Saturday, July 27, 2024

Gibbs and Company

The Ridge

On Friday, July 26th I took my time getting moving. Bill, however, was up at 6 and out the door before 7:30. Last day of a full week and he’s on vacation next week. Yay! 😊 I had my tea and played my Wordle games with Gibbs sitting close beside me. Little lovebug, he is.

Good morning!
Hard to tell here, but this was what
Bill has been working on.
Our berm garden and behind it the white
stone platform for our 'view only' chairs
and flag pole.
Looks better in person. 😀

At 9:30, he and I drove into Durham for his grooming appointment with Kate. I left a furry little man at Bath and Biscuit at 10 and made one stop at Home Hardware before I returned home. I cleaned the outhouse making it presentable for company and then sat in the sun with my book. At 11:45, I returned to pick up a handsome little man, yup, he’s ours!

Here is the furry little guy enjoying some fresh air
on the drive. Yes, he's tied in. ♥
Posing for his 'after' haircut pictures.
Those eyes!

I had to return something to H.H. so made a quick stop there and then we drove home. Our company had not yet arrived but the rest of the day was free for me. My plans, up until last evening, were to head to Williamsford to clean for Robin but I got a message from Jessica (the other cleaner) who said her plans changed and she could clean today after all. That helped me out, so I accepted her offer. It was only 10 minutes later when Duncan and Patty and the big coach pulled in.

Ready for company

Gibbs was inside and, of course, barked as Duncan expertly drove in and backed up to their reserved spot. 😊 Patty and I caught up a bit while he looked after a few things first and then I left them to finish setting up and to grab their lunch. I had some of my keto bread and it didn’t win any favours with me today, but the meat, cheese and cucumber did. I’m still searching and ‘will’ find a recipe that is suitable!

While they set up, Gibbs
and I relaxed on the patio.
He actually fell asleep on the stairs. 
Bless his little heart.

We passed the afternoon chatting until Bill came home from work around 4:15. Okay, now it is time to celebrate! We each got our adult beverage and sat around the picnic table until 6:15, time to begin supper. Leftovers pork tenderloin for us with coleslaw and our vegetable. Not too fancy and yet filling enough. I might make popcorn later! Bill suggested a campfire so started it after setting the dishwasher to run. 

Pleasant company for a few days.

All set up to enjoy The Ridge with us

Supper was quick and easy to prepare.
Tasty too!

We sat together until near dark, warming ourselves and when I glanced at the clear sky, I noticed the International Space Station going over us to the east. Cool! We've watched it many times but this was special because our friends had never seen it. It was just after 10 when we all said goodnight and came indoors. 

Bill had a nice fire going with the
help (ahem) of my fire starters. 
Ha ha

This has been a great day. We love having Duncan and Patty here, the conversation never ceases and we enjoy a lot of laughs together. Tomorrow will be fairly busy so tonight is for relaxing. 😊 We reached a lovely high of 25C with mostly clear skies all day. The clouds did move in later but we have no complaints whatsoever. We’ve got some great weather days on the horizon, perfect for a holiday week.

A lovely sun saying goodbye for the night.
Good night!

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. Sounds like a great day. I bet Gibbs is thrilled to have a haircut, especially in the heat of the day.
    Enjoy your weekend!

  2. That grooming will definitely make Gibbs feel cooler.
    Nice to be enjoying time with friends.
    Be Safe and Enjoy the visit.

    It's about time.

  3. Good friends make such a big difference!

  4. It's wonderful that Bill is going to have a week off,
    Gibbs will feel cooler with that short hair, enjoy your company,be well, blessed
    and happy,-Mary

    1. I'm happy for Bill, he has lots of small projects HE wants to complete. I don't need to give him lists. haha
      Thank you, Mary.

  5. So fun to have visitors! Glad Mr Gibbs survived his haircut. He'll be cool as a cucumber now!
