Friday, May 12, 2023

This Makes a Week

The Ridge

Friday, May 12th marks a week+ of me not working for M around the corner. Surprisingly, I’m fine with it because it has been nice weather and a lot got done up here on The Ridge. šŸ˜Š My wallet is a little bare though, comme ci comme ca. So, today, Bill didn’t have as far to go, only 20 minutes to Hanover so he had more time in the morning to get ready. Gibbs still had him up at 6 though.

I'm going to start with a sunset from
a previous night that I missed posting

After he’d showered, I got up around 6:30 and because I had cleaning to do and planned on doing laundry this morning, I was out the door at 7. Bill sweetly asked ‘would you like to have your car today?’ šŸ˜Š Why yes, yes, I would! I would be flitting in town this morning and even though I do like driving Black Beauty, Ptooties is just easier to get into parking lots. I finished at the Mat and went to Foodland to pick up a few extra things for the weekend meals.

When we finished work this morning,
Gibbs decided the shade was cooler 'on the other side'

It was only 9 when I finished and none of the other stores were open until 10. Good grief! Don’t they know it’s Friday? That’s just me being impatient. So, I headed home with plans to return later. Back home, I hung the clothes on the line before Gibbs and I set to work.

It was the perfect day for drying clothes

We loaded the stones from the fire pit area into the wheel barrow ( I think I spelled that wrong yesterday!) and it took two loads for me to take them to the corral and dump them in the corner. One day, we may be changing the appearance of that. Then I picked up the last 2 piles of rakings from the lane and that was enough. I felt like dinner or lunch for the little black flies buzzing around my face.  

I love our orange umbrella
Remember, it was damaged in the wind 2 years ago?
Bill's repair job is amazing!

Around 11:30, I went back into town to the LCBO (liquor store), popped into the 2n hand stores and then home again. The remainder of the early afternoon was spent with Gibbs. I brought the clothes in, straightened a few things in the Bunky. Around 1:30, I remembered that I hadn’t had much to eat so made myself a piece of cinnamon toast with bacon and cheese. That hit the spot for sure.

We sat on the step, the flies
were not too bad here

It was 2:15 when we heard the truck pulling an AirStream coming up the laneway. Duncan and Patty had arrived and were coming for the weekend. šŸ˜Š  It’s always nice that we are on their regular stop-ins when they are close to the area. They came from Vineland/Toronto this morning and we’re happy to see them to catch up on our winter travels. Theirs is spent on their boat and ours…..well, you know. šŸ˜Š

Finally, the Baltimore Oriole found the food

Once set up and Gibbs had appropriately greeted them, we sat under our awning on the patio. What a beautiful day! The black flies were not a welcome addition but we were sprayed as best we could to try and keep them at bay. It’s too bad they are around but that is nature for you. Bill returned home from work around 3:45 and Gibbs ran down the lane to greet him. He was better than last summer and seemed to run beside the truck rather than all around it.

Welcome Duncan and Patty!

We all poured a drink and had our first Happy Hour since we’ve arrived home. We all admitted to having a much ‘drier’ winter and yet still enjoyed sharing a beverage with friends. Duncan and I picked up where we left off last fall with bird watching, pointing different species out and listening on our Merlin apps. When I heard a different sound, we soon named it the Rose-throated Grosbeak, a new bird on my horizon. No picture though, but beautiful in view and song.

After a stately walk across our
berm, Gibbs chased him to the sky

M dropped over for a bit of help with an app on his phone and he sat for a short visit, meeting our friends. We all separated at supper where Bill and I had fish and chips. Yes, I had them too. 

Gibbs stretches out in the shade
Where is he?
What is he doing?

He's under the Suite
He's watching our neighbours get set up. šŸ’“

After dishes, the chorus frogs were loud and boisterous but we met outside around Bill’s fire. In long pants and shirts this time. We reached 25C/77F today with some clouds to break up the blue sky. This was a wonderful day andit makes a week where I didn't work for M. 

When I came in to start supper,
Gibbs watches the door for my return. šŸ˜
Good night!

Thank you for stopping in. Your comments are welcome.


  1. With those black flies being so pesky, why don't you set up your collapsible gazebo? It would be a life saver!!!

    1. Ha ha, I said the same thing to Bill. It isn't something we planned to do up here because of the winds wreaking havoc on it. Bill thinks they would still get in. :(

  2. You know what, the only thing I don't miss about living in Ontario and heading into cottage country is the pesky black flies. However here I have to put up with giant mosquitos and ticks.

    God bless.

  3. I'd rather have the black flies than the ticks! That's probably one reason I don't move up north, although we do occasionally have no-seeums. Little black biting things that itch like crazy. On the other hand .... your yard looks amazing, and I'm sure the company appreciates it!!

    1. Yes, me too. They're just annoying. So far only one bite on my hand and the same for everyone else.

  4. Enjoy your visit with your friends. I do hope the black flies don't last too long.

  5. Love the pop of red in your yard! Maybe a couple of end tables or flower pots in the same color.

    1. Funny, it looks red in pictures but it is actually orange. I have yet to get out and buy a few potted plants. :) Thank you!

  6. Ooops.......make that orange!
