Friday, July 12, 2024

So, Things Changed, but I Still Had a Good Time

The Ridge

On Friday, July 12th I was up before 7 to come down and sit with Bill until he left for work at 7:30. I had an interesting kind of day in my plans until Robin texted at 8:15. The Jell-o had jiggled for the second time. 😊 We were going to go to Bolton, 90 minutes from here, in her pick up, to bring back one or two loads of boxed items to sell at Robin’s yard sales. The lady called this morning to say ‘we’ needed to bring a trailer as she had a lot more and some of it was heavy furniture. Hmmm.

Good morning!
The grackles and red-winged blackbirds
and Chippy found the bird seed.
One lone Mourning Dove eats.
Her babies are gone so I assume they are fine.

Not a Robin and Patsy job after all. Darn! I was looking forward to spending the afternoon getting to know this boss. She will have to wait until Andrew is back from Greenland to go and retrieve everything. However, she still extended an invite to take me out to supper tonight. That’s pretty cool. She’s suggested a burger joint in Shelburne so I’m looking forward to that. Bill was expecting to be on his own for supper anyway.

Not a titch of a breeze on any of the flags.
The one on the right is caught on the post.

We had another tree damaged in the wind storm.

Gibbs and I went out for half hour and at 10, I left to take M into town for his errands. Just 4 stops today so we were home well before 11. It was a very calm day and yet warm temperatures were on the horizon so I closed windows and set the a/c at 26C/75F. The humidity was hovering around 55% so it felt very hot. I finished wrapping the 28 fire starters with Bill’s waxed paper from the Hangar. Gibbs stayed indoors, with no breeze, it was too hot for him, even in the shade.

We checked out the field behind us,
slowly returning to normal after the wind.
This is my berm garden. Quite full
and the hostas are starting to bloom.
The dahlias are not as tall up here, it's so rocky.

Bill called around 1 and said he was soon on his way for the day/weekend. Yay! An early day for him. 😊 I filled him in on my changes and then sat outside to wait for him. He brought up the mail so saved Gibbs and I from walking to get it. I checked my vegetables and they were still wet enough from the rain and previous watering. I’m happy with the progress and pleased with the garden bags.

Robin took me to the Super Burger.
It was crazy busy, I see why she loves it though!

I had eaten one of my egg, broccoli cupcakes but Bill hadn’t eaten his packed lunch yet. He did that while Gibbs and I sat in the recliner. You know what’s next. The heat takes a lot out of you so after working the morning outdoors, Bill needed a snooze. Apparently, so did Gibbs! I cleaned things up outside and sat with my book. Robin was picking me up at 5 so the rest of the afternoon was quiet.

The Banquet burger was messy but delicious!
The onion rings, some of the best I've ever had and
I had to bring half of them home. 

She just wanted to treat me. 😊 We made one stop at a huge garage sale, and one stop to drop off a birthday gift at her sisters and then to Super Burger for supper. I’ve never seen a fast food place so busy, from the time we arrived to the time we left 30 minutes later. We sat outside at the picnic table and Mildred was able to join us on her leash.  I soon found out why the place was so busy; the burgers and onion rings were delicious!

Sitting outside to eat gave us more room
and Mildred could join us.

She knew I had the was posing. 💓

Robin doesn’t go far without her little companion so Mildred sat either on her lap, my lap or in between on the console. She’s such a good pooch. We were home just before 8:30 and Gibbs ran out to greet us. I’d had a wonderful time getting to know Robin and we had a lot of laughs. It is a nice friendship. Bill and Gibbs had a good time here together in my absence, of course, and the rest of the evening was quiet. 

For those commenters who mentioned dryer lint for fire starters, I have to agree and have used it in the past. I don't like collecting the lint from the Mat - it often contains dog hair and other unknown things. I do bring it home from the Air bnb though, since I'm the one who puts only sheets and towels in the dryer. I have more sawdust right now than lint. 😃 

It was a lovely evening.
We had turned the a/c off before I left at 5
and opened windows.

We have this sky tonight and for info sake,
Robin's spouse, Andrew, is in Greenland with -12C/10F
Good thing he loves his job! 
Good night!

Thank you for stopping in.


  1. You and Robin will get to know each other in God's time, I hope you,Bill and Gibbs stay cool enough to be comfortable, Mary

    1. Robin and I, although probably 20 years between us, get along wonderfully. She is very open, speaks her mind and often it's things I think of so that gives us chuckles. :)

  2. Mildred is a doll!! Burger and onion rings? Yes please ... along with good company. Sounds like a nice day to me.

    1. She is adorable. Yes, the food is definitely a YES PLEASE! It was a great time.

  3. Robin sure has a cute sidekick in Mildred. I am glad that you are getting to know each other a little bit better.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you Jackie, yes it is nice to get a bit more personal than just work talk.

  4. I've never been to Super Burger and didn't know it existed. Looks like a big operation and must be good.

    1. I'd never heard of it either but definitely a go-back-to place. ♥

  5. Robin sure likes to be on the go. Nice that the two of you were able to spend some down time together. And that Mildred is an interesting looking dog and sounds quite cuddly.
    Have a great weekend!

    1. I can't believe the number of homes in 4 provinces that she and Andrew own, flip and/or rent out. How she keeps track I'll never know!

  6. We've been to Super Burger many different times, even when it was just 1 train car! Excellent food for sure!

    1. Interesting! The train car is not there, at least I didn't see it.
