Thursday, August 25, 2022

My Friday, Your Thursday, The Rains Came

The Ridge

On Thursday, Aug. 25th Billy picked Bill up here at home. They’d dropped the work trailer here for the night so hooked up and drove to the job site in Durham. No point in driving Black Beauty in when parking is at a minimum. Between Mike’s truck, the trailer and the huge lift they rented, the street would be jammed. It was agreed that I would pick him up this afternoon when he’s done. 😊

a lovely morning if you look to the west

Gibbs and I walked two ways this morning. First, we turned towards the highway but there were just too many cows in that field and they were too close to the fence for L.J. to walk properly. First, he growled, then he barked, then he stopped after every few steps to check on them. I suggested we go home and he eagerly turned back. What a goof!

the sky looked a little 'iffy' to the south

He walked past our laneway towards the new neighbour territory. Okay, fine with me. The first house, Shawn and Margaret’s, was quiet. Prince, the Chihuahua was not out. We carried on to Meagan and Dakota’s place. We weren’t so lucky there. Luna, one of their husky dogs, was sitting on the porch. By the time I’d seen her and turned around, she came down the porch steps and trotted to their cedar rail fence. Oh-oh. 😟

to the north, we have cows, cows, cows

I knew they were putting an invisible fence in a couple of weeks ago so wasn’t too concerned, especially when she stopped about 2’ from the fence. Gibbs was keen to meet her, of course, but he was very quiet. Within a moment, she was through the fence running at us. Of course, I kind of freaked, but quietly, and instead of acting normal, tried to pick Gibbs up who was by this time tangling around my legs fighting with Luna. I use the term fighting loosely.

Before supper, the sky opened up a few times
And it got quite windy

There were growls, barks and a yelp. Not sure whose. Both dogs were fine and had calmed down but my leg was wrapped in the leash by the time I heard Meagan’s voice calling Luna. She was in barefeet and felt truly sick over the whole thing. She continually apologized after sending the ‘regretful husky’, I’m sure, back to the house. Gibbs and I walked back home, he with his little head in the air and a skip in his steps. He was just fine.🐢

the parking area is surrounded by water
Hey! We have our own manmade swimming area now!

Meagan followed up with a text, hoping that Gibbs was okay and to let her know if he had any issues. She’s a good neighbour. The rest of my morning was spent working at M’s rental apartment. We installed a small cupboard, removed the stove, fridge and another counter cupboard from the kitchen so I could repaint the cement floors again. With the bathroom and kitchen done, I went back to sanding the primer on Mike’s truck for my last half hour.

The prelude to the storm

Some perspective tenants are coming to view the apartment tonight so I offered to go back when the paint was dry to help replace the appliances etc. I had some lunch and my shower before Gibbs and I went outside. The rain was expected around 2 this afternoon and it wasn’t far off. Soon after it started, Bill texted that he was done work and would meet me at the bank. I had a document to drop off so scooted into town.

It got a bit nasty but we were safe inside the Suite

On the way home, we stopped to offer assistance to M and he accepted gratefully. His friend didn’t show up to help with things so Bill hooked up the stove for him and after laying the carpet, he moved the appliances and cupboard back into place. He’s a keeper! M offered to pay us for our time but we did it as a favour and wished him luck with the visitors tonight. The rain was coming down hard when we ran to the car and drove home.

Back home, Bill showered during the storm. I had to actually close the windows, which we never usually have to close because of the slant they are one but it was coming in on both sides. The winds reached about 25 mph for about 10 minutes and blew the hammock over into the ditch. Woops! Bill snoozed, oh and so did our little fighter , and I changed our plan for bbq’d sausages on a bun to toasted western buns instead. No one would be bbq’ing here tonight. 😊

This was such a good sandwich,
I'll do it on a sub bun again

The westerns were amazing! I toasted the sub buns as best I could by splitting them in half and turning them half way through the toaster cycle. I’m quite impressed and supper couldn’t have ended better than with another piece of peach pie and whipped cream. Bill made his lunch and loaded the dishwasher before going to the Hangar. The rain seems to have stopped but I don't think that is it for the night.

Another delicious picture

Gibbs and I stayed indoors tonight, I worked on my blog and watched tv. It has been another nice day here. Bill is finished working at the site in town so we’re not sure where he’ll be tomorrow. I know where I’ll be! Not working. 😊

Too funny! Looks like we had a similar supper 2 years ago
on this date
Breakfast casserole
Some things never change! ♥
Good night!

Thank you for stopping by. Your comments are always read and answered asap.


  1. Come on Mom ... someone has to be king of the hill!!! It was nice of your neighbors to check on Gibbs. He must have said something bad in that little growl! LOL. Dinner looks quite tasty!!

    1. Too true! I'm sure Gibbs just wanted to play and maybe she did too but we took her by surprise.

  2. I'm glad that Gibbs and Luna didn't get into to it too badly. Your neighbour sounds like a good sort so hopefully it won't happen again.
    Wow, you sure got rain. No need to water for a few days!

    1. Meagan does seem very nice and concerned. Yes, everything got a really good soaking. The rain buckets, barrel, bird bath and pool are filled!

  3. That was so nice to help M. You are good neighbors. That

  4. I am glad that neither dog had any injuries and that you were okay being tangled up in the leash.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you Jackie. I probably was more freaked than the dogs were, well, Meagan too. :)
