Tuesday, July 30, 2024

A Trip to Costco

The Ridge

On Tuesday, July 30th, with an assumed ‘true-to-written word’ forecast of rain for most of the day, we followed through with our plans to drive to Guelph’s Costco. At this time, we like to start stocking up on those elite items (food and otherwise) that we can’t find in the states. The list got longer as yesterday went on!

Good morning!

We slept in though until about 7:30, got up and were ready to leave shortly after 8 am. It is just over an hour to our destination. The rain hadn’t started although it was cloudy for most of the journey. We shopped until we dropped, (or were broke) and before coming home, Bill gave me directions to the Kitchener airport. I will be picking Andrew and Robin up from there in the middle of August. It is easy to find.

We arrived at Costco 15 minutes after opening.

Because we wouldn’t be home until close to 1, we stopped in Fergus at the A & W for lunch. Pig out time! We each had the Uncle combo, his with fries and mine with onion rings. Of course, accompanied by a diet A & W root beer. We were back in Durham, fueling up Ptooties by 1:15 and home soon after. It was a good haul and we were prepared for the expense of it. It’s only money, right? 😊

Uncle burger with onion rings
and diet root beer.
Very filling!

By the time groceries were all tucked away, we were worn out. It only rained for the last 15 minutes of our journey and then continued once we were tucked inside. I won’t have to water my plants tonight. I noticed as we pulled out this morning that I had 4 or 5 moonflowers blooming but, of course, by the time we returned, they were done. Too bad, they’re beautiful.

4 blooms today and 4 ready in the next
day or two.

No watering today and
I'm beginning to see some colour in the cherry tomato
department. πŸ˜„

We crashed in our chairs, all 3 of us, Gibbs had security detail while we were gone. Tough jobs. I made some Peanut Butter Rice Krispie squares because I inherited a full bag of marshmallows a week ago. We’ll have to eat them slowly; they are not good for us AT ALL! 😊 I chatted a bit with Patty and Duncan and it is good to know that they are now at their park in North Bay, safe and sound again.

Bill got a lot of our spare wood cut up
and cleaned up a big mess.

For supper, we had toasted tomato, lettuce and cheese sandwiches. A Rice Krispie square for dessert. I’ll cut them small. We didn’t have enough dishes to run the dishwasher and it wasn’t even worth putting water in the sink, so other than to-go cups for morning, the rest can wait. 

Large marshmallows

Peanut butter rice krispie squares

This has been a good but mostly inside day, not because of the rain but because of the 98% humidity. It got up to 25C/78F. We spoiled ourselves by staying in the a/c and going over travel insurance options.

We only needed a small supper.
Too much bread for me today!!

Good night!

Thank you for stopping in to see what we’re up to. Your comments are always welcome!


  1. We gave up our Costco membership a few years back. Now, I sometimes wonder if we should have.

    No rain here for weeks, and things are very dry.

    God bless.

    1. We find it is worth it for us and even have a Sam's Club membership for down south. the latter one is very inexpensive.
      Hope you get some rain, it is still in our forecast and we are grateful.

  2. We used to shop at Cosco but found we could save just as much by watching the sales at the other stores. We actually had more storage space in our former trailer, than we do our Apartment, and our present trailer is even smaller.
    Glad you had a Safe trip, Enjoy the countdown.

    It's about time.

    1. Costco is our way of stocking up for the winter months but everyone is different in their needs.
      Thank you.

  3. Those Rice Krispie squares are SO bad for you .... I think you should send them all to me so they can be destroyed!!!!! I go to Costco for the chicken!!

    1. I know it!! I'll be sure to make some when we are near you this winter, so you can be BAD with us!! Yes, their chickens are delicious!

  4. Getting a big shop done is a big deal - especially when you have to unpack and put it all away when you get home. Those sweet treats look good, I've never had one before.

    1. Finding space for what we need to take is a task sometimes but it all fits eventually. haha.
      You've not had a rice krispie square? Oh my, I know they are not good for us BUT.....

  5. Sometimes spending money is a necessity, especially for a good cause. Do you find prices in the Arizona similar to here in Canada? I noticed a lot of different brands and things we don't have when I went to MInot last winter but the prices weren't that much different from home.

    1. Prices aren't that much different, no, between Az and Canada, but there are things we can't find down there or at least not in the quantities.

  6. Always enjoy our Costco trips but have to be prepared to spend the $$..LOL.

    1. Yes, we try to stick to the LIST, haha, but there is always something extra, right?

  7. That burger looked good. Unfortunately the KFC/A&W in West Sacramento is really bad. It's a good place to stay away from.

    1. The burger was sloppy and good. Almost as good as Bill's. ♥
