Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Still Busy 😊, Happy Birthday!

The Ridge

On Tuesday, July 23rd I didn’t hear a peep until 10 to 7. My boys were quiet or else I was dead to the world. I know I was in the midst of a dream, which was likely the reason. I came down after getting washed and dressed, and when I noticed a few drops of rain on the steps, went out and put the hammock and chair cushions away. We knew there was a chance for rain this afternoon but it could be earlier.

Good morning!
You're going out again, Mom?
This scruffy little man gets a haircut on Friday. 💗

The rain didn’t last and Bill was ready to go to work before me. I gave Gibbs his treat by 7:30 and drove in to the Mat. A couple of customers kept me company, pleasant people. I had a set of sheets from Williamsford to wash and dry for the bnb and when I saw that a washer was jammed full of clothes etc. (since my time on Sunday) I made 3 loads and washed everything.

♪♪"Out in the country" ♪♪

There must be a reason for a young family to do this, lack of money, no vehicle, forgetting because of distractions? I try hard to be sympathetic so when they were washed, I dried and folded everything. It filled a garbage bag to the brim so I put a note in and tied it closed. There were 6 bath/beach towels as well so the ones that weren’t quite dry (and I didn’t want to wait around for) are hanging on our line to dry. It was almost 10 when I got home and had my shower.

Happy Birthday, Donna! 💖💖

Today, is my sister, Donna’s, birthday. I invited her out to lunch so at 11:30 picked her up and drove down the street to Stacked. It is a 7 – 3 pm restaurant (so no dinner menu) that they frequent and enjoy, but Bill and I have not been to yet. I ordered the Eggs Benedict and it was delicious! The menu offered a lot of great choices so I’ll be sure to get Bill there one day soon.

Yummy. I only ate the half the home fries
but they were delicious too!

The winding hilly way home the back way

I left Hanover after dropping Donna off and made my way to Williamsford. I needed to check on the full dryer load of clothes and return the sheets that I just laundered. I’m glad I went and although I was pleased that everything dried in her dryer, when she said she got a new booking for tonight for 4 people, I knew they’d need some of the towels I was folding. 😊

Getting the mail

I can't help it, I need to
take pictures of what I'm proud of.

I was out of there by 2:30 on my way home and it hadn’t rained yet. Gibbs and I walked to the mail, retrieved a parcel for Bill, and hung outside and in the Bunky for half hour before it started to drizzle. I put him indoors and worked on the puzzle. It has been almost a week since I’ve touched it! I made great progress and I knew that it was the rain that had Bill returning home early. They are working outside today.

It's coming along and fun to do.

We had toasted omelette/westerns for supper, mine in a tortilla and it didn’t bother me a bit having eggs in my menu again. 😊 He enjoyed it very much. We cleaned up the dishes and the sky is darkening up and there is thunder in the distance.

Another nice egg meal.

It has been a wonderful day, making some cash and then spending time with my big sister. She is 4 years my senior yet sometimes, we still feel like children when we’re together.

The floor is the coolest place for him inside.

It got humid today and reached a high of 26C/78F but feeling much hotter. I'm not complaining in the least, and as I type, the rain is watering our plants.  Tomorrow could be a wet day. I hope you are enjoying your summer!

Nothing special to show in the sky tonight
but it will be a nice night for sleeping again.
Good night all!

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. Love all your pics ~ back way home, Gibbs, you and your sister!! Flowers are doing so well !
    Had right cataract removed yesterday....your page is VERY BRIGHT NOW !! Get the left done in 2 weeks. Still need glasses for reading - that's fine! Thank you again for all the pictures!

    1. Thank you, you are so kind. Good job on the eyes! Isn't it nice when things work out? You might need sunglasses to read my blog now. Ha ha.

  2. It was nice of you to do laundry for people you don't even know.That is a nice photo of your sister and you, I am glad the
    rain caused Bill to leave
    his job early , he works a lot.Wishing you Gibbs and
    Bill lovely times, -Mary

    1. Thank you Mary. I just hope the young family comes back to get their clothes. You never know if they are still in the area, a lot of campers pass through Durham.

  3. Makes you wonder why they left all those clothes. Happy Birthday Donna!!! Great picture of you two. As always, I love your blooming flowers!!!

    1. Thank you Nancy. Yes, I can't figure it out, hopefully they came in and got them yesterday.

  4. Happy Birthday to Donna! That was a very nice photo of the two of you. It's wonderful you can get together.
    Love the dahlias and your flower bed at the gate is going gangbusters.

    1. Thank you for the wishes for Donna. :) Maybe we've started a birthday lunch tradition. ♥
      I agree about the gate garden! Im quite pleased!

  5. Happy Birthday Donna! The eggs benedict looks amazing! Definitely sounds like a great day :)
