Monday, July 29, 2024

Goodbye, For Now

The Ridge

On Monday, July 29th, a new week begins. Bill is on holidays and that is the best news! I don’t need holidays, per say, since my part time jobs don’t fill my days. However, when we pack up and leave The Ridge in October, we are both on a 6- month vacation! 😊 We were still awake and up this morning at 6:30. I had the Mat to clean and laundry to get done.

Good morning!
Beautiful drying day.

Our guests were leaving by 9 so I wanted to be in to clean early and be back before they pulled out. It worked out exactly that way. No one was in the laundromat so I had no distractions, no delays. As I was hanging clothes on the line, Duncan and Patty were ready to say goodbye. We have mixed blessings watching them leave, since we have such a nice time with them, but we know that a whole new adventure is opening up to them.

All set for the Hitch House in Barrie for 'hitch' work.

Watching for low hanging branches

Other than a couple that brush from the high sides,
Duncan was very grateful for Bill's hard work
of cleanup.πŸ’–

Their new Class A motorhome is a beauty and once they get the hitch on to tow their car, there will be no stopping them! We waved s’long knowing that we’ll see them this winter in Arizona. 😊 We are all very excited about that, since it is their first time. I finished with the clothes and helped Bill check the Suite’s back lights. We had an issue on our return trip in the spring with one taillight not working. He fixed it this morning and they all work now.

Gibbs sat with me at the puzzle.
He's so helpful!

I worked on the puzzle for half hour and then drove over to take M into town for his errands. While at Foodland I picked up milk, cranberry juice and took advantage of their steak special. Buy 1 T-bone, get 1 free. It gets better, as I had $20.00 in Scene points to cash in. Two great steak meals for $20? Yes, please!

I do hope they are as good as they look.
We'll find out one day this week.

The heat has definitely returned, we’ve had 4? 5? beautiful days, just perfect for having company. There is a 38% chance of rain overnight (early morning) and a 91% chance for Tuesday. I think that is a great excuse to go to the Costco in Guelph, don’t you? Neither of us have to be anywhere, so it is perfect. The temperature rises again after that with mostly dry conditions. Summer is definitely here. 😊

Poached egg on sour dough toast for lunch.

I finished the puzzle in the hot Bunky and came in to read with Gibbs. It’s too warm for him, even with a haircut. At 3:30, I made my tea and had a few nuts for a snack and then we walked down to ‘get the mail’. He got to the foot of the corral, walked about 25 more feet (adult feet) and stopped. Too hot, Mom. I retrieved the flyer from the box and brought the recycle bins back up.

Bill was busy this morning.
We had a lot of loose boards just dropped here
beside the shed.
He built a shelf so it is up off the ground and
we can now cut there.
Neat and tidy.

Sadly, my $1 puzzle had a piece missing
but it was such fun!

Our little guy was knackered from the busy weekend.

He didn’t waste anytime coming inside with me when I got back. When Bill came up from the Hangar, we shared the chore of bringing the clothes in, folding them and putting them away. We had fish and chips for supper; I had coleslaw instead of chips. We had poached egg on toast for lunch and that was my fill of carbs for the day. 😊

The Dahlias are going crazy at the gate with many more
to bloom.
Bill is sad that it covers our Mexico metal work
so next year I will plant the bulbs differently.
I'd like it to be more visible too.
Who knew they would grow so well?

We wrote up our grocery list for Costco and did our own thing for the evening. I hope you had a really nice weekend too and your week has started out AOK. This was a great day, reaching a high of 30C/87F by mid day. 

Our fish meal is always bland looking
but it tasted great!
Good night!

Thank you for your visit!


  1. How fo you store your dahlia over winter?

    1. I brown bag them and Donna keeps them in her basement for me.

  2. It will be nice to read about your winter adventures together.
    Be Safe and Enjoy Cosco.

    It's about time.

  3. Wow ... you finished that puzzle in a flash!! Love your dahlias at the gate. Sure makes a welcoming entrance.

  4. Sounds like you had a nice visit and can look forward to more time together in the winter.
    Poor Gibbs, the heat sure takes it out of him. Your dahlias went crazy...apparently that is a good place for them.
    Safe travels!

    1. Thank you Maebeme, yes looking forward to seeing what they think of Arizona. :)

  5. The dahlias are beautiful 😍.
