Sunday, February 11, 2024

Sunday = Laundry Day, Meeting Friends for Lunch

Park Place RV Park 

On Sunday, Feb. 11th it was 7:10 when we all got up. As usual, the boys had been out already for the morning walk and they both came back to bed. 😊 We sorted laundry and walked over around 7:30 to the clubhouse. Patti was already inside cleaning the floors etc., she was the early bird today!

Good morning!
My timing was perfect again this morning
as I walked out of the clubhouse.

Bill left for the flying field around 8:30 and Gibbs and I went for our walk around the same time. When we returned, I had about 10 minutes before it was time to retrieve the clean clothes. I folded one load and I had to wait an extra 15 minutes for the heavy items. While waiting, I started a new puzzle. This one will be going home when it is done. My sister and her hubby have a Harley so they can do it next winter. 😊

We reached a high of 57F/14C
It didn't feel that warm, although it looked gorgeous!

When Bill got home, he walked over to carry the basket home for me and I stayed to get the border done.  I think this will be an interesting one, at least better (easier?) than the HORSES! Ha ha. 

I finished the border just before noon.

I chatted with our friends, Rose and George, from Lake Havasu City and since they were in town for the gold show at the QIA centre, we were able to meet up for lunch at Mountain Quail CafΓ©. We hadn’t seen George yet this winter so it was very nice to get together

Bill's clubhouse and fries.
So elegantly displayed. πŸ˜€

My farmers omelette with home fries.

I’m sure we’ll see them once more before we head for home in April. It was nice meeting their friends from back home, near Chatsworth. I had breakfast for lunch and it was nice not to have to cook it! The meal was great, as always, we’ve never reported being disappointed there. We parted ways around 2:30 and on the outing, dropped a couple of greeting cards in the mail box at the post office.

I didn't get a picture of our friends, darn!

The sky was still lovely when Gibbs and I walked the park
at 5ish.

Although I wanted to work on the puzzle, the Superbowl game was on in the clubhouse and no way, no how would I sit through football!  πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I sat in the gazebo in my lounge chair with my book instead. I stayed for about 45 minutes until it got too chilly and came inside for a cup of tea.  The sun was disappearing. Bill was also reading his book about the Aeronca Sedan, the airplane he is building back home. A 2022 Christmas gift from yours truly.

My Sweeties.
I think Gibbs is getting a story read to him.

Because lunch was late, we aren’t too hungry for supper so I made Bill a grilled cheese and I had a bowl of broccoli cheddar soup with one of my rolls from the freezer. Yum. It wasn’t a lot but it was plenty enough for us. 😊 I finished my book this afternoon and obviously, my review was 4 star. I didn’t want to put this one down. I’ll drop it off at the clubhouse library in the morning.

My soup wad DEElicious!

The other night I watched the movie Radio with Cuba Gooding Jr. as I’d never seen it before. I laughed a lot and thoroughly enjoyed the true story. I wonder what I’ll find tonight. This has been a good day. Peaceful and we had sun and clear skies all day long That is definitely an improvement. Gibbs and I walked around 5 and the wind was still cool but we have a warmer day on the horizon tomorrow.

Looks like we were just starting a puzzle
last year on this day. ♥
Good night y'all!

Thank you for the visit!


  1. A nice sunny day for you. Love that last puzzle!! I only watch the super bowl for the commercials. They are usually really funny. This year, not so much.

    1. Definitely not impressed this year. Patti

  2. Another nice day, getting together with friends is always wonderful.
    No Super Bowl watching here, we were at the hospital.

  3. You'll have that puzzle done in a day! That clubhouse plate looked like something I would have enjoyed, especially if the fries were crispy.
