Tuesday, February 20, 2024

An Easy Warm Day, A Campfire this Evening

Park Place RV Park

On Tuesday, Feb. 20th we were all up by 7 and took turns having our shower. Bill got ready to go flying while I had mine. It was a pleasant 54F/11C this morning at 8 when Gibbs and I struck out for our walk. Beautiful! I played some games and messaged Nancy that I was going for block walk and then working on the puzzle. She joined me, I was hoping she would! 😊

There are a fair number of sky photos today

The puzzle is coming along.
Left - morning accomplishment
Right - afternoon

I made a coffee and walked over to the clubhouse until noon hour putting pieces in. I’m loving this puzzle, it’s a great fantasy picture and fun to do. Bill and I had lunch together and I went out to read my book for a while before going back around 2:30 for another hour. It’s coming together quite nicely.

Gibbs watches under the Suite as a Class A pulls 
into their site.
Once satisfied, he lays down. 

More sky

Back home, I mixed up a jug of my beer margaritas, using the strawberry vodka Nancy gave me. It is one of those things – regifted from friends down the line. I like it just fine! When I was near finished my drink, I took Gibbs for his afternoon walk. It is bacon cheeseburger night in the Richards’ household, so we invited Nancy to join us for supper. With her wavy Lay’s chips, it was almost too much!

Mr. or Mrs. Hummingbird graced my
premsence this afternoon although i took lousy pictures

Company for supper.

Patti, Rick, Sheila and Buddy to start

We got distracted by the beautiful 'after' sunset glow

Patti and Rick were hosting a campfire in the park tonight so I walked over to join in. It felt good sitting around even though the warmth was necessarily required. There was popcorn and S’mores or just roasted marshmallows to munch on. 😊 I stayed for an hour and a half before returning home. It was a nice turnout of about 10 rv’ers altogether. Thanks guys!

It was  a nice time tonight and a nice change.

Bill was watching a movie so I downloaded pictures and wrote a quick blog post of today. This has been a fun day. The temperature reached 75F/24C with mostly sunny skies. Clouds moved in later, plenty enough to give cause for some lovely pictures.

I was also distracted by the moon tonight
Good night!

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. The weather is finally getting to be just the way you like it.
    that Campfire looks inviting.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. It was a perfect weather day and I'm glad the campfire was a go. It was fun listening to the stories.

  3. The camaraderie amongst the RV'ers is lovely to see. And in my mind a campfire in February sounds terrific. It's not anything I'd experience here!

    1. We do all get along. It's nice that we were able to get a fire in this winter!

  4. Campfires are wonderful places to gather with friends.

    God bless.

    1. It was a lovely evening for a fire. Not cold at all and the popcorn and S'mores were good too!
