Thursday, July 4, 2024

It’s That Time Again – Oh Joy!

The Ridge

On Thursday, July 4th, Independence Day for our American friends (aka family). Bill wasn’t originally due in to work until noonish or until Billy called with details. So, since I wasn’t scheduled to be anywhere until noon myself, we took our time getting up. Bill went out and began moving the bags of stone up on the berm. Gibbs helped and I stayed indoors with my tea and played my online games.

Good morning!
I prefer clear skies but when the clouds
look like this, I kind of like them. ♥

If you are inside the Suite and look out the back north
facing windows, you can actually still see a bit of the pond.

As nice as the privacy is, a bush hog would 
clear out a better view!

When Bill started the Cub Cadet, Gibbs was done and came to the door just as I was getting ready for the shower. 😊 Of course, as he worked away out there, plans changed and he left for the job around 9. By then, I’d had my shower and was ready for my appointment. Every two years until we’re of a certain age (I’m not there yet) it is ‘recommended’ us ladies get a mammogram. Okay, today was my day.

Looking over our back fence into the cornfield,
do you see what I see?
No excuse for the Monarchs here!

I got mostly dressed to go but because may be sitting on my lap in the meantime, I didn’t put on my good white shorts – yet. I worked on the puzzle and he sat outside until he’d had enough heat when I put him inside. At 11:15, I packed a snack lunch to take with me and left Gibbs in charge at 11:30. My appointment was 20 minutes away, at the Hanover hospital. I parked and was in and out in 30 minutes so no parking fee was charged. The girls/ladies are so nice in there. I truly don’t mind the ordeal at all.

There were slight winds occasionally
but for the morning, it was quite still.
Would have been a good morning for Bill to go flying 😔

I’d texted Donna earlier and we planned to do a bit of thrift store shopping when I was done. I’m glad it worked out and we went to Salvation Army  first where I found a few things and then to another store – just to peruse. Their items are new and prices are too high for me. I left empty-handed. I returned Donna to her place before 3 and drove to Giant Tiger to poke around. 😊 I love that store.

It's coming along but I'm having to work
for success on this one!

I had a couple of grocery items on my list (when I should have remembered a couple more!) and I tried on a few of their 10$ bathing suits. Yes, I left with one that will be just fine. Then I left for Durham. I made a quick stop at the Mat to pick up my June pay from the office and then drove down the street to purchase 10 more bags of the white stone. The price can’t be beat. We’ll need 10 more and that should suffice for the job Bill is working on.

The construction as I neared Hanover
was causing delays but there is nothing else to be
done when it is a major highway for many. 

Clouds had completely overtaken the sky by the
time I returned home at 3:30.

Back home, I felt worn out but in a good way. It is always nice to spend time with my sister(s), individually or as a group. Gibbs and I sat outside together and received a package from Walmart. Rather than use our central vac in here for quick cleanups, I wanted a small upright with the removable hand held section. Robin has one at the bnb and it is wonderful! Lightweight for up and down the stairs and the price was right. I’m happy to have one here in the Suite.

As I turned up the lane, I saw this

Chippy and Peter Rabbit were not frightened
deep in conversation, obviously. 

Finally, they parted ways.

Bill was home before 5 after fueling up in town. I think diesel is going up, one station in Hanover had jumped its price by .14¢! I suggested he get it while it was at $1.56/litre. I worked on the puzzle and sat outside with Gibbs while he dozed for half hour. For supper, I fried myself some liver and baked some spaghetti squash. For Bill, I reheated the hamburger helper and leftover potatoes (of which I slipped a few pieces on my plate of the latter).

A Dirt Devil Express Stik

While Bill slept inside, we relaxed outside.

We cleaned up dishes and he slipped over to the Acreage to fill the water bladder. Woops! How’d we get so low? I guess it was last Friday we filled up and we don’t ration here, there’s no need when water is so readily available. 😊 this has been a good day. I will have a few things going on tomorrow and it sounds like we may have an interested tenant again at M’s.

Oh my, the liver was soooo good!

It doesn’t take long; people are crying for apartments here. The price is right and only a certain person would be interested in this type of accommodation. It isn’t for the faint of heart! Ha ha. The weather today was, well, hot and humid. I know, I know, our friends south and far west of the border will laugh at that. It reached a sticky 28C/82F with 90% humidity until noon when it dropped to 85%. No rain today, yet but we’ll see that change tomorrow.

Good night!

Thank you for the visit today. Happy 4th of July!

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The Heat is Back On

The Ridge

On Wednesday, July 3rd Bill was up for his second day of work this week. He was getting ready when I came downstairs. I was up before 7 and got ready for my job in town as well. Gibbs was just watching; I’m sure knowing the outcome. 😊  I slept much better last night but I think I’ll be removing the duvet this week.

Following Bill into town

The temperature at 7:30 was already 18C/65F with a high today of 29C/85F. That’s hot for us, taking the humidity into account. I followed Bill as far as Durham, and we parted ways just before the main intersection. He doesn’t have far to travel for this job so he’s taking Black Beauty. He’s happy to give her a good run and I’m happy to have Ptooties to scoot around in.

I love this little dam and try to come a couple of times
while we're home.

On my way home from town, I got our water bottle filled and then stopped at McGowan's Dam for some pictures. Read my captions under the pictures and you'll see what I overcame. 

there is a walking bridge over the dam to
the beach area on the other side.
I've never been able to walk over those open
grates - ever - so today, I pushed myself.

This forest area was along the bank on the other side
and I stopped in the middle and took a picture of the
fisherman. I never let go of the railing.

I know it is silly but not being a great fan of water, let's just say it
was a big deal for me.
Here I am on the other side, facing the fact that I have to cross it
to get back to Ptooties. ai yi ai!

Then I popped in to Robin’s garage sale. First time this year for both things! 😊 She was inside washing windows of their home, garage, shop and office cabin. That girl is ambitious! We had a good old chat before she left me to peruse her wares – if she can’t trust me, she can’t trust anyone, with the liberty she gives me!

Meet Mildred. 💖 Robin's company when
Andrew is away.
She has her sale set up in and outside this shed.
She has tried a few locations and needs
somewhere easy to close up when she has to leave to clean
her bnb. It's perfect!

I found a few treasures, 4 puzzles (2 are 500 pc. and 2 are 1000 pc.) with bigger pieces. They are Springlok so fun pictures and ‘should’ be fairly easy. Famous last words. I also picked up some old style lacy ‘doilies’ to spruce up the Suite, a vase for actual flowers and curtain rods for the fridge when we travel.

Aside from the things I mentioned,
I found a small clock for the Bunky.
The other one died.
I guess I need to flip the page on my calendar.

We have a couple of things set up for me to help her out in the coming days so after booking those, I set off for home. We were unplugged from power today but I debated when I got home if it was a good idea. The rain forecast was upon us. (Yay!) I watered my plants when it didn’t seem like it would happen and then I worked on the puzzle in the Bunky.

Eggplant and fried radishes for lunch.
Yum! thanks Shirley for the latter idea. 😃

Lots of hub bub going on out there

Not the case inside.♥

When I saw Gibbs trying to find shade under Ptooties, I put him inside where it was definitely cooler, at least this morning. I came in for lunch and when it started raining, stayed indoors. It was a good time to go through my dresses to find something to wear for my daughter’s wedding in September. I have a few to choose from. 😊

We're getting used to everything getting wet.
At least things are green!

When Bill returned from work at 3:45, I had narrowed it down from 5 choices to 2 so that was a productive afternoon. Sitting here now, I think I’ve decided. The weather will be a factor, at that time of year anything is possible. I worked more on the puzzle while Bill and Gibbs dozed and at 5:30 prepared supper. It was one of those ‘found it in the cupboard’ kind of meals, tonight being Hamburger Helper.

Yay! One corner of the sky and trees complete!

We don’t do it often and we still enjoy it. With additional items, green onions and peppers, it was good. I made a garden salad to go with it and it was a complete meal. After dishes, Bill made his lunch for tomorrow and went to the Hangar. Gibbs is crashed on the cooler floor and I’m doing this. It’s a lovely night so I might take my book out with the little guy and sit for a bit.

It has been a great day. Sandy has paid me for the month of Mat cleaning so I’ll get it tomorrow from the office.

I had room for my salad on the plate but Bill didn't. 
Good night!

Thank you for popping in.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Surprises can be Nice – Especially Good Ones

The Ridge

On Tuesday, July 2nd I knew I’d had a rough night sleeping. Maybe I went to bed too early, but I was hot, cold, tossing and turning, dreaming – you name it. So, when the next thing I remembered after Gibbs jumped off the bed was Bill gently shaking me awake, I woke with a start. Not a good way to wake up, ever. But, when he said “sorry dear to wake you but I’m going to work!” 😊

Good morning!
One of our feeding stations.

I could tell he was happy with this surprise, so that made me happy. He was right to get me mobile before leaving because a note saying goodbye just doesn’t cut it with me. There would be repercussions! 😂😂  He knows that. So, things changed as when we went to bed, he wasn’t needed today. Bill worries about finances and his steady work is the basis of how we save for our winter travels. I help when I can but he has been concerned since he hurt his leg. He’s a good man.

Our Patriotism is showing.

Gibbs and I started out slow. I missed my morning bed stretches and noticed just how much they improve my morning routine. 😊 We were pleased with the way the day was starting out. Sunny sky and the temperatures were going to climb into the mid 20’s/70’s. Yes! (fist pump). At 9:45 I had to leave Gibbs in charge and I drove to M’s for a few errands. It was a good morning and I was home by 11:30 with cash in my pocket.

He likes the hammock too and I guess he was
trying to find shade under my legs. 

Gibbs and I relaxed in the hammock and it was a perfect day. Well, almost perfect. The wind whipped up with a gust of around 18 mph at 11:13 (when I wasn’t home) and lifted one patio umbrella out of the King chairs and when it landed, 3 of the ribs were broken. Crap! Oh well, it is a few years old and since Bill has already fixed it once, I tossed it in the disposal pile. I’m not too upset about it.

I haven't had to water for days.
Maybe tomorrow if we don't get the rain.
Hahahaha, understatement of the year!

Ptooties was looking mighty dirty
I stopped halfway cleaning her backside so you
could see how she looked.
Now, she won't get all streaky from the rain.

I had lunch, one large keto pancake from mix that was leftover. Yummy, that was filling and very tasty. Of course, some maple syrup and butter added to the meal. 😊 I had a couple of things to do for M, one being to write up and post ads for his apartment rental. Again. His present tenant gave notice yesterday so we’re starting over. Not completely, there won’t be the work that was involved last time.

Walking around, enjoying my flowers.
Two more moonflowers
along with the evening primrose.

close ups are fun too.
Another primrose, I think.

Mini petunias,
flowering raspberry and
a kitty cat? 

I posted it on Kijiji, Marketplace (FB) and another local Buy and Sell site. When it is a month-to-month lease, you never know who will be interested. It’s the only way to go after his ‘no-good’ tenant from last summer. This gives him options. The rest of the day cooled off a bit as clouds took over the sky.

I tried to get a good shot of the
Grosbeak. Not bad, I guess.

And if you've never seen their babies,
although I couldn't get a clear shot of
anything other than leaves (!!!)
this is who Daddy was feeding. 💗

I walked to check mail with Gibbs and snapped some pictures of my flowers. I’m out of practice with my big Canon so they aren’t as good as I’d like. I worked on the puzzle and made great strides today! That perked me up for sure! 

Bill got home around 4:30 and we had leftovers for supper. I loved this turkey roast and will buy it again. Yes, it is pricey ($27) but for two of us, getting 4 meals out of a 3 lb. roast is pretty awesome.

We cleaned up dishes, reheating leftovers creates many dishes, and Bill went up to watch a movie, Gibbs dozed on the floor and I wrote my blog and then read some of my book. It has been a good day. Plans for tomorrow have changed for me, but Bill will be back to work again. 😊 All is good! We reached 24C/75F today and although it is only supposed to drop 10 degrees, it feels cooler than that already. 

Cleaning things up from last night's meal.
Good night!

Thank you for stopping around.

Happy Canada Day !

The Ridge 

On Monday, July 1st we were up with the birds. Well, before the birds actually. 😊 It was quite foggy, so much so that there were warnings out for it. I left the Ridge at 7:30 and drove to town. By then, it wasn’t too bad and even worse in town. The Mat was pretty decent and only one customer, who took his wet laundry soon after and left.

I love this picture, taken as I was leaving for work at 7:30
Looking west, I didn't notice the arc until I downloaded the picture.

Looking east, the sun is making a valiant effort

Approaching town, the fog worsened
but an hour later, it cleared.

I finished and returned home. Bill had cut the grass where we all sit as it was already looking on the long side. What a guy! We were/are having company today so it’s nice when it looks its best. The rest of the morning was a blue. Tidying up things inside and out, small jobs mostly and then I began organizing the dishes and serving things needed for our meal.

I have a couple of large milkweed
plants, the rain has fed them

Welcome Monarchs!

Every Canada Day, we host a dinner/bbq for Bill’s two sisters and their husbands. It is our ‘tradition’. 😊 We had a bite to eat at noon and by 2, I had the snacks in the tray, turkey roast prepared, potatoes prepared, corn prepared and even dessert prepared. We sat outside until 3:30 before our first guests arrived. Bruce and Liz drove up in their Sebring convertible. Nice day for it!

Someone needs a snooze
while we wait for our first arrival

The sun was so hot, we sat in the
shade of our umbrella.

Brian and Carol arrived around 4. The weather has returned to summer-like temps and we couldn’t be more grateful! Everything was perfect. Our company, the two dogs, (Gracie and Gibbs), and the meal. The potatoes and corn on the cob were roasted by Bill on the Weber Q and the turkey was cooked inside by Madame IP. We dished up our food inside and ate it outside at the picnic table. The flies were a bit of a nuisance but they weren’t the biting kind.

Empty your mouths and say CHEESE!
Brian pretending he's shy or just trying to
spoil my picture!!

We had fresh strawberries and whipping cream for dessert and wine for our beverage. Yummy. Everyone left around 7:30 after I got a group family picture. I forgot one last year until it was too late. Bill and I took 30 minutes inside cleaning up the dishes that wouldn’t fit in the dishwasher, and we relaxed for the evening. I’m feeling pretty exhausted.

I'd already dug in when I stopped to
take this photo. It was g-g-goood!

Lovely Canada colours.

It isn’t just the physical prep that tires me out, it’s the planning – even though I love it. We’ve had fun again for our Canada Day 2024. 

Gibbs running away, Bruce, Liz, Patsy, Bill, Carol, Brian, Gracie

And the sun disappears on a lovely afternoon
July 1st.

We reached a lovely 24C/76F with lots of blue sky and white fluffy clouds. Happy Anniversary to two of my sibs. Michael & Crystal and Cathy & Bill, I hope you all had an awesome day.

Good night!

Thank you for the visit!