going to pretend that winter is over. 😊 There were 14 signed up for the potluck but I’m sure some didn’t make it. We had about (I didn’t count) 8 pots of soup plus Rick and Patti’s pulled pork and buns. Various kinds, my favourite being the cheese broccoli. I made it last winter, it is one of the best – ever.

I tried 3 of the offered soups but this one
was my favourite. Thanks John!

It was a good time and my homemade bread and rolls seem to be enjoyed. At least no one said otherwise and they were half gone. Just enough left for a couple day’s worth of sandwiches for Bill and a few rolls for me to munch on. It was nice to not have to think about supper tonight, but we may have a snack later.

a commenter asked what I was crocheting.
For you avid crocheters - you'd have this done 
in a heartbeat. Me? give me a few days. 😄

There will be leftover soup/stew for a couple of nights. It turned out pretty good too. Because Dora and Gerald were on duty, I first dropped off a container with soup and rolls for them. He reported later that they enjoyed it. 😊 Gibbs and I went for our walk around 4:45 in amongst my attempts at the body of this silly dog I’m making. Ha! The head and nose are done so I will persevere!

From the west end of the park,
Gibbs and I took this picture.

We’ve all had a good day. 

Never fails
Clouds = beautiful evening sky

And good night!

Thank you for the visit.


  1. Your dinner rolls look wonderful! Great size for a little sandwich. Love the sunset pics! I went outside too late :(

  2. I missed the pink in the sky tonight, pretty. I took a sunset picture then went in and started dinner. Sounds like a fun potluck and the cheesy broccoli soup looks yummy. Though the bread rolls look really good and must of been especially good just out of the oven.

  3. I would have picked the exact same soup. Your rolls came out great. Good job!!!

  4. That weather sounds much better! The rolls look delicious and cheddar broccoli is one of my favorite soups too.

  5. Any of those soups would have been perfect for last week's weather down here. Your rolls would go nicely with any meal, I'm sure.

  6. Well it's not warm here!

  7. Great looking rolls! I have scrolled back to Dec 13th and then got tired, looking for the comments you refer to about keeping bread fresher, longer. Couldnt' find them..maybe you can pass them on when you try them out? Thanks. I do enjoy your blog. And always wish I'd had supper with you. Ha.
