Monday, July 15, 2024

The Ides of July

The Ridge

On Monday, July 15th I wonder if we’ll see the full moon tonight. I know it has been bright and I did notice the Waning Gibbous Phase last night before the clouds moved over it. That was 99% illumination so I hope the clouds mind their own business tonight and let us see the full effect. I love how light it is outside at 10 or later. 😊

Good morning!
My dahlias at the gate garden are blooming.
I wish the flowers were bigger but they're still learning.😀

We were up before 7 and Bill took the garbage bag and one recycle bin down to the end of the lane. They don’t pick up until late morning or early afternoon but we are early birds with most things so………..there ya go! I left a few minutes later and popped a card in the mail box for pick up and carried on to the Mat. It was already warm out but there was a lovely breeze coming in through the west to east windows.

Bill got a lot trimmed and it's made quite a difference.

The boss is impressed. I don't mean me.

It was sure sticky in town when I left the laundromat an hour later so it was a relief to get back up here on the Ridge. Bill and Gibbs were inside deciding their plan of the day. Bill wanted to do some trimming down the lane for when company arrives this weekend BUT the sky was threatening rain and so was the forecast. I left a few minutes before 10 to take M into town and we did get rain within 5 minutes of my leaving.

Our guests won't have to worry about
scratches now!

Bill wouldn’t be working outside anytime soon. The Hangar would be hot as would the Bunky so when I returned around 11:15, we both stayed put. Bill read through my online Photobook for me and helped me by making a few corrections and typos. He’s a great proofreader and I’d hate to have mistakes in the hard copy. It has happened, he’s never read it over before. 😊 So, I was able to get it sent off after lunch.

The grape vine is horrible and invasive.
I've landed on my butt a few times tugging so hard at it.

Not a great picture but you see how it clamps
onto the tree branches.

The rain stopped so while I was finishing the book, he slipped down the lane, unbeknownst to me and came in later, soaking wet from the wet weeds and branches. He says we have a few (about 6) trailer loads to pick up but not today. It is quite humid so we closed windows and popped the a/c on for the rest of the afternoon. He showered and went to the Hangar while Gibbs and I stayed inside. My book is so good, it is hard to put down.

Bill got a bit cleared down to where
he has the valve for our pump.
That project still needs to be figured out.

We moved outside around 4:30 and walked to check mail and see what Bill had done. I got my hands on some of that crazy wild grape vine at the end of the lane. I pulled and pulled and managed to break some of it off. It is taking over there in the field area to the west of the lane but I don’t want it on our side. One day when it has cooled down, I’ll take the clippers down. Clippers that first need sharpening! I came indoors to cool down but Gibbs had to stay out for a little longer.

Bill set my patio tomato pot up
on the fence.
Not sure what is eating my tomatoes.

I've never had a problem before so
maybe the rabbit we've seen has found them. 😖

For supper, we had Pork Ribettes and a potato for Bill and he finished off the Cole slaw from yesterday. I cooked a vegetable for me and we had some keto chocolate cake with whipped cream for dessert. I didn’t take many pictures today so I apologize for the long narrative in today’s post. I hope day turned out decent, not too hot, not too wet etc. I can’t imagine it being too cold anywhere but you get the drift.

A nice easy supper tonight. Bill finished the
Cole Slaw and I finished my broccoli.

Most of my cake was eaten so that's good.
It tasted better today than yesterday to me,
I think because I was pretty full from the main picnic fare.
We had whipped cream with it tonight and both of us enjoyed it!
Good night!

Thank you for stopping by today. We've had a warm day, 26C/79F. Happy Ides! 


  1. Here's hoping you have a full moon tonight and get to see it's full effect.Bill sure is a hard worker .Your food
    looks delicious Gibbs is such a cutie,Mary

    1. Thank you, it didn't happen here, the full moon. Yes Bill doesn't sit still for long.

  2. Anybody ever make jam from those wild grapes? And do you have raccoons which could be sampling your tomatoes? That's a big chunk gone!

    1. Not me, the grapes are very tiny and I don't have the patience now to try. Our first couple of years I thought I might but it never happened.
      We've only ever seen one one year and he never bothered the tomatoes then. It looks nibbled at. Maybe bird?

  3. Ooooooohhhhh cake!! Looks yummy! Bunnies will eat anything! I carried a few plants for awhile. Put them outside for some sun and they completely disappeared down to the roots. Little stinkers. Those are some nice tomatoes ... I hope they survive until ripe. The lane looks very nice. Amazing how fast that stuff grows and takes over! Good job Bill!!

    1. The cake wasn't too bad at all but YNt whipping cream helped. The texture is not as fluffy as real cake.
      Bill did do a great job.

  4. We have a similar vine here too, name of which I forget, that is invasive and will strangle the trees. Good work by Bill getting the branches and bushes cleared along the laneway.
    I suspect you are right, the bunny has a taste for your tomatoes. Keeping it up and out of the way should keep it safe, unless it is a bird. Fingers crossed!
    Enjoy your day!

    1. They do strangle the small trees and bushes. Bill did a great job in the laneway and once it's cooler again will get Gerry's trailer and clean it up.
      I hope we've solved the tomato issue.

  5. Everything is so green and beautiful! Your tomatoes are really doing good. That cake looks amazing, especially the frosting :)

    1. Thank you Shirley! The tomatoes are doing good, I hope the critters (?) stay away!
      The cake is good and the frosting is 'gooder!'
