Thursday, July 11, 2024

Gather, Prepare, Assemble – Relax

The Ridge

On Thursday, July 11th it was quiet when we woke. Aaah. The rain had stopped. 😍It was cloudy first thing and everything looked wet, although there were no puddles in our parking area. The field behind us was looking pretty sad, the winds and rain had flattened a lot of it and other fields around that have the same crop. So much work put into the crops that we sure hope it bounces back with the sunshine.

Good morning!
The fields behind us, at the corner
and along Baptist Church Road were
pretty flat. 

The buildings were looking quite

Bill left first this morning and I followed soon after. The Mat was empty when I arrived until one lady was in and out with her laundry. In an hour, I was ready to leave. I told her it was my fault if we got rain this afternoon as when I looked up, a big spider was making a web over the entranceway. Yeuch, I hate ‘em so with the long arm Swifter I wasted no time and showed him who’s boss. 😊 Victorious!

Now, the Shastas look happy!

And my tomatoes and peppers are too!
Thanking the rain and sun.

I had nothing else to do in town so came home straight away. The clouds were breaking up but I remained inside and worked on my book until noon hour. By end of day, my Photobook is finished but Bill will run through it and look for any errors that need to be corrected. I made myself a cold plate but heated up the leftover liver to eat with it. It was tasty and filling.


I had a plan so went outside with Gibbs and began to gather ‘things’. I have a container of old candles to make our fire starters so brought it over to the bbq. It also contained wax paper, a broiler pan and assorted other ‘tools’.

First, the candles and sawdust shavings

The broiler pan, stir stick,
egg cartons and wax paper

Behind the outhouse, we have a large bag of sawdust shavings that I use as well and so I partially filled a bag of that and brought it over as well to the patio. The Weber lit right away, which doesn’t always happen to me, and I began the process. Melting the wax on medium heat didn’t take long at all and while I waited, I played my online Wordle games. Gibbs sat in the shade beside me the whole time.

Filling the cartons with the shavings first
Melting the candles. it gets poured into the homemade
plastic pourer and the wick and metal ends go in the juice box.

I had 72 of the ‘egg cups’ filled and hardening within a couple of hours. I cut them into separate cups and wrapped them, like Mom used to wrap our lunch sandwiches, until I ran out of wax paper. There’s a memory for ya! 😊 I have 28 more to cut and wrap tomorrow or Saturday and I’ll bag some for Donna at the Acreage. She uses them every time, as do we. The rest of the day was for relaxing and in my gravity chair, I'm really good at that!

Each cup gets doused with the melted wax
and when hardened, i cut them and fold the tops in.
time to wrap! Oh, and yah, it's kind of messy. 

I read some of my book, it’s getting hard to put down, and Gibbs and I checked the empty mail box. He was outside for 90% of the day, with or without me, and when Bill texted at 4:30 that he was leaving work, we waited. He wouldn’t come in until Daddy returned. Bill went straight to the Acreage to get water for our tank as we were scraping bottom.

He never left my side

See? I know how to relax!

For supper, we had leftover pork loin, corn and fried potatoes for Bill and cauliflower for me. It doesn’t look like much on my plate but it was the perfect amount. I’m happy with the scales these days, both Bill and I are getting close to our comfortable weight so not overeating is working. 😊 We cleaned up dishes and Bill was tired enough to just watch a movie tonight.

Look at the size of the dahlias at the gate garden!
They love it out there.

In case you ever wondered. Gibbs still loves all his stuffies.
Today, he dug them all out of his basket, giving them each special
attention. Stuffy, Goober and of course, Moo Cow. πŸ’˜

I’ll finish my blog and probably do the same unless my book draws me first. We had an absolutely beautiful day today. We were able to disconnect from power and take advantage of that gorgeous sun with just a few white fluffy clouds. We reached a high of 26C/78F. Perfect. 

A request from a commenter.
My air fryer is small with just a 
temperature and timer dial.It is a

I’ll have an interesting day tomorrow so pop in tomorrow evening or Saturday, if you get the chance.

Supper was tasty. My broccoli
is turning yellow so I have to get it
eaten. you'll see it on my plate again.
Good night!

Thank you for visiting!


  1. Something else that works well for making Fire Starters is Dryer Lint. I'm certain you can find some.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Haha, I have some but wanted to use the sawdust first. I do have access to lint but don't like it from the Mat, I get it from Robins bnb, it's clean.

  2. Most plants are very
    resilient,I think those crops will do just fine.
    It's so sweet that Gibbs
    waits for Bill before he'll
    go in.You and Bill are
    doing really well at losing

  3. Ha. I'll bet you do have access to dryer lint!

  4. Oooh, you really had a great soaking! We could use a good rain here, especially for the garden.
    Enjoy your day!

  5. I love the fire starters. In the Girl Guide movement we used drier lint for ours. We really could use a good soaking rain right about now. I live about 200 km from Maebeme.

    God bless.

    1. I've used dryer lint too but have more sawdust shavings than lint. The lint from the Mat is dirty so I throw it out.
