Saturday, February 3, 2024

A Nice Easy Saturday, A Quick Trip to Town

Park Place RV Park

On Saturday, Feb. 3rd Bill, Gibbs and I were all up by 7:15. Of course, Bill was first and stayed up. We knew there would be a temperature change today and although we dropped about 10 degrees, with the winds low and the sky blue and sunny, it was still gorgeous! Gibbs and I went for our walk and Bill headed out for his morning fun. 😊

A lovely morning

No wind today blowing Old Glory

I needed to vacuum, badly, so got it out and did a thorough job upstairs and down. The woodwork up in the hall and bedroom got done too, with the little upholstery brush. Beats dusting sometimes. I was quite warm by the time I finished and opened the outside door to let some heat in. It was only 50F/10C by then but it felt warmer than that. I sat outside and did some more spooling/corking before making a coffee around 10:30.

The grass is growing like crazy in the horseshoe pit

I had it in my head to give up on the horse puzzle, it was too frustrating and not much was being accomplished. Also, what WAS done, there were obviously still some errors (in the sky). I chose another puzzle that I picked up at a sale last month and walked over to put the one away. Susan was there, working on it and had found a few pieces……………well, I sat (forgetting my coffee and craft) and found a couple of pieces of my own. LOL

I needed ground coffee so I thought ths
was worth a try. I have more than 4,
but they didn't have Five Sisters coffee

Bill texted around 11, ‘where are you?’, it probably looked like I’d been kidnapped with a coffee sitting there and a mess of spooling in the lawn chair. 😊 I returned home and we sat outside together until noon. After a sandwich, we took a drive down Main St. to Ken’s Grocery and the K & B store. We weren’t long and were on our way home again.

I gave Gibbs a new bone with cheese inside
so he buried it here under this pile of stones.

He was pleased, dirty nose and all

But then dug it up and moved it near Daddy's plane.
It isn't there anymore either. It is under the Suite
tucked up under stones at the back wheel. What a goof!
 thought he would have liked to eat it!!
Saving it for another day, I guess.♥
I know that is what they do.

Wanting to enjoy the nice day, I sat In the gazebo where it was very comfortable. The sun reaches in there after it leaves our patio. While Bill worked away on a plane, I finished with all the sheet strips that I have on hand. We had a rum and Zero Coke for our Happy Hour and when they were done, moved inside. We had grilled bacon cheeseburgers for supper.

Happy Hour with my sweeties.

Still a clear sky at 5 pm

But the winds had picked up a bit.
See the flag here?

While Bill cooked, Gibbs and I got our walk in. The burgers were delicious, as usual, and the rest of the evening will be another quiet one. It was early enough so I finished my blog before finding a movie that Bill recommended. This has been a good day with very little going on.

Supper and Good night!

Thank you for stopping by.


  1. I laughed and laughed!! He's such a goof ball that Gibbs!! I found the burgers, then discovered I don't have a BBQ to cook them on. RATS!!

    1. I know, he's a character.
      Thought of you while i was eating mine.

  2. Funny Gibbs. As long as he remembers where he put it, it's all good.
    That puzzle sounds like the one I just donated to the thrift store, only worse because you have far more patience than I do.

  3. Looks and sounds like a great day! Your bacon cheeseburgers always look amazing!

  4. Hey I can't believe you giving up on a puzzle? Too funny that Gibbs keeps hiding his bone. Hopefully it will still taste good.

    1. I've done it twice in my life...........this might be the 3rd one.
      Gibbs gets confused the more times he moves it. too funny!

  5. Oh my, Gibbs sure wanted to hide that bone. LOL.

    Your burgers look awesome, a lovely meal.

    God bless.
