Monday, July 22, 2024

A Quieter Day to Start the Week

The Ridge

On Monday, July 22nd neither of us had to be anywhere too soon. Bill didn’t have to report to work until 10:30 and I was scheduled to pick M up at 9. So, we lazed in bed until 7:30. It felt good. I don’t mind my jobs because they are flexible but I can’t wait until Bill is no longer committed to 5 days a week again. This summer is the exception and maybe it will be good. I know he is getting tired.😊

Good morning!
Heading over to M's
Lots of room for our big rig(s) now.

So, I left my boys behind and drove over to take M to Hanover today. His bank account has a fraud charge on it, that thankfully the bank’s security caught, but it means he has to get a new card again. He isn’t careless with it, so how someone in the U.S. gets it, it just one of those mysteries and a hacker’s dream, apparently. We got that straightened out quickly, made a stop at Car Quest and returned to Durham for his normal errands.

I wasn't outside taking pictures today
so my drive is what you get.

It was 10 minutes to 11 when I dropped him off. I was home for half hour before I had to leave for Williamsford to clean the air BNB for Robin. She flew out to Newfoundland this morning to finish the bathroom in that home so it can get bookings. 😊 Busy gal! I’m happy to fill in, it has been a couple of weeks since I’ve been there. It will pick up at the end of the week and next month.

Coming home the back way on gravel roads.
Ptooties doesn't mind.

I was pretty hot when I left there at 1:30 so stopped in Dornoch for a Chapman’s chocolate peanut butter cup ice cream cone. Go big or go home, right? One scoop was huge and that made the $5 worth it. I sat on the picnic table to eat it as it was melting quickly. Yum, it was delicious! I carried on home the back way and the day was sure warming up. Gibbs is getting quite ‘wooly’ so I closed windows and put the a/c on.

Sometimes you just can't resist.

We stretched out in my recliner and dozed. Purolator backed up the lane way, yup, backed up all the way, and brought me my Photobook. That was a surprise, I’d forgotten about it. There are few minor blips in it, even after our proofreading, but no one will notice but Bill and I. We’re usually the only ones who read them, I do write them for us.

Bill is sound asleep

But this little gapher knew I had the camera.

Bill was home around 4:30 and after his snooze, he grilled sausages for supper. We had bbq’d corn on the cob too and it was all very good. Oh, plus some vinegar’ed cucumbers that I picked from Bridgette’s gardens. 😊 I finished my blog and relaxed for the evening. It has been a lovely day and I guess kind of busy after all.

A tasty little supper.

We reached a high of 27C/80F with a mess of clear sky up there. I didn’t see the moon when I went to bed last night, it was cloudy, but it was there in the west sky this morning when I opened my eyes.

Front and back covers.
It was quick coming too.
Good night!

Thank you for the visit.


  1. Glad you both ad an easy day.
    Your Travel Book looks very nice.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. In the photo of you with your ice cream cone there's a payphone booth
    we haven't had those where I live for years
    Five days of work is as lot
    I hope Bill won't have to do that much longer
    It's sweet that Gibbs lays on Bill while he's sleeping
    Have a good night -Mary

    1. I almost edited that phone booth out, now I'm glad I didn't. Ha ha!
      This summer of 5 days and next for 3 and then quit, quit, quit, we hope!

  3. It's great that you have a few side jobs to line the pockets a bit. The best part is your schedule, pretty flexible. Delicious summertime meal too!

    1. Thank you, the part time jobs help a lot, waiting for Bill to get to more 'part' than 'full' time too. :)

  4. I wonder how the air bnb in Newfoundland will be going when Robin won't be there to check on things. Good thing that you can help out Robin and I'm sure she appreciates you.

    1. Robin has people in Nfld, Manitoba and Saskatchewan to look after those places for her. I know she appreciates all of us. She's a smart cookie!

  5. Flights aren't inexpensive these days, so I'm sure Robin is hoping to get the rental ready soon. As for M, I have to wonder if his passwords aren't too similar to the last? Once the hacker has figured out the first one, it might be easier the next time.
    Oh, I did want to ask what company you use for your photobook. Usually I print a few photos from my cruises and create a photo album, but for anyone else there is no memories attached. A book might be more interesting.

    1. I know Robin said it is $300 for her to fly to Nfld and $200 for Mildred (her pooch) but she won't leave her home with someone. ♥ I'm sure she'll be glad at the end of the week when it is done.
      I use 'Photobook" and there is another one I used to use called 'Blurb', you can check them out. We love my books, even those I have made some errors in. :)
