Monday, January 8, 2024

Tired of the Wind, Birthday for a Special Little Girl

Park Place RV Park

On Monday, Jan. 8th Bill and Gibbs were up at 6 for an outside run. I’m sure it was a quick one since it was only 40F/5C and it was windy. I didn’t get up until almost 7:30, there was no need for me to crawl out from the warm covers until then. šŸ˜Š I stayed up until 10:30, watching the movie, Larry Crowne. Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts – how could I go wrong? I didn’t, it was a fun one to watch. Like the books I read, I should be making a list of those I’m watching, such choices on Prime!

Good morning!

Bill was up until 11:30 as usual, so I wasn’t surprised when he dropped off downstairs in his recliner until I was up making my tea, emptying the dishwasher. My sleeping ‘beauty’. Gibbs and I went for our walk as he finished getting ready but neither of us were keen on the weather. Other than a clear blue sky, which (don’t get me wrong) was lovely, but it felt much colder than the thermometer said! Brrr! I cut the walk short and Gibbs didn’t seem to mind.

Help me wish this little sweetie a
Happy 3rd Birthday Hadley Rose!
Her Mom says she acts older than 3
and is full of sass. (I wonder where that came from, Jess?)
Easton loves his little sister. šŸ’—

Bill hadn’t planned on flying this morning but did plan on spending the morning at Jim’s working on his Something Extra (it’s a plane). I’m glad he’s happy and that what makes him happy, other than Gibbs and I, is within reach and available to him over the winter, this far away from ‘home’. šŸ˜Š At 9:15 I walked over to the clubhouse with my pool stick and was the last to arrive – again!

It was a beautiful blue sky but the strong
cool winds from the north, went right through you.

The ladies had the table uncovered, the cards and my book set out. Today, there were 5 of us, yay! Not sure what happened to the others, well, Susan is away, but we are happy to play with whoever makes an appearance an we’re getting better all the time. No real ‘shark’ today, we played equally good and bad. Ha ha. The fun is in the game and who we play with so we had a great morning.

Dora was the winner with Sheila a close second. The rest of us brought up the rear, all under 20 points. After a ‘see ya later! we took our leave for lunch. Being of the Snelgrove clan, like Mom, I hate to throw anything out that can be salvaged. That being said, there were 6 or 7 slices of the ‘old’ French bread left so I made French toast again. It used it up quite nicely and with our maple syrup, it was heavenly! šŸ˜Š

Lunch and how the puzzle was left today

After lunch, Bill cut up the pineapple we bought in Walmart and I prepared the ingredients for a loaf of our own white bread. After it kneaded in the machine, I moulded it into the bread pan and covered and set it under a warm light to rise. Time to work on the puzzle! It is a hard one and after trying to continue where I was working yesterday, I moved to the other side of the table and began putting the balloon pieces together.

My afternoon job was also to bake bread.
My breadmaker did the kneading for me. šŸ˜

At 4, when Dora and Gerald were sweeping and cleaning up the garbage, I tottered on home. The bread had risen in leaps and bounds, according to Bill, so we turned our power back on and I baked the loaf at 350 for 30 minutes. Yum. Bill would be needing some for lunch tomorrow. I made a cup of tea and then took Gibbs for his/our walk around the park. It was 5:30. By now, the winds had died down and our gazebo, after surviving 2 days of it, was still standing. šŸ˜Š

When Gibbs went out at 5:30
the pink Scadden Mountains were on display

The thing I noticed? The sun was at least 5 minutes later setting. The days are indeed getting longer. Because of that, we were able to capture it dropping behind the Oldman Mountains. I’ve tried to find the name of those ridges and that’s the best I can pinpoint. La Paz Mountain is also behind that but between them, they swallowed the sun a bit later tonight.šŸ’“

And the sun was just about to say goodbye

For supper, it was leftover meatloaf, coleslaw and warm, ‘fresh out of the oven’, bread. We love our slicer thingy and although we’re eating flour, we know exactly what goes into each loaf. We didn’t have a big clean up, the dishwasher did the job for us. Bill has fallen deeply into his David Baldacci book over the last couple of cool days so is focusing on that for a while tonight. I’ll see if I read mine or watch another movie.

a good simple supper.

Well-worn and loved

This has been a good day. A cold one, but a good one. Temperatures are dropping into the mid to low 30’s tonight and the forecasters are warning of a hard freeze between 1 am and 9 am. No snow though and full sun again tomorrow. As my t-shirt says “Sunshine Fills My Soul”. šŸ˜Š

Ain't it the truth?
Good night!

Thank you for the visit.


  1. We're getting a good wallop from old man winter tomorrow. My cousins near Phoenix were posting pics of snow this weekend!

    1. Brrr, doesn't sound very nice. Yes, parts of Arizona were getting it as well. Crazy!

  2. Happy birthday Hadley Rose. Keep up being sassy!

    1. Ha ha, I'm sure she will give her Momma a run for her money! ♥

  3. Happy Birthday, Hadley! What a little sweetie!

  4. Happy Birthday to little Hadley! Gosh, how can she be 3 already?
    It's definitely winter there and here too. Stay warm!

    1. We wonder that too about Hadley! Wish we were closer to the grandkids, especially the little ones. The others are too busy anyway! :)

  5. Happy Birthday Hadley. She is growing up so quickly.

    God bless.

  6. Happy Birthday Hadley Rose! Congrats Easton for being a very good big brother!

