Sunday, September 17, 2023

And Then it Was Sunday, The End of a Weekend

The Ridge

Weekends are back to feeling special again, because other than one morning when I clean, we don’t work. So, on Sunday, Sept. 17th we could do our own thing. Bill was up with Gibbs at 6:30 and I slept until 7:30. It was forecasted to be a full day of rain but looking out my window, it hadn’t started yet. We had our tea and coffee together as Bill had already decided it wouldn’t be a flying morning.

When we were able, we went down to 
the end of the lane.
This time I had clippers to cut the vines
that I had pulled loose from the little bushes.

The day was a little bit of this and that, depending on when the rain fell. Inside I filled our pill capsules for the week, takes about 5 minutes. At least the day wasn’t a complete wash out, and the rain was fairly light when it did fall. We worked at the gate a bit, Bill mounted the latches on the gate and because they’ve settled over the last few weeks, he had some adjustment to do. It doesn’t help that the lane is not level either. We discussed where and what shape my flower boxes will be down there. 😊 

Top picture is from a 
Bottom - Gibbs stays with Daddy
but keeps an eye on Mom

This vine is on every bush and tree and has roots
deep in the ground. I pulled and yanked to the point of
landing on my butt yesterday and now you can see why.
Just how tangled they get around the posts etc. 
I won though! 😉

I was close enough to help if needed but plugged away with the clippers along the north fence line. That vine will not get the better of me! I clipped and pulled and clipped and pulled some more all the while Gibbs stayed well-placed in between the two of us. It was 11 o’clock when we were getting too wet from the showers (we kept thinking it would stop any minute) so came up until noon hour. Bill worked in the Hangar and I read more of my book.

After Bill finished down there this afternoon,
Gibbs and I walked down to check out his 

After bacon and eggs, it had stopped again so Bill went back down to the gate and worked some more. Between his back and forth a few times, he managed to get what he’d hoped to for today. There’s still a bit of adjustment to do but that will do for another day. We could close it and latch it now if we so chose to do that. 😊 I’ll go back, again on another day, to pick up the vines that are sprawled along the fence in piles.

The black latch sure finish it off nicely!

Inside, I got out the yarn barrel and crocheted. Another hat in the works, each one getting a bit easier for me. The practice is good and I’m enjoying doing it. I decided to watch a movie, there are so many to choose from now that we’re streaming. On Prime I found An Unfinished Life with Morgan Freeman, Jennifer Lopez and Robert Redford. How could I go wrong? It was a great movie and I needed a break from my evening episodes.

This is the 3 plank 'man' door to the east
of the main gate. Just a simple, country-style
rope latch to slip in and out when the gate is closed.
The rope is not visible from the road so it looks

Gibbs and I walked down the road a bit.
The sky was not trustworthy though, one minute
looking and feeling like rain, the next the sun appeared.

For supper, I had Madame IP cook some ribs, potatoes on the stove and corn on the cob in the oven. We were eating by 6:45 and it was a good Sunday night meal. I finished the ribs on the Weber for about 5 minutes with sweet & sour sauce to brown them a bit. Yum. We had cinnamon buns to finish so I had my half and we each had some ice cream for dessert. Bill went out to check the coolant level in Black Beauty so I would be good to go tomorrow. 

tonight's was a nice Sunday meal

This was a good day. I feel good about all that we got done. I hope you had a good couple of days too.

There was a lot of noise in the sky just before
supper. The geese came back from their day trip. 😀
The pink sky came out of nowhere but it sure
was pretty to see.
Good night!

Thank you for popping by!


  1. That sure does look like a grapevine to me.....but by now it would have had grapes. You would have noticed. ha.

    1. haha, probably a grape vine of sorts but they are tiny and never get any bigger. :)

  2. That gate is just perfect. I can just imagine how hard that vine is to remove. I had Virginia Creeper and man that was hard to get rid of.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you Jackie. Bill has worked hard on the gate. The vine gave me my first blister in a very long time!! Poor me. haha

  3. A day that kept you both busy. Unwanted Vines are such a pain to finally get rid of.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Yes, for sure. Glad the rain held off for the most part. That vine is infuriating and returns every year so I try to get as close to the roots as possible.

  4. The pink in the evening sky is so pretty. The vine is called dog-strangling vine (I have no idea why) and is an invasive plant. It will eventually kill the plants, including trees, that it engulfs. It's good you're getting rid of it.

    1. I love the pink sky at night (sailor's delight). ♥ Thank you! I have never heard of that name before but hope to remember it. It is terrible and I fight hard to save the trees especially.

  5. That's sure looking like winter weather!! Love the gate!!

    1. Them's fighting words, Nancy!! winter weather............brrr! The gate gets better all the time.
