Friday, February 9, 2024

Poker Pool Interruption, Awareness

Park Place Rv Park

On Thursday, Feb. 8th it started out pretty much normal. That all changed and we spent a day for the books. LOL Gibbs and I didn’t get out for our walk - weather, and Bill didn’t go flying – weather again. I went to Ladies Poker Pool at 9:15 and we managed 3, maybe 4 games before Bill ‘called’ me home. From a laptop to a phone call, someone was trying to scam us.

Puddles around from an overnight rain
but a nice looking day

I don’t want to go into details other than to say ‘Please be careful, be smart, be aware’. Scammers are smart and are everywhere. If it sounds suspicious, it most likely is. It took us a while to make sure our Canadian and US bank accounts are secure. Thank you to the ‘real’ bank staff, two ladies, who reassured us that all is well. We are fine, we will be fine and are moving forward.

In case you've missed Stuffy
He's still all in one piece - filling.
Gibbs hasn't touched his hand, eyes or his antlers. 

Supper was kind of early, a sandwich in mid afternoon and popcorn later in the evening. I wasn’t into watching a movie like Bill was, but I was definitely into finishing my book, The Lost Girls of Paris by Pam Jenoff. It was good and had my attention to the last page. It is no reflection on the story or the writer that it took me so long. I have just been distracted with life. 😊

It was nice to have the sunshine and blue skies
after a cloudy rainy Wednesday.

I was in bed by 10 and slept well until 6:15 this morning when the boys went out for their walk in the dark. It was a scary day until things got settled and, also a wake-up call.

A few days ago, I was checking out
this Photo app.
I took one of the pictures of Gibbs behind me 
in my chair. Isn't it cute?
It was too expensive to keep but I took a screenshot
before removing the app. 💘💘
Good night!

Thank you for the visit today!


  1. I'm glad to hear you were able to evade the scammers. I'm sure it was a bit of a frightening episode. Whenever one of those strange calls comes in, infrequently thankfully, I always want to ask if their mother would be proud to hear what they were doing. I don't ask because I suspect it wouldn't make any difference but I always think it.
    Hope today is a much better day!

    1. Thank you Maebeme. You're right, it would make no difference to them.

  2. Scammers are getting smarter and smarter. I am so happy to read that you managed to stop them. Our oldest son got the Windows one and actually talked to the guy. The way Kurt handled the whole thing was awesome. Keeping the scammer on the line for 30 minutes and then when the scammer called him "stupid" replied "Not so stupid that I managed to keep you from scamming others for 30 minutes."

    God bless.

  3. Glad you figured it out. They are evil people. I’ve almost been caught a couple times. I just hang up, or close my computer and call the bank. Wish there was some way to catch those boogers!!!

  4. Without the details your scammer story is not much help. We all get texts, emails, phone calls etc. It would be helpful to know if this was something new we should watch out for.

    1. Sorry that i didn't give details, it isn't a new scam. It has been around for a long time. I didn't want to rehash it but wanted to touch on my day is all.

  5. Every time the Scammers get caught, they come up with a different way to steel from us. Glad you caught them first.
    Those are cute pictures of Gibbs.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
