Thursday, January 11, 2024

Mixed Bag of a Day

Park Place RV Park

On Thursday, Jan. 11th, we were all up by 7:30, me being the last. It was a warm morning to start and we were expecting a high temperature of 60F/14C. The sun and the wind would determine how close to that we got. 😊 We also knew and expected high winds again today, darn. I ran out a couple of times this morning, 3 actually, to take a picture of the sun rising, then to do the same for the partial double rainbow. All this happening as winds increased and clouds moved across the sky.

Good morning!

I waited about 5 minutes for it to pop
Good thing it was fairly mild out there!

It was when the sky to the north got very dark blue that I just knew it was worth while to run out in the rain. I was right, that rainbow was a full double sight and I’m so glad I didn’t miss it. Gibbs and I didn’t get out for our morning walk though, poor little fellow. Hopefully, by afternoon, the wind will have appeased somewhat. Bill was staying home because it was too windy for flying and that meant he could keep an eye on our gazebo.

My favourite picture of the day

At 9, I went to the clubhouse for poker pool. Today, only 4 of us again. Patti, Sheila, Barb and myself. When Barb was ready to go home at 11:30, Cyndee arrived on time to take her place. We had fun again today and Patti was today’s winner. We all played pretty decent but the balls just weren’t listening! 😊 Back home at noon, Bill and I had lunch and then relaxed until 1 o’clock when I walked back over, this time to the puzzle.

Gerald made deep fried zucchini for
his and Dora's lunch.
He graciously shared them with Patti and I.

I was surprised, not in the best way (sorry), to hear 3 ‘musicians’ practicing their ukeleles. I didn’t mind too much but 2 out of 3, in particular, should just play. My fault, I should remember to take my ear buds when I go, just in case. Gerald was playing quietly on the keyboard and even got a few lessons on keys and chords from one of the guys before they left. I made good efforts on the puzzle and should be able to finish it tomorrow.

The mountains off in the distance
showed blowing dust and sand out there.
I hope our friends are hunkered down.

The winds have not diminished at all today, meaning that it didn’t quite reach 60F but the clouds made way for the sun by early afternoon. Tonight ,will be another cold night and there will not be any night flying if in the next hour, things don’t change. Too bad, I know the flyers all enjoy the evening out at the field. I had my tea and then bundled up to take Gibbs for a quick walk. He likes his routine and waits for me to grab his harness around 4:30-5 pm.

Should be able to finish it tomorrow.

We had fish and chips for supper and they were tasty, as usual. 😊 Can’t go wrong in our household serving this meal! We cleaned up the pots and then sat to watch an episode of NCIS: Sydney. We keep forgetting about it and we’re getting behind. I finished my blog after that and then found something to watch. Last night’s movie was another great one, it left me teary-eyed. It was called The Covenant and was based in Afghanistan. Really good.

Supper was very good

Another great day under our belts and we know the weather will be making an upward swing again within the next few days. Yay!

The sun was about to say goodbye
when Gibbs and I walked before supper.
Good night!

Thank you for stopping by.


  1. Love the rainbow! Your puzzle is very pretty.

  2. I feel like I'm on a time schedule. I can't wait to just hang out and do nothing ... well except puzzles ... and watch the sunsets. It's time for the wind and rain to STOP!! Gee I should have brought my ukulele that I can't play at all! Just kidding .....

    1. Well, neither can some of them. Haha, just kidding, it's the singing that needs repair.

  3. Wonderful photo of the rainbow! Hopefully the wind dies down and the temps rise soon.
    I quite enjoy the NCIS Sydney, though do admit I sometimes miss some of the dialogue because of the accents. I'm sure in time, I'll get better at listening.

    1. Thank you, it was lucky that i braved the rain at just the right time! Warmer temps on the way!!!

  4. Lovely rainbow. We are having fish tonight.

    God bless.

  5. The fried zucchini looks yummy! Love the skies and the rainbow, beautiful! Love how the puzzle is coming along :)

  6. Gosh don't hold back regarding the ukulele players!

    1. I mean a little bit of a vent is good for the soul, not my cup of tea listening to something like that either.
