Monday, July 22, 2024

Busy Morning, Jazzing It After Lunch (late post again!)

The Ridge

On Sunday, July 21st I slept until 7 and that was not surprising since I stayed up until 11:30 watching a movie last night. Bill was downstairs getting ready for his morning of flying and carried the basket of laundry out to the car for me. He left first and I followed a few minutes later to the Mat. There were 3 customers, 2 regular and 1 new one, I’ll just call him Willie (Nelson). Yes, if I could have taken a picture on the sly, you would understand why. 😊

Good morning!
The Buck Moon was gorgeous!

I was home by 9:30 to hang the clothes with Gibbs on security duty, of course. I’d be so frightened without him keeping watch, you know. I got the Dirt Devil out and vacuumed the Suite, loving how easy that is to get out and put away. I went back and forth with Robin regarding dates for cleaning the bnb and marked those in my calendar. I know August will be busier but these are 3 dates coming up in July.

A baby Moon flower, almost as pretty.
This is on one of my newer plants.

As I pulled out of the lane this morning,
I couldn't help but notice this calf with a bird on his head.
Either they were great friends or he was annoying him.
I think the latter because he kept shaking his head. 😄

Bill was home around 12:30 and we had tomato, cheese and lettuce on a toasted kaiser. Yum, bad choice perhaps but it was good. He had a short nap and then we dressed accordingly and hopped on Jazz. I never ask where we are going, letting the driver take the lead. 😊 So, when the route was identical to the one I took yesterday, I ruled out people to visit, the further we went until I realized we were going to pop in on Bridgette and Chris.

once the sun broke through, it was the perfect
day for hanging clothes .......and other things!

The gate garden is bursting!

All ready to go 
Jazz and my driver awaits. 💖

About 10 minutes, or less, from their home, we got caught in a downpour and arrived soaking wet. They were dry, completely dry, at this point, sitting under a shady tree in the back yard. They’d been gardening and were trying to cool down. We were trying to warm up at this stage so sat in the sun to dry our wet jeans etc.

Sitting on their front porch and it looks
like it has finally stopped.
Notice the puddles in their drive?

It was a fun time regardless of the showers

Shell shoot me for this picture,
but I think they are as cute as a button in every 

They were very happy to see us, which is wonderful that they don’t mind a ‘drop-in’ from the parents. By the time we left an hour later, we’d all been rained on about 3 more times. Stubborn as we were, we stayed outside, running to trees and beside the shed for shelter rather than running through the rain to the dry, comfortable front porch of their stately home. 😊 Finally, we all did and when it stopped, the sun came out and we boot-scooted it for home.

The drive home improved
although across the horizons, we
saw possibilities of more rain.

And then it cleared.

Off to the west

No more rain, other than about 5 drops near Tavistock, and it was a good ride. We stopped at Harriston for supper at the Cedar Rail Snack Shop and Bill wound our way around through Ayton to find us home by 8:15. Except for the downpour and us not being prepared with rain gear, it was a great ride, visit and afternoon. Live and learn, the gear will be in our saddle bags by the end of the week.

Gibbs was sure happy to see us, he’d been alone for near 6 hours. He ran around playfully while we brought the clothes in off the line together. I’m sure it felt good after been cooped up for so long. He was such a good little boy. 

Not great food but it filled us.
Jenny G's would put them out of business. 

someone doesn't want to come in yet.

We relaxed inside for the evening and I kept an eye for more sightings of the Buck Moon. What a fun day! We are both back to work tomorrow and the week begins!

We reached 26C/79F today and never got a drop of rain here on our Ridge. I’ll probably have to water my plants tomorrow too. 😊

Another wonderful day for the books.
Good night!

Thank you for stopping around.


  1. That calf is really cute,
    I'm glad you got to see
    "the kids", being wet was worth it,Gibbs just loves you, how nice,have a good day,-Mary

  2. Fun times. I love the gate garden.

  3. Despite the rain, it sounds like a great day. Gibbs does well on his own...though his stuffies might disagree. :)

    1. It was, thank you Maebeme. Yes, they might. Although he doesn't chew anything when we're gone, not even his toys. Often, he'll keep his 'cookie treat' until we return.

  4. Aside from the rain, it looks like you had a good day and Gibbs behaved himself.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your day.

    It's about time.

  5. Chaps would help your weather woes, though I would LOVE a nice cool wet rain right now!
