Wednesday, January 31, 2024

A Real Puzzle! Blythe Shopping

Park Place RV Park

On Wednesday, Jan. 31st, we slept in. It was the last day of the month so perhaps our subconscious selves were trying to extend the last day. It was warm already at 7:30, mid 50’s (low teens C), and Bill got ready for the field. He didn’t sleep well so there will definitely be a nap later today for him! 😊 Gibbs and I went for our walk and it was very pleasant, with a clear blue sky again.  

Good morning!

Gibbs watches his Daddy leave

I walked over to work on the puzzle. This one is going to be a real challenge, with many pieces fitting into the same slots. You don’t realize it until other pieces just don’t fit and you need to start adjusting. I guess that is why it’s called a (say it with me now) PUZZLE. While a few of the others played poker pool to pass the time, I declined today, I worked away until noon when I walked home for lunch.

Deb D gifted a goody bag for each 
of us and boy are these treats delicious!
Made in their 'home' town of Escanaba
since 1906. Thank you!♥

Bill and I drove to Blythe for a few groceries and he needed some supplies for the club. There were a fair number of transports on the highway between here and there but the 20 minutes went quickly. Ace Hardware is where he found plexiglass but nothing else that ‘he’ needed and we picked up a smaller staple gun than what we borrowed from our friends, Sheila and Randy. The hardware store had nothing smaller than 3/4" which is what we had. We needed smaller staples and now we have a spare gun to keep in the Suite. I’ll return theirs tomorrow. 😉

The job is a fairly easy one, one we have been talking about since last winter or early spring. Our 2 dining chairs are wooden with upholstered seats. Like some, they do not have storage under them. I’d bought material at a garage sale back home and we’ve ordered the foam. Oh my, my butt can almost sense the relief it will feel once this job is done! Ha ha Bill can write about it if he chooses, he is the one doing the work! After a stop at Albertson’s for a few food items, we headed home.

The drive to Blythe is a pretty one
through the mountains

I walked over to the puzzle and worked away for an hour and a half. I did make some progress but it will keep me busy – seems I’m on my own today! Back home, I made a cup of tea and then Gibbs and I went for our walk. Bill reminded me that now that we are at the end of January, in 60 days we will be pulling out. Holy cow! We know the time will fly, as it has already, so need to just enjoy every minute. 😊

Gibbs and I went for our afternoon walk
and boy, was it a pretty one.

We walk by this motor home most afternoons.
this little poodle is insane!!! She goes nuts
back and forth across the front dash until we pass.
Barking like crazy. Gibbs just ignores her now.

The sky just before supper.
Our meal was delicious tonight.

For supper, Bill grilled steak and we added the potatoes to the barbecue as well. I mixed up some coleslaw and it was a wonderful meal with sour cream and bacon bits on my spuds. Yum! After supper, Bill loaded the dishwasher and set to work on the chairs. I worked on my blog, hoping to get this one done before my wine puts me to sleep! 

A gorgeous sunset sky tonight

This has been a lovely day and although I haven’t sat outside much, I appreciate that warm weather is gracing us with its presence. We had a video chat with Jess, Matt and the 2 little monsters tonight. Neither of our grandchildren wanted to talk to us but it was nice to see 'our' daughter all the same. ♥ 

Good night!

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. If I recall correctly, the Dollar General/Hardware in Quartzsite carried Staple Guns the last time we were there.
    Be Safe and Enjoy the remaining days.

    It's about time.

    1. We had other things to buy at the hardware store in Blythe and needed a few grocery items. The hardware store does not impress us here. :)

  2. I was watching the sunset ~ not as bright as yours ~ wonderful colors! Thanks!

  3. the reaction of that poodle makes me smile..thank you patsy for the read, :)

    1. Yes, he goes stir crazy when we walk by. Drives his 'parents' nuts!!

  4. Boy do I know that poodle. Insane is a good description. Another gorgeous desert sunset.

  5. I have to wonder if the people who own the poodle are deaf? That would drive me bananas if everytime someone walked past the dog went crazy like that.
    Nice shots of the sunrise/sunset!

    1. hahaha, too funny. No, the poodle drives the husband crazy and the wife does her best to get him away from the window. It's a very high pitched yapping too.

  6. Whenever you talk about bbqing my mouth waters. That's one of the thi gs I miss most in our Winters here.

    1. We don't bbq too much but it is nice for burgers and sausage which we eat a fair bit. :)

  7. Those treats look yummy! That poodle is something else! Beautiful sunset!

  8. We had a beautiful sunset too. That poodle looks tiny. The poor dog does all that work only to be ignored by Gibbs. Too cute!

    1. Yes, you did! The poodle is maybe 6 lbs. He got loose once and ran after Gibbs, running around in circles and snapping at him. Gibbs thought 'what the heck is this?' haha

  9. Down the road a couple of houses there are two dogs that go nuts when I walk by. One would think they would be used to seeing me do so, but nope. All their owner says is "Shut up".

    The puzzle will sure keep you busy.

    God bless.

    1. Gibbs does bark when people walk by too, the same people. If the dogs shut up, that is a good thing!! :)
