Saturday, February 24, 2024

Day Trip with NO Worries about our Baby

Park Place RV Park

On Friday, Feb. 23rd we had plans to take a drive to Yuma to meet friends for lunch and do a bit of shopping. We had word that Black Beauty was fine for the trip and we had made arrangements with Gibbs’ buddy to tend to him. 😊 If you have a dog, you know that this means the world to have someone look after him/her. It’s a precious gift wrapped in the friendship.

Because I posted early Thursday night,
I missed this pix of our late supper. Yum
Good morning!

So, we were up by 7 and did our normal ‘getting ready’ routine without making it obvious to Gibbs that we were going anywhere. He is very keen on things like that, as all of them are. I took him for his walk around 8:30 after my morning tea and Bill moved the ‘wings’ out of the back seat. We pulled out at 10 and it although it was cloudy, it was a warm drive. The temperature would reach 76F/23C here and a few degrees warmer in Yuma. We wore shorts and sandals.

We slowly changed from clouds to sun

The drive to Yuma indicated lots of green grass
in the desert and on the mountains.
The cannons and vegetables ready to harvest.

It was a good drive, we haven’t been this way in a while. Interesting to see the grass in the desert and the brilliant green of the Ocotillo cacti. We know we’re close when we reach the Yuma Proving Grounds and the cannons. 😊 The vegetation and hard field workers are busy as we drive by, busy before the sun gets too hot. By then, we were seeing more blue sky than clouds. We drove directly to Lin’s Chinese Buffet, arriving at 11:20.

It was a lovely visit
and the food was awesome today.
I filled my plate twice and then some fruit for dessert!
Little piggy.

Lori, Roland, Judy and Oscar were already inside in the line, coming from Holtville Hot Springs, CA. It is always great to get visits with Lori and Roland but today we were lucky enough to get another visit with their parents. It has been quite a few years, maybe 5?, since we’ve seen them last. Both are looking great and Judy and I had nice chats across the table from each other, catching up. We won’t see them again as they are leaving in a week, their ‘vacation’ visit with the kids will be over.

Posting for Donna and Gerry.
Thought maybe they drove down to join us for lunch.

Fingers crossed, we’ll get to see the ‘kids’ before we/they leave the area. The food was great, lots of choices and I managed to stick to mostly Chinese fare this time. I was not over-stuffed when we left 2 ½ hours later. The price at Lin’s is excellent for their lunch buffet, $12.99 (only up $1 from our last visit 5+ years ago) and as seniors we received 10% discounts. 😊

A few more sights on the way to and from Yuma
That is a picture of Lin's buffet in the top right. 

Bill and I then drove to Fry’s Grocery where we stocked up on Keto seeded bread, Gibbs’ cookies and diet cranberry juice. Next, it was Sam’s Club for dog food in the ‘I’ll last for a long time’ bag, dishwasher pods, milkbone treats and DEF fluid. We took the time to pop into Hobby Lobby but only to price a few model cars for family back home and then we hit the road. It was 3 pm and we were home by 4:30 where we were met by a happy pooch.

My second favourite cactus, the Ocotillo 
is so pretty

These mountains will never bore me.
Look at how far the grass is growing up on the rocky terrain.

Someone is being well looked after today. ♥
He honours his buddy with a kiss too.

We had received a couple of cute pictures of our little guy, with the note that he was fine so it was a very relaxing day. Of course, we wouldn’t need supper but did have a snack later on. They say that about Chinese food, don’t they? 😊 

Home again

It was a quiet evening but I wasn’t into blog writing, instead I found a good movie to watch until 10 o’clock. What a great day!

The sunset, caught just in time.
To the east, the Waxing Gibbous moon, 99.31% illumination, 13.82 days old
is visible. 
Apparently the second February full moon is called Snow Moon, 
Hunger Moon. It will be the smallest full moon of 2024, 
and Saturday morning it will be at its farthest point from Earth 
in its orbit. 

Good night!

Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Good to hear that BB was ready to go for your jaunt to visit friends.
    A Chinese buffet sounds delicious - it's been awhile since I visited one.

    1. Thank you, we were prepared to postpone if necessary. :) the buffet was good.

  2. The desert is even greener than the last time we saw it.
    I remember how great the food was at Lin's. Hard to pass up that extra serving.
    Glad BB held on for your trip.
    Certain Gibbs will appreciate his food supply replenished.
    Long days make it hard to blog sometimes.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Thanks Rick. Yes, the last few years the desert has been greener than our first years too.
      Lins is always a nice meal, especially after a few years in between visits!

  3. As I have said before meeting friends is awesome. So glad that BB was up to that trip and that Gibbs was well looked after.

    God bless.

  4. Thank you for the extra step you did to make this visit work...without reading, your pictures speak a thousand words. 🤣

  5. Hi! This is a test to see if I can comment using my phone.
