Saturday, July 6, 2024

A Pleasant Day – Bonk on the Head

The Ridge

On Saturday, July 6th I was up at 6:30, obviously slept out since I went to bed last night at 9:30! The glass of red wine at suppertime helped along with that. I have to admit that I’m a cheap date! 😊 I slept well, switching out the duvet for our light bedspread was the right move. It was perfectly comfortable up there with windows open.

Good morning.
Hammock hanging out

Hoping for the sun to pop through.
It did occasionally.

Bill left at 7:30 to go flying. There was no real sunshine in the forecast but as long as the winds are below 10 mph, clouds don’t matter for the pilots. He was happy to have a calmer, dry day for a change. Gibbs and I just hung around here together, in and out. I decided to wash our windows on the outside so got my Norwex mop and window cloths out. It didn’t take long and they are a huge improvement even if maybe not perfect.

I thought I'd start my craft but these were
the only colours I had.

I'll just leave this stuff on the table for now.

Then, I got the hammock out (we put the canvas bed part away if it rains) and Gibbs and I relaxed for a while together. I put the puzzle away and got out my next ‘project’ only to discover that I didn’t have much variety in my coloured stones. Hmm, Robin didn’t have any either so I might have to wait to start on it. At 12:30, Bill wasn’t home yet so I had lunch and that’s when he pulled in the lane. He made his sandwich and then went out to move more stones up the berm.

Bill and I wondered what the farmers were growing
behind us this year.
Is it flax?

The weather was funny today. Warm but not real sunny. I turned us off of power to see if the panels would get any juice. They did but not in huge bunches. I wanted to try a recipe for some broccoli, egg, cheese cupcakes (more like quiche-cakes) so today was the day. Oh, first, I used our little Dirt Devil vac and did the floors lickety-split. It’s nice to have to drag out the big hose from under the bed.

My broccoli egg cheese cupcakes

It is much easier to do the bedroom now since the plug in for the central vac is down at our trailer entrance. ??? Strange set up, we think. 😊 More relaxing outside with Gibbs and when Bill started trimming branches down by the Hangar, we joined him and helped removed the trimmings to the brush pile. Gibbs really just watched, lazy little bum.

This little guy loves the outdoors.
As long as one of us is still outside,
he has to wait for us.

We had a couple of things to sell so loaded them in the back of Black Beauty. In doing so, the room divider fell over and hit me in the temple, hard. Yeouch!! It is very tender so I took a couple of Tylenol and we carried on. We stopped at M’s to pick up a nearly new folding cot to take as well. He should get a fair price for that. Robin will do her best to sell the items for a small consignment fee. We chatted with her for a bit before returning home.

Two little patio tomatoes, so far.

Bill went to the Hangar and I sat with Gibbs until supper time. Grilled bacon cheeseburgers tonight and since I have no lettuce, on a bun again tonight. 😊 Donna and Gerry invited us over for a fire tonight so we will likely go over for a bit after we eat. The burgers were wonderful! I’m sure I made a sound at each bite….well, almost. Yummy. 

I planted my Kalanchoe today.
It had a lot of roots.

We cleaned up, dressed in long pants and shirts and all 3 of us joined the Bain’s around 7:30. We had a nice few hours of fire and chit chat before heading home at 10. We reached 23C/73F today which was pretty much perfect weather. 

Delicious burgers on the menu

This was a great day – except for the whack on the noggin. I’m fine, it’s just tender to the touch. 😊 I hope we sell the darn thing!

A small fire with some beverages to
quench our thirst.
Mosquitoes didn't bother me but
they liked Bill tonight. 😌
Good night!

Thank you for popping in.


  1. Ouch, hope the head is feeling better today. Good luck with the sale of your items.
    Hope today is sunny and warm!

    1. Thank you, all better! Well, a bit tender when I touch it so I don't! :)

  2. OUCH!!! That hurt!! Gave me the chills. I hope it's better. Gibbs keeps a close eye on his "herd". If that field of green has blue flowers, then it's flax. The thing I saw growing most in Western Canada was Canola, and it's not that.

    1. thank you, it is better if I don't touch it. haha
      My son-in-law said the same thing. He said it is a beautiful field if it is flax.
      I don't think it is though, more like millet. Hmmm, strange, we have canola, beans, corn and wheat as a rule so this is different.

  3. Pretty sure that is barley. They grow lots of that around here.

    1. Barley has a "beard" according to my farmer's son. No beard on this...

    2. Quite the puzzle! I'm thinking now that it might be millet..........won't know until the next stage likely.

  4. Getting hit in the temple can cause Vertigo problems. If you start losing your balance, seek medical attention.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. I know there are some dangers so told Bill I wasn't going to sleep in the afternoon, just in case. I'm fine though, thanks Rick.
