Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Surprises can be Nice – Especially Good Ones

The Ridge

On Tuesday, July 2nd I knew I’d had a rough night sleeping. Maybe I went to bed too early, but I was hot, cold, tossing and turning, dreaming – you name it. So, when the next thing I remembered after Gibbs jumped off the bed was Bill gently shaking me awake, I woke with a start. Not a good way to wake up, ever. But, when he said “sorry dear to wake you but I’m going to work!” šŸ˜Š

Good morning!
One of our feeding stations.

I could tell he was happy with this surprise, so that made me happy. He was right to get me mobile before leaving because a note saying goodbye just doesn’t cut it with me. There would be repercussions! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚  He knows that. So, things changed as when we went to bed, he wasn’t needed today. Bill worries about finances and his steady work is the basis of how we save for our winter travels. I help when I can but he has been concerned since he hurt his leg. He’s a good man.

Our Patriotism is showing.

Gibbs and I started out slow. I missed my morning bed stretches and noticed just how much they improve my morning routine. šŸ˜Š We were pleased with the way the day was starting out. Sunny sky and the temperatures were going to climb into the mid 20’s/70’s. Yes! (fist pump). At 9:45 I had to leave Gibbs in charge and I drove to M’s for a few errands. It was a good morning and I was home by 11:30 with cash in my pocket.

He likes the hammock too and I guess he was
trying to find shade under my legs. 

Gibbs and I relaxed in the hammock and it was a perfect day. Well, almost perfect. The wind whipped up with a gust of around 18 mph at 11:13 (when I wasn’t home) and lifted one patio umbrella out of the King chairs and when it landed, 3 of the ribs were broken. Crap! Oh well, it is a few years old and since Bill has already fixed it once, I tossed it in the disposal pile. I’m not too upset about it.

I haven't had to water for days.
Maybe tomorrow if we don't get the rain.
Hahahaha, understatement of the year!

Ptooties was looking mighty dirty
I stopped halfway cleaning her backside so you
could see how she looked.
Now, she won't get all streaky from the rain.

I had lunch, one large keto pancake from mix that was leftover. Yummy, that was filling and very tasty. Of course, some maple syrup and butter added to the meal. šŸ˜Š I had a couple of things to do for M, one being to write up and post ads for his apartment rental. Again. His present tenant gave notice yesterday so we’re starting over. Not completely, there won’t be the work that was involved last time.

Walking around, enjoying my flowers.
Two more moonflowers
along with the evening primrose.

close ups are fun too.
Another primrose, I think.

Mini petunias,
flowering raspberry and
a kitty cat? 

I posted it on Kijiji, Marketplace (FB) and another local Buy and Sell site. When it is a month-to-month lease, you never know who will be interested. It’s the only way to go after his ‘no-good’ tenant from last summer. This gives him options. The rest of the day cooled off a bit as clouds took over the sky.

I tried to get a good shot of the
Grosbeak. Not bad, I guess.

And if you've never seen their babies,
although I couldn't get a clear shot of
anything other than leaves (!!!)
this is who Daddy was feeding. šŸ’—

I walked to check mail with Gibbs and snapped some pictures of my flowers. I’m out of practice with my big Canon so they aren’t as good as I’d like. I worked on the puzzle and made great strides today! That perked me up for sure! 

Bill got home around 4:30 and we had leftovers for supper. I loved this turkey roast and will buy it again. Yes, it is pricey ($27) but for two of us, getting 4 meals out of a 3 lb. roast is pretty awesome.

We cleaned up dishes, reheating leftovers creates many dishes, and Bill went up to watch a movie, Gibbs dozed on the floor and I wrote my blog and then read some of my book. It has been a good day. Plans for tomorrow have changed for me, but Bill will be back to work again. šŸ˜Š All is good! We reached 24C/75F today and although it is only supposed to drop 10 degrees, it feels cooler than that already. 

Cleaning things up from last night's meal.
Good night!

Thank you for stopping around.


  1. It warms my heart to see you write "He's a good man" about your husband
    smart lady,have a good night -Mary

    1. Thank you, it is true about Bill and I recognize it and him every day. ♥

  2. Your dinner looks good ! Agree with Mary - always nice to be appreciated.
    Flowers are looking good and great progress on the puzzle!

  3. After all the years of being exposed to heat, it's feeling quite comfortable right now.
    Lots of people don't realize how expensive RVing can actually be. Bill is doing the right thing.
    Your Leftovers look quite tasty.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  4. Good to hear that Bill is feeling up to working again. Keeps him out of your hair ;-) Hopefully it won't be too stressful and hot for him.

    1. thank you Marlene. he/we are lucky he has his own hobby so I don't mind him around at all when he's off work. :)

  5. I'm envious of your good weather, even if it's rain! It sure makes for some beautiful flowers.

    1. Thank you Nancy, things are flourishing up here. We can't see the pond though and that is sad.

  6. Glad to hear that Bill is feeling so much better and able to return to work.
    M is lucky to have you around. You've done a lot of work in getting the apartment liveable as well as helping him find tenants too.
    Enjoy your lovely weather. It is raining here, again, and we're expecting more rain every day for the next several days. I want summer! Though it is has been good for the watering, some of the plants, the peppers especially, haven't grown much since planting because they need the heat.

    1. thank you Maebeme. I have to admit that M is fortunate to have me so available. Of course, I appreciate the $ and he is an appreciative friend too.
      I know! so much rain here too. Hot and humid but rain at least once a day. LOL

  7. Happy to hear Bill is feeling better and able to work. Your flowers are beautiful and it sounds like nice weather.—-Patti
