Saturday, February 10, 2024

Needs to Warm Up! Time to Make Soup.

Park Place RV Park

On Saturday, Feb. 10th I joined Bill downstairs around 7:30. The morning weather did not encourage me to get moving very quickly. Well, it wasn’t raining at least, but it was only 45F/6C and with the winds, it felt a few degrees colder than that. I lazed around with my tea and when Bill decided to go to the field, mostly to see who was there, Gibbs and I went out for our walk.

Bill looked out the window around
8:30 and saw a rainbow to the west
It didn't last long though.

For crying out loud, I was back to wearing my down-filled jacket! It needs to get back to the Arizona weather we used to have! It was around 9 when Gibbs and I stepped out and it was then that I remembered I was going to drop around to the yard sales. The sky was not very pleasant with heavy gray clouds and I soon changed my mind about the sales and also about walking up to Family Dollar for some butter. I’d go when Bill got back.

Ready for a walk, little bum?
this is where he sits while I put his harness on
some days.

If it wasn't for the wind, it would have been
a wonderful day

That is exactly what I did. 😊 He was home by 9:30 and I drove Black Beauty (I still do like driving her, especially now that the January rush is over) up the few blocks to park at Coyote Fresh Foods. It is right beside F.D. I checked the price of butter at F.D. and new I’d never find it anywhere in town for less than $4.55 so grabbed 2 pounds. I also thought the price of $4 for the quart bottle of half and half creamer was darn good. I bought 2 of those as well.

A very heavily clouded sky to the northwest

My purpose for stocking up on both was that I wanted to make a batch of Broccoli Cheddar soup. I guess, with the crazy weather, it isn’t so strange to be making soup now, is it? LOL Bill went upstairs and delved into a cleaning project. I did the shower yesterday so today, he did the counter, toilet, sink and vanity cupboard. That cupboard is something we tend to neglect so it was nice that he took it on. There is a couple more that I’ll tackle on another cool day. 😊

This soup will get me through a few lunches. 💕

Our afternoon walk was under mostly
sunny skies

We had ham and cheese sandwiches for lunch and read our books. Again, I had nothing to do at the clubhouse today so it was a good opportunity to check this ‘new’ book out. As it turns out, I couldn’t stop turning pages! Around 4, Gibbs and I went out for our afternoon walk and although it read 57F/12C, and we were seeing occasional sunshine, it was still a cold wind. I had my tea when we returned home.

For supper, we took a page out of Nancy’s book. She had pancakes with our hometown’s maple syrup for breakfast so we had them tonight. They are always easy and delicious. Oh and quite filling too! 😊 After loading the dishwasher, Bill went up to watch a movie and after my blog, I’ll find one too. Or, maybe the book will draw me back. This has been a somewhat slow but good day again and that is okay. Soon, we hope for warmer temps.

Pancakes for supper
good night!

Thank you for popping in.


  1. Our forecast says sun for ten days. I hope they are right! I think that's the best bottle of syrup yet! Thank you so much!! Oh, and I knew you were a truck girl!!!!

    1. I hope that forecast is right too!
      I'll pass that on to Jamie about the syrup. 💓
      Yes, i do love driving BB.

  2. Yup...looks like there will be an upswing in temps for a few days. Yesterday I walked out of Dollar General and I said's a little chilly. A man heard me and said "at least you didn't say it's cold". Yup...only chilly.

  3. Those Arizona temperatures you love will hopefully arrive once again. Your soup looks very good.

    God bless.

  4. What an odd weather year. We're sitting around the freezing mark again this afternoon, much warmer than normal, while your temps are cooler. Hope it warms up soon for you.
    Yum, cream of broccoli soup!

  5. I made soup on Friday, and it's nice on a chilly day ... but I'm really tired of the chilly days we are having :=(

  6. Cutest picture of Gibbs
    so far 😊 Mary
