Monday, February 19, 2024

Playing, Visiting, Puzzling

Park Place RV Park

On Monday, Feb. 19th 7 provinces in Canada celebrated a statutory holiday.  In our home province of Ontario, it is Family Day so I know our families who are not retired, are enjoying a day off. 😊 I hope they are enjoying it even though it is only 26F/-3C. Here, in Arizona and other states, they are celebrating President’s Day. Since I didn’t leave the park, I don’t know what vendors were closed.

Good morning!
Look at that sky!

Bill was up and on his way to the flying field by 8 and Gibbs and I headed out for our walk. It was another beautiful morning. Nancy and I met over at the clubhouse at 9ish for Ladies Poker Pool and there were 5 of us in attendance. We played until noon, we all agreed that it wasn’t the best we’ve played, and had a good time. Susan, Nancy,(1 point apart) Patsy, Barb and Patti: that was the final winning order.

Looks like a clean shot in the making.

Bill and I had lunch and while he and Gibbs snoozed, I walked over to work on the puzzle. Susan had finished the border during the pool game so I started in on the centre. This is a very pretty picture with lots of colours so perhaps it will be an easy one. 😊 Nancy joined me within 15 minutes and we worked away until just before 3 when we walked back home.

This is a nice puzzle.

The rest of the afternoon was spent sitting outside with my book, Gibbs, Bill and/or Nancy. Oh, once I moved to my lounger in the gazebo, I admit to closing my eyes for a few minutes too. For supper, we had the leftover macaroni casserole with the homemade rolls and a vegetable. Filling and delicious. Bill loaded the dishwasher and I started my blog for the day.

Cooper and Nancy visited.
The pups like each other.💕

What a nice meal and quick and easy too!

The new NCIS and NCIS:Hawaii start tonight so we watched them live. Hopefully, we’ll remember each week and watch them together. This has been a great day and we’re enjoying the Arizona warmth – reminding us of previous years and why we come.

Good night.

Thank you for coming by. Your comments are always welcome.


  1. Did Nancy get her electric going

  2. I hadn't realized NCIS was starting it's new season. I'll have to look for it.
    Every time you mention the gazebo, I think, what a great addition that has been.

  3. I did get my electricity going. No idea why it went out. Coming back on was a little slow because of my solar set up. I just LOVE playing poker pool ... and that puzzle ... I can't believe I actually got several pieces put together. It was a GREAT day!!

    1. Thank you for answering above. :) I'm glad you are here to play both 'games' with us for a while.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. That is quite the puzzle! Should be a challenge. We had a relaxing family day, though since retiring, one day is much like the other.

  6. Beautiful blue sky and warm weather, bet lots of people wish they were there!

  7. Well I can tell you Silly Al's was open on the holiday :-) I am loving the warmer weather, too bad it came so late this year!

    1. I hope you enjoyed Silly Al's..........assuming you were there. You could have looked us up! :) It is too bad the weather took so long to get here!
