Monday, January 15, 2024

Trickling Back, RV Country and a Crocheting Afternoon

Park Place RV Park

On Monday, Jan. 15th, I was pumped and ready for our Ladies Poker Pool. I always am, it’s a great way to spend the morning. A shower for both Bill and I came first, a walk with Gibbs and Bill left for the flying field. It was a cool morning, because maybe my hair wasn’t completely dry, I felt it more than usual and put my hood up. Wimp!

Good morning!

Today, two ladies who have been absent for…..3 weeks……….slowly began trickling back in to play pool. Nice to see them again bringing today’s players up to 7. Adele didn’t stay for the whole time but the rest of us played until noon. It was another fun time. I didn’t come near winning but that no longer matters. 😊 We parted ways at noon. Bill and I had lunch together and then drove to town.

The packaging looked pretty banged up
but inside contents were fine.

Moon Mountain Mail depot was first where I picked up a package that I’ve been waiting for. One of 3, I might add. My brother recommended this magnifying headset, giving it rave reviews for crafting, so I ordered Bill and I each a pair. 

I hope they work for us
but at $15/pair, I'm not out much.
My brother really likes them for his
model car hobby.

I think they will take a while to get used to but for my cross-stitching especially, I think I will love them! The price was right from Amazon so no complaints there. 

This cute little book will get me going, I'm pretty sure

I also received a crocheting book with 26 patterns for animal Amigurumis. I already love it just by flipping through the pages.

We parked in the temporary 'free' log
and walked across to the Class A's and 5th wheels.

Before returning home, we stopped at the ‘sign’ kiosk at the corner of Main and 95 to chat with the owner/operator of the business. We have questions about a new sign. Then we parked and took a walk through some of the new and used rv’s sitting along 95, in front of the big tent. No reason other than to ‘pick’ a favourite and chat with some of the eager beaver salesmen. They are bored right now and once they know we’re not interested in buying, they turn on the jokes. 😊

Today's favourite for me.
A 2015 Tiffin with not a bad price tag.

Fun to look at, not to own.

We settled in for the afternoon. The clubhouse was reserved for a family gathering so I got out the crochet kit for the dog. I’m not giving up and slowly but surely it is coming together No sneak peaks until I have something to show and something to be proud of. 😊 For supper, I used Madame IP to heat up yesterday’s hamburger soup and we each had some of the homemade bread/buns along with. It was good and filling.

I actually caught the sunset over by the clubhouse!

It's worth turning around to see
what the west sky is doing to the east mountains. ♥

This looked like a sundog but
the camera on my phone from such a distance
didn't do it justice.

Whatever these clouds are from,
they are photo worthy.

Today, is my firstborn grandson’s 29th birthday. Wow! How did he get so grown up? I remember the day he was born like it was yesterday.  I cut the umbilical cord like a pro. (Not!) πŸ˜‚ He was born on my parent’s anniversary so that is special. Taylor’s cell phone doesn’t have many minutes so we don’t chat other than on Messenger but as long as we keep in touch, that’s what is important. Happy Birthday, Tj!

Rather than a recent photo,
this is one of my favourites his aunt took
of him at a young age. πŸ’–πŸ’–

This has been a pretty nice day. The weather is definitely turning around. It was a lovely 66F/18C today with clouds only moving in later this afternoon.

Bill isn't as big on soup as I am, so 
he used the slotted spoon and got a lot of the
veggies where I like the soup base too. Yummy!
Good night!

Thank you for stopping by.


  1. Oh gosh .. don't show ANY Phaetons please. I've been missing mine lately!!! Those crochet patterns are very cute. Can't wait to see your creations.

  2. Happy Birthday TJ. Lots of RV's lined up for sale. I also like touring those type of things.

    God bless.

    1. Fun to be so picky when a rig is so highly priced! Haha, i always found something i don't like. In purpose!

  3. Sounds like a good day overall. Let us know how you like the visor. I've been looking for something to help with the cross-stitch but the light/magnifier I got is useless.
    The Tiffin looks as big as some apartments I've lived in years ago! Very nice though.

  4. Whispy clouds, soup and a Birthday = Perfect day!!

  5. Happy Birthday grandson! It’s always fun to look and it’s free unless…….. lol


  6. What a cute picture of your grandson! Happy Birthday!
    We were looking at all the motorhomes as drove by yesterday along with the stickers in the windshields of the ones on the corner and we have decided to keep loving our Stinger "B"....LOL
    Have fun crocheting those cute animals looking forward to seeing the dog when you get it done.
