Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Sky Can’t Decide, A Few Odd Jobs

The Ridge

On Thursday, July 25th I was up before 7 and Bill was almost ready to go to work. It’s been a full week for him and it’s one of those mixed blessings, right? 😊 I stripped the bed and grabbed our bath towels and left the Ridge about 10 minutes behind him. I pulled into the Ultramar/Pioneer station for gas as soon as I got into town. It’s the best time, not too many fueling up, if any.

Good morning!
I caught the sun just on time last night.

Then I drove across the street to the Mat. I was alone the whole time, yay! The bag of clothes was still in the Lost and Found with two of their towels sitting on top as I left them. Crap! I removed the bag but decided to give them another couple of days. Plus, I was doing my own washing today and wanted to wash the other items in the L & F box that have been there for a couple of weeks. I put our sheets, towels and white bedspread in 2 machines and started to sort.

Gibbs and I watched a movie last night.
Not one worth mentioning but he enjoyed it. πŸ’—

this bag was still there, untouched.
I put the towels inside and put it back in the box
until Saturday.

I throw odd socks out and there were 3 singles and I throw out anything stained or torn. Today there were just 2 items besides the socks so the rest were worth washing. With the machine for that stuff running, I cleaned. Sandy had 95% of the machines fixed when I went in on Tuesday, which was really nice, but one machine had a note today stating NO water. I tested it and the note was accurate. Hmmm. I texted a pix to him.

Top picture was as I was ready to
leave the Ridge.
Bottom picture was on B.C. Rd. just around the corner.

At the corner of the highway looking east and west
as I approached town.
Fog gives everything an eerie appearance.

And then I noticed this.
Isn't that strange?

I was finished shortly before 9 and drove straight home. I hung our things plus the 7 items from the L & F box and sat with Gibbs until a few minutes before 10. M was ready with his empty beer cases and grocery bags ready when I arrived, as usual, and we drove to Durham. Only 3 stops today and at Foodland I walked in as well and picked up bread for Bill’s lunches and some grapes.

Back home, I found this 'dead?' dog on the grass.
As I approached and giggled, the tail went crazy
so he's alive and got belly rubs. πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

For lunch, I toasted 3 pieces (they’re small) of my keto bread and slathered them with butter. Hmmm again. They were pretty good! I’m glad I’m not wasting any ingredients by making it. 😊 Gibbs and I went outside after I finished and I cut the grass up here while he supervised. It’s his job, after all, and he does it well without too much critique. The lawn looks great again, on time for company.

Our grass is far from perfect, but
it still looks good when it is cut.

My Echinacea/Cornflowers are blooming.

I worked on the puzzle for a couple of hours, I guess, and when it was complete we walked down to check the mail. No parcel today, yet, I am expecting the second part of my Amazon order. The clouds make the day feel cooler than 21C/70F BUT when the sun breaks through, which is often, it feels warmer than that. It was fairly windy earlier and foggy first thing but the winds have calmed by mid afternoon somewhat.

When I finished the puzzle (it was a fun one!)
we walked down the wider laneway for mail.
Our travel insurance reminder means it won't be long
and we'll be traveling again! 

It was time. I didn’t do anywhere near a good, even decent, job but I went to the corral. I had to go barefoot on the big hill as I kept slipping. I did manage to pull a pile of the tall weeds but didn’t get down to the nitty gritty without gloves. I am fed up with it and as much as that is the wrong attitude, that’s what I feel. It looks a bit better. If we could afford it, I’d hire a landscaper to come in and do what they can to it. Ha ha. 😊

Oh my, there IS a garden in there.
When nothing is blooming, it looks quite the mess.

I made my tea around 4:30 and brought the clothes in. A couple of items are worth keeping myself and a couple for our next exchange. Some will get dropped at the 2nd hand store in town. Bill went and picked up Mike’s travel trailer after work and took it to the Acreage, its summer home so didn’t drive in until close to 6. I have planned smoked sausage on buns for supper with coleslaw. There are 2 buns left, so I’ll have one too.

These were good for a change
and on sale at Foodland this week.

Supper is done and it was good. We didn’t have the coleslaw, instead finished of the little bit of ice cream that was left in cones. Bill had filled our bladder with water while at the Acreage so during supper, that was transferred to the tank. After dishes, he dumped our black tank and then cut grass. Good thing he has a riding mower, that’s just too much work in one day! We like the place to look nice when we have guests coming but actually, any time too. 😊

Looking for food under the feeders.

The clouds are moving on out slowly making for a clear sky overnight. That explains the 9C/48F we’ll be dropping to. Might need our Mexican blankets on our bed. The sheets are clean and it will be nice crawling into them. This has been a good day with a few things taken care of. I hope yours was a good day too, it’s almost the weekend!

The hummer and finches are around
but each time I get my camera, the hummingbird disappears.
I'll have to make time to fill the seed feeders tomorrow.(again)
Good night!

Thank you for the visit.


  1. My flower bed is so overgrown with some short alien looking grass. I can't get ahead of it and the flowers don't seem to mind it.

  2. Gee I hope that family gets their clean laundry at some point in time,Bill working that much must make him feel secure about your future,I would definitely put a blanket on the bed when it's that cold, I hope you Bill and
    Gibbs have a nice night

    1. Thank you mary. With travel insurance going up every year and health conditions changing Bill does feel better bringing in a paycheck as do i.

  3. Having to take care of all that property is a fulltime job in itself.
    An Imperial Gallon is the same as 1.25 US Gallons.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. It almost is but we won't let it!!
      Not sure why the comment about the measurement??

  4. You and Bill both stay pretty busy during the summers. The coneflowers are so pretty, one of my very favorites! The Ridge looks great, enjoy your company.

    1. I guess we do, don't we?
      Coneflower!! I knew I said it wrong! Thank you!

  5. We've had mornings with fog here too. That means it's cooling off overnight, which forus has been a blessing with the day's heat.
    I'm surprised that people would leave behind that much clothing. Hopefully they show up soon.
    Enjoy your weekend and your company!

    1. That's true about the fog.
      Whatever the reason, I bet the clothes will go to Rethreads tomorrow.

  6. Those cornflowers ... WOW!! It makes me wonder why someone left all those clothes at the mat. Did they forget? Don't they need them? So many questions.

    1. I called the flowers incorrectly, coneflower is the correct name. Duh.
      The clothes? It happens too often but I do get some decent items out of it.

  7. Weeding is a never ending task. I really need to get out and do some, but it has been way too hot and the air quality is not the best due to smoke.

    Coneflower is the common name for Echinacea, or at least that is what I was told.

    God bless.

    1. You are absolutely correct about weeding AND the coneflower. I mis-named it in my post. Who was it made tea with theirs? Hmmm.
