Tuesday, January 23, 2024

The Rain has Stopped, Yes, No, Maybe? Relaxing Day

Park Place RV Park

On Tuesday, Jan. 23rd there was no call for us to do anything in particular. There were some parcels ready for pick up at the mail depot but that would be later. The sky was ‘iffy’ and the forecast matched that. Who knows what to believe so Bill stayed home first thing. When he saw Nancy loading her propane tanks, he offered to go with her. She can very well do those things on her own but when a ‘gentleman’ is prepared to go along, she happily said Yes! 😊

Our first walk under a pretty but undecided sky

Nancy had the tanks in her truck so
Bill provided a strap to keep them in place.

I took Gibbs for a walk and by then the sky was breaking up enough for Bill to go to the flying field for a few hours after they got back. Susan and I worked on that puzzle and accomplished a lot before noon hour when I came back for lunch. I neglected to have anything other than yogourt and to take my mid-morning coffee over with me. That coffee is not so much an addiction (well, maybe it is!) but the cream I use does fill me until noon hour. Soon I felt a headache coming on.

Later in the morning, the sky changed to this. ♥

That's more like it! The sun was so warm.

It didn’t help matters when one of the musicians in the park decided to sit/stand right behind us to change strings on his guitar…….of course, he played it more than worked on the strings. LOL, and loud and chatting away to himself and to whomever will listen. Anyway, he’s certainly allowed to enjoy the clubhouse too, but it just added to my pounding head. We had lunch, 2 pieces of my pizza warmed in Rosy, the air fryer, and then because I felt chilled, I went upstairs for a snooze.

Nancy and I took the pooches for a walk.
Look at this little guy! He's older than he looks and acts!
Bella, here is your perfect match. ♥♥

If we read doggie's minds.
"Coop, check this out. Small good smells"
"Thanks Gibbs, I will"

I didn’t sleep but I did get a good hour of rest covered up with Nancy’s (my) quilt. 😊 I missed Tom and Deb when they came for their parcel that Bill picked up this morning but I’m sure they understood. When I got up, I still had the headache so then took Advil and made myself a cup of creamy tea. That did it! Within 10 minutes, the pounding eased and then disappeared altogether, I was warmed up sufficiently and sat to stitch the doggie’s ears and tail on.

The sky changed again

and again.
The rainbow was faint but this one is in the east sky.

Gibbs and I went for a walk with Nancy and Cooper and we walked under clouds, blue skies and sun, not knowing what and when it would change to something else. Bill was working on a project outside and captured this cute little car, taking a drive through the park. Cool! 

Bill was outside working and got a picture of this old
Model T (I think it is). Very cool! Putt putt putt

Before supper, I sat and attached all the doggie's parts. The work is less than perfect, by a long shot, but hopefully I'll improve with others. Nancy brought us over a pork loin that she roasted in her oven today so our supper was easy. Thank you, Nancy! I fried up the few mashed potatoes and mixed some coleslaw. Delicious!

It was perfectly cooked.


After another spell of rain between 4 and 6, there was a beautiful ‘after’ sunset tonight. Nancy, myself and even Rich, next door, gathered out there to take it all in. Hopefully, that is it for the rain. We reached a high of 60F/14C today with an increase in temperatures over the next week again. This was a good day, nice and quiet. I hope yours was also a good one!

Good night!

Thank you for stopping in.


  1. Very happy the pork was edible!!! It was a different day with rain on and off. Glad you are feeling better and thank Bill for me again!!! Nancy K

    1. It was great!
      Will do. He knows you appreciate his help. 😊

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oh, I know the feeling of frustration when putting the pieces of amigurumi together. That silly penguin was put together at least three times before I let it go. Next time I think I'll try pinning the pieces in place before starting the sewing process.
    Hopefully that rainbow was an indication of better weather ahead.
    I deleted my comment because the cat stepped on my keyboard when I was part way through it. :p

    1. Mine will never be perfect, I'm almost embarrassed because it doesn't really look like a dog.

  4. What a lovely gift of supper. You are lucky to have such a good friend. I am glad that your headache finally disappeared.

    God bless.

  5. Pork loin looks great! Nice of Nancy to share with you! Sunset pics are GREAT!!!
    Yes, hope the rain is gone now :)

  6. Sounds like a nice inside day. Not sure I could wait that long, but they do have great pizza.

  7. I'm glad the Advil took care of your headache! The pork loin looks yummy and so does your coleslaw. I love that it's so easy to make! I love the sunset pics!
