Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Bill Gets Another Day In

The Ridge

On Tuesday, July 16th the condo in Hanover was available for the boys to return to work. Yesterday, it wasn’t which is why he was able to work at home (& play a bit). 😊 This morning, he didn’t have to be there until 9 so slept in until 6:30 instead of 6 and took his time before he left at 8:15.

Good morning!
Last night's sky and sloppy picture
of the partial moon.

It started raining through the wee hours of the morning and our weather station shows one strong gust of wind at 1 am and that was our ‘storm’. It was still raining this morning so Gibbs did the ‘quick piddle’ and ran right back in. Business #2 would have to wait, he wasn’t getting soaked, no way! He’s a funny one. So, after Bill left, I sat with Gibbs with my tea, playing my online games, debating what to do today.

When we go outside and it's sunny,
here is where you'll find Gibbs.
In the shade, usually under our chairs.

I finished my book last night………..so, good! There was a lot of political, presidential jabber that, I'm not ashamed to admit, went over my head (like their special names for certain departments) but I skipped those parts and didn’t lose anything in the story line. The book also entertained a lot characters but it still flowed pretty well. I enjoyed it even though it was a thick 530-page novel. When it stopped raining, I found my next book called Not my Daughter by Kate Hewitt. Different, so I hope I like it.

I'm pleased with how the shorter lengths turned out
at the back. Hard to do facing forward........both the 
cutting and taking the picture! haha
At the front, I can actually see again without wisps
hanging over my lenses. 

I soon found myself in the bathroom getting washed and decided to trim my bangs. You know I can’t stop there; my hair was getting a bit shaggy too. A bit here, there and back there and I’m pleased with the layers neatened up. I got the little Devil out and cleaned it up and then did a whole vacuum through the HUGE house. 😊 Gibbs still rushes to get out of the way if I come within 3 feet of him, even with the small vac.

With a piece of leftover screen, I wrapped
it around my tomato plant as a precaution.
The table cloth hangers will keep it in place
as well as jangle in the wind.

To keep my hands idle for a while, I got out my worry worm wool and hooks and made one just to get back in the swing. It didn’t turn out great with the wool I’d chosen, and it was coffee time anyway. By then, the rain had stopped and the sun was out so I turned the inverter on and unplugged for a few hours and also turned on the Fantastic fan in the entryway. There is a nice breeze out there so it should keep the Suite relatively comfortable.

Another fun craft project finished - for now.
An overturned bowl glued to a vase.
I only had red, clear and mauve stones but the sun
should still make them shine. I like them!

Outside, I decided to work on the garden craft with everything sitting on my table in the Bunky. I didn’t have more than 3 colour choices but made the best of them and later, if I like the end result, I’ll make more with different colours. They were easy to make and I was pleased, finding a couple of decent locations in the gardens. I peeked at my corral gardens and almost went into shock at the disaster growing there. Not today, she says to herself, not today.

The flowering raspberry loves all the rain.
It is 4' tall now and still flowering.
Look at that sky to the west. It is surprising
that we got no rain at all this afternoon.
Are the clouds squeezed out?

I chatted online with my sisters and then realized it was 1 pm and I’d missed lunch! Woops! I had one of my rolls with butter and cheese (sharing the latter with my little buddy) and it hit the spot. I’ll munch on some almonds later if I need to. I could have gone out to start a puzzle now that the table is cleared off but instead I made a couple of worms and then Gibbs and I walked to check mail. None today, no news is good news.

Gibbs and I walked to check mail. The sky has
cleared out and we've been unplugged since noon.
Pretending he's asleep while he listens for Daddy.

The day turned out pretty nice and at 3:30 I made my tea and then Gibbs and I just relaxed out on the picnic table until Bill got home around 4:15. His little ears (Gibbs’) perked up at every car that came down Baptist Church Road and then onto our North Line. Finally, the right one slowed down and turned in. At my commands, he waited and although he had a couple of jump starts, he stayed near me until Ptooties was stopped. Bill was happy to get a day of work in as they are far and few between right now. I think that is a good thing though, gives him a break.

Here is a better picture of the Dahlia at the gate garden.
The Evening Primrose are late, shorter and beautiful!
There is a wild flower growing in the garden too but it is
yellow, so I've left it alone for now. 

Bill bbq’d sausages for supper and I blended up some cole slaw. It was a good meal and we had cake and whipped cream for dessert. He went out to cut the lawn at the front field, then it will all be done. 

The sausages were a bit overdone,
the chef got distracted. 😂
It was a good meal and the dessert
was delicious!

This has been a lovely day, reaching 25C/77F. You probably noticed that there was no full moon last night, my camera wouldn’t capture the waning gibbous though. Reading up on it, we are to watch for the Buck Moon on July 21st, with a lead up from the 19th and after to the 23rd. I’m sure they are accurate, I just need to remember!

These guys are a good way to pass the time on a rainy morning.
Btw, the newborns on the left don't have their eyes open yet. 
Good night!

Thank you for taking the time to stop by. I appreciate your visit and comments when you leave one.


  1. Oh for some rain!! Hot and muggy is the word. Also weird that here, the geese are flying. So close to the rooftops it feels like you could reach up and touch them. They are heading your way?? LOVE your little garden mushroom! That is cute as can be!!

    1. Our geese family are not yet flying off. I can still tell the youngins from the adults but it won't be long. Thank you Nancy I had fun making the mushrooms.

  2. I like that glass vase idea, it's sure to sparkle in the sun. Nice tomato! You've got more willpower than I do, that's for sure.

  3. Interesting garden piece, I'm sure it will shine in the sun. I hope the mesh will ensure the critters stay away from the tomatoes.
