Sunday, February 18, 2024

A Great Day, She’s Back! 😊

Park Place RV Park

On Sunday, Feb. 18th we were to have another busy day. At least, I knew I was! Bill was up with Gibbs at 6:30 and I followed around 7. With clothes sorted, we walked over to the laundry room right away. It is pretty much a given that we will beat anyone else over there. Bill left for the flying field and Gibbs and I went for our walk while waiting for the clothes in the dryer. I love having our laundry done by 9 am.

A reward for being up and out so early

The clouds didn't last long
but sure made for pretty pictures

Good morning!

This is another gorgeous day, starting with a lovely sunrise. I had work to do this morning, we were attending the park’s potluck this afternoon. I’d decided on and planned for a casserole. With the ingredient I wanted to use, what else popped up when I searched Google but Cheesy Hamburger Macaroni Casserole? 😊 That’s what I want! I printed the recipe off and while thinking about that, I decided to make a batch of dinner rolls too. That was not in the original plan.

And the last trip back with the laundry

and my walk with Gibbs gave me these two pictures.

I sat in my lounger in the gazebo with Gibbs and my book. The new one I’m reading is called ‘the other side of the story’ by Marian Keyes. It grabbed me from the first page. The print is quite small so I’m having to ensure I’m sitting in good light – even with the new glasses. It was just after lunch while I was out there that I heard a voice that was familiar. Nancy is back! Bill came out and walked over to greet her Gibbs and I waited.

This is a picture just before they
were bundled up to rise (to the occasion)

Next thing I know, Bill is driving the rig and backing it into her spot across the way from us. Yay! Welcome back, kiddo! Gerald was the host on duty and offered any required assistance until her fiver was in place. After hugs, she got set up before coming for a visit. I was in and out, making the rolls and casserole but we enjoyed the chat. I know how nice it is to have a meal offered on a move day so wasn’t surprised she was happy to join us at the potluck.

Nancy is tucked back into her
site across from us.
Gibbs watches, he can hear her and Daddy's voices. 💖

Unfortunately, the dinner rolls didn’t quite bake complete enough to offer them to others so I left them at home and we carried things over at 3 o’clock. It was a small gathering of 17 or 18 today but still very nice. We had the pleasant opportunity to sit with Jess and Jesse, a young couple just down the row from us, and get to know them better. It was a good meal with a few different choices. The casserole was a hit, I think, since it was half gone. Good!

A plate full of food but i didn't overdo it today.
taco dip & nachos, shredded beef, devilled eggs, refried beans,
cheesy potatoes, my macaroni casserole and quesadillas!
All yummy!

Tomorrow is someone's birthday and our manager, Patti,
helps her cut the cake as Barb looks on. 
Happy Birthday, Dora!

Back home by 4:15 or so, we parted ways. I took Gibbs for his walk while Bill cleaned out our cooler bag. I put a few of the rolls and the leftover casserole into a container for Nancy. If she likes it enough, it will provide a meal or two for her. 😉 We sat outside together, all 3 of us, Bill working on plane stuff, me reading and Gibbs on my lap. Hard to read such a thick book with one arm being held down by a 25 lb. pooch!

Gibbs and I got out for our walk and then I just
missed the sunset. Again!

Pink mountains in the east

For supper, if you can call it that, we had potato chips with some cheddar cheese cut up. It was all we needed and who doesn’t love that for a snack? We reached 74F/21C today and our overnight lows are not dropping below 50F/10C in the foreseeable future. Perfect! We’ve finally broken the mold! After I finish my blog, I’ll probably find something watch …………….. or I’ll read. It will be a quiet evening. What a great day and so nice to see our friend back for a couple of days.

Good night!

Thank you for the visit too.


  1. Beautiful sunrise. I think we are all happy it has warmed up. Glad Nancy is back. Hope to get your way again soon.

    1. I'm happy to see Nancy again, anytime. It would be great to see you again!

  2. It was a yummy casserole! Leftovers? Yes please ... and homemade rolls to boot!! I can't thank you enough. That Gibbs ... he's my buddy!! Such a lap pup!!! It will be nice so hang out in the warm for a couple of days.

    1. You are very welcome. Happy to share. Gibbs loves you too. ♥

  3. Wonderful sunrise pictures! Nancy can warm up for a few days! Gibbs will watch over you all! So cute and too funny :)

  4. Beautiful sunrise. Just yesterday I was thinking it's time to make a hamburger macaroni casserole. Cute picture of Gibbs watching watching watching.

    1. It's a nice filling meal, isn't it? Gibbs is always watching. ♥

  5. Always nice spending time with Friends.
    That casserole looked tasty.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  6. Pretty skies. Enjoy your visit with your friend Nancy.

  7. Yea, Nancy is back!!! I think the skies in Arizona are very beautiful.

    God bless.
