Sunday, July 28, 2024

Some Work, Some Play, Some Self-Made Heat

The Ridge

On Saturday, July 28th I was up and mobile by 7 or very soon after. Bill, of course, was up sooner than that. It was an absolutely morning, although a tad chilly at 11C/52, so he and Duncan left to go to the flying field. I wasn’t far behind, on my way to the Mat to clean. I decided not to do laundry today since Bill doesn’t need work clothes this week. I can do it Monday.

Good morning!
I was pulling blinds to keep it cooler
and noticed the shadows.
So, play time!
(when is the last time you've done this?)

Early morning drive.

I finished sorting the Lost and Found (remember that bag of clothes?) threw out anything stained or torn, bagged the good children’s clothing and brought the good adult items back here for the clothing exchange. On the way out of town, I dropped the one bag off at the front door of the 2nd hand store since they hadn’t quite opened yet. Back home, after Patty finished inside, we sat outside with Gibbs and then each had an early lunch.

So cute!!

I was having company today for cleaning Williamsford! That’s fun and sPatty was anxious to see the bnb I’ve talked about. 😊 We worked together, not that I wanted her to work, but she helped make the beds, bag the recycling and watered and deadheaded the outside plants. On the way home, we swung by Robin’s and she was home now and had her garage sale open. I was happy they could meet. We left the garbage and recycling at her house for Monday’s pick up.

Beautiful day.

Back home, I realized I left my phone at the bnb, sitting there being charged. Duh! I made the drive back before the new guests arrived for tonight. By now, it was hot out, reaching 28C/82F and higher with the humidity. That’s quite alright, we have enough shade if we want it. The boys were working on an airplane down by the Hangar (in the shade), and when the Stinson Reliant revved up, I knew they were making progress.

Adult toys?
When we're finished, I'll donate
at least one, if not both, to Robin for the bnb.

Patty and I had picked up some FREE games along the highway earlier so played a few games. When it was time, our guests had supper ready and we joined them in their lovely home. This is what they do each time they come, one night is a ‘treat’ to thank us for their stay.  Although it is never necessary, we quite enjoy it!

It was another
awesome meal.
White Bean Chicken Chili.
I need that recipe!!
Plus, a grapefruit pie. ♥

Throughout the day, I was receiving notes and pictures on Messenger from my sister and hubby from Alberta. They had flown out on behalf of our siblings for our nephew’s wedding. It would have been lovely to have gone but the finances weren’t there for us, so the pictures were great!

Gibbs entertained us.
Left picture, can you see his eye through that hole?
He sat there for auite a while watching me. 

Are you laughing at me, guys?
I'm sure Chippy went in the wood pile.

After supper, we met outside for a campfire and we were happy Donna, Gerry and Mike joined us from the Acreage for a few hours.

A beautiful evening.
The sun dropped and we all needed hoodies.
We couldn't see the 9 pm ISS because it was still too light, but Bill, Duncan
and I saw the second one at 10:26. Cool!

It is odd that it turns so cool on a July evening, especially after such a hot day. The whole weather system is screwed up this year – everywhere! 

I didn't  notice until too late
that everyone but Duncan was 
looking at the camera.
Gibbs was the focal point of their attention.
Come on folks!! Haha

It was a really nice day and evening but after 10:30, I was not able to write my blog. There are more important things going on! 😊

♥ Congratulations Larissa and Alex! ♥
My brother, Michael and sister-in-law, Crystal.
They look amazing! 
Good night!

Thank you for the visit too!


  1. Congratulations & Best Wishes to the Bride & Groom. May you share many, many happy years together filled with Love & Prosperity!

  2. Congrats to the young couple!
    It's been cooling off at night here too, feeling more like late August nights. I appreciate it, as we aren't using the a/c as early in the day.

  3. It has been unusual weather for this time of year.
    Nice to spend time with your friends.
    Congratulations to the Newlyweds.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  4. Congratulations to Larissa and Alex.

    I wish we could have the firepit evenings, it just has been much too hot out and since my headaches I am being very careful over how much sun I get in a day.

    God bless.
